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Expectations for improvement on post medical residency: time for a professional master?

This paper investigates, from a field survey, the expectations and aspirations of medical residents to develop other activities in professional development. The opinions of residents of the Instituto Fernandes Figueira/Fiocruz, and their supervisors, were collected in order to assess interest and feasibility of any proposal to introduce other courses, as a part or extension of the residency program. In the construction of the research it was decided not to directly ask the residents about their interests in a particular course, but to circumvent the bias that such inquiry would encourage and, this way, expanding the horizons on the agenda. The questionnaire in its final form is broad enough to encompass the horizons of expectations that residents and supervisors crave, and specific enough to locate points of difficulty, impasse, and resistance. The movement introduced from its application, and data obtained from that, pointing to the prospect with which the research group sees these issues, allowing to undertake an analysis and draw inferences that can help to clear the researched field.

Internship and Residency; Education, Medical, Graduate; Medical Education

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