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Candies in the study of non-inferiority trials: a creative pedagogic experiment

New challenges in education parallel with knowledge expansion. New research techniques have enabled major discoveries in science, together with a growing complexity of the studied themes. Students, part of the dynamic universe of the Internet, have also evolved and no longer fit the requirements of traditional pedagogy. For these new realities the way to educate in the twenty-first century requires a creative effort from educators, in order to convey knowledge that is increasingly complex. As an illustration of this new situation, we bring the report of a pedagogical experiment that sought, with the creativity of a fictitious intervention, to support the teaching of non-inferiority clinical trials. The experiment managed to show the usefulness of such clinical trials when there is the need to test the efficacy of treatments. The use of sweets and the participation of students as the test subjects constitute an active methodology, bringing students closer to their subject of study. The exercise conducted is in line with the pedagogical models suggested by the meaningful learning theory and can be used as a benchmark for similar initiatives.

Clinical Trials; Education; Medical Education; Active Methodology; Meaningful Learning

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