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The Definition of Social Needs According to Medical Education


Social needs originate from human groups that are able to impose their positions according to their strength in society and government. Tocqueville noted the importance of individuals and their work and described the formation of organizations in American society .These civil society organizations are the main obstacle preventing government from subduing individuals. When physicians attempt to define social needs other than their own, they may foster a closer identity between physicians and other groups, and physicians, by playing this role, may intend to act as political spokespersons for poorly organized groups. Such community organization may not completely materialize, and the “Healthy City” concept could help to overcome such difficulties. Medical schools could establish important models by teaching the differences between health and health services and by helping to identify, acknowledge, and raise the awareness of community leaders for the process of building a healthy community. Launching meaningful local health projects can help produce positive and visible results and raise the awareness of local residents.

Education Medical; Health services, needs and demands; Social group

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