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The Medstudents's Journey - A Symbolic Model of Medical Education


Graduating as a medical professional is admittedly an arduous task and involves great challenges, which begin in the process of entering university and extend throughout the long training process. In this essay, we revisit the classic model of the Hero's Journey, also known as monomyth. This model, proposed by the anthropologist Joseph Campbell and reviewed by the screenwriter Christopher Vogler, was used to describe and understand the different perceptions of the transformations undergone by medical scholars throughout the course. The present paper consists of an interpretative theoretical essay that seeks to correlate the experience of the training course of the medical student with the Hero's Journey. Even considering that the individual situations are experienced in unique ways, the analysis of the common aspects support the identification of aspects of collective experiences. There is no intention to prove any specific point, but rather to discuss how the stages of the monomyth present themselves in everyday academic life. What is sought is to interpret the experience of the formative course of a medical student from the perspective of the archetype of the hero, identifying the events that define the steps or steps in the Journey, according to Campbell's vision. The discussion brings to light the medical student's journey presented from the steps proposed initially: four acts containing 3 steps each. It is important to emphasize that the stages are not proposed as fixed or obligatory stages, but rather as being subject to scrambling, deletion or addition, without compromising the narrative. Thus, the main events of the trajectory of the medical student were compared to the expected events of the monomyth, emphasizing the symbolic character of the journey, which is primordial. The correspondences between the Hero's Journey and the academic experience were analyzed in terms of several similarities, supporting the discussion of the symbolic aspects of medical training and its impacts on the situations experienced by students, teachers and medical professionals and their repercussions on the doctor's relationship with society and with him or herself.

Medical Students; Medical Education; Symbolism

Associação Brasileira de Educação Médica SCN - QD 02 - BL D - Torre A - Salas 1021 e 1023 | Asa Norte, Brasília | DF | CEP: 70712-903, Tel: (61) 3024-9978 / 3024-8013, Fax: +55 21 2260-6662 - Brasília - DF - Brazil