Open-access Teaching anatomy: dissection in association with technology in the Medical course


Introduction:   A 2010 study pointed out the future needs of medical education, with integrated contents and practices, fostered by virtual educational technology and by prioritizing competence, not time. Anatomy, indistinguishable from other fundamentals of medicine, faces restrictions on cadaver dissection.

Objective:  Essay on the teaching of anatomy in clinical contexts and the use of technologies

Method:   The “pubmed” platform of the National Library of Medicine and descriptors ((anatomy[MeSH Terms]) AND (method, teaching[MeSH Terms])) AND (surgery[MeSH Terms]) were used.

Result:   There are indications of 316 articles in the period 2000-2022 (June 2022). The main question about the teaching of Anatomy is the replacement of the dissection technique and, consequently, the use of the cadaver. Studies suggest maintaining the use of dissection, prosection and greater use of digital and model means.

Conclusion:  Cadaveric material should be secured with greater use of prosection and dissection being directed or elective. Virtual reality and permanent material must be assimilated as instrumental and supervised by qualified anatomists and enriched by interpretation and clinical applicability.

Keywords: Anatomy; Dissection; Education, Medical, Undergraduate; Curriculum; Learning

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