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Comprehensive and Interdisciplinary Medical Training


This article aims to understand how medical students are being trained in terms of a comprehensive and interdisciplinary perspective. The study involved qualitative and quantitative approaches and began with a focus group with final-year medicine students from the Federal University of Paraíba. Subsequently, all students enrolled for the final year of the course completed a questionnaire prepared by the researchers with questions about their sociodemographic and student profile, and comprehensive and interdisciplinary medical training. The questions evaluated the concept, the practice, professional competence and the contribution of community outreach programs in relation to a comprehensive and interdisplinary training approach, which appears to be limited. The results indicate the need to: prioritize greater interaction between theory and practice; invest in teacher training to enable them to engage and teach comprehensive and interdisplinary health care; organize activities so that they can ensure meetings in the required curricular components, conducting joint activities in an interdisciplinary perspective; greater diversity of practice settings so as to include comprehensive care in an interdisciplinary context at all levels of health care.

Medical Education; Comprehensive Health Care; Interdisciplinary Communication

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