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Giving New Meaning to the Relationship Between Freshmen and Seniors: Peer Mentoring in the View of Student Mentors



Peer mentoring has been recognized as one of the support interventions to face one of the most stressful moments for students - the transition to higher education. This study brings the experience of the first year of activity of a peer mentoring program carried out at a Brazilian medical school. This study aimed to describe the process of peer mentoring with freshmen on the medical course and present the reasons for satisfaction and challenges encountered along the way, as well as suggestions for improving the activity.


Qualitative analysis of feedback submitted over the year by seniors, in the role of mentors. The statements were summarized using the Discourse of the Collective Subject method.


The mentors performed actions of academic support, personal support and were also hosts of the academic environment. It proved difficult to hold face-to-face meetings, so they were complemented by virtual meetings. Finding a common schedule and maintaining the frequency of meetings were the main challenges. Lack of interest from some freshmen and drying up of demands in the second half of the year generated frustration. On the other hand, the mentors observed the growth of freshmen and their own personal development, expressing feelings of gratitude and satisfaction with the affective bonds created. For the next experiences, the mentors suggested an earlier start for the program, fewer freshmen per group and greater monitoring of the activities by the coordination. Express requests have been made for mentoring to continue in the future.


Peer mentoring is a broad activity in the academic, personal and social fields. Freshmen are helped to deal with the uncertainties of starting the course in a safe space where anxieties can be shared. The mentoring relationship is mutually beneficial, and the senior also develops throughout the process. There were difficulties in holding the meetings and improvements are needed in order to engage more with the activity and expand its benefits.

Medical Education; Mentors; Orientation; Medical Students

Associação Brasileira de Educação Médica SCN - QD 02 - BL D - Torre A - Salas 1021 e 1023 , Asa Norte | CEP: 70712-903, Brasília | DF | Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 3024-9978 / 3024-8013 - Brasília - DF - Brazil