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Physiotherapy students' view of the educational context in a federal higher education institution (IFES) in consolidation

This study sought to provide an assessment of the profile of physiotherapy students at the Federal University of the Valleys of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri, investigating possible causes of student dropouts and analyzing student opinion on the course and a new Federal Higher Education Institution (Ifes) in expansion. It took the form of a descriptive observational study on 175 students. Data was collected via a questionnaire with open, closed and Likert questions, which addressed a range of personal, interpersonal, course, career and institutional topics. Students from the Ifes city or region accounted for 20% of the total and family income was varied. Most students chose to study in the university as they sought high-quality and free higher education, and after completing the course, 76% wished to study post-graduate courses. For most, the physical structure and the faculty foster learning, but the service provision does not. In light of the students' needs and expectations, solutions for improvement and ways to ensure progress for students, the course, the institution and the community may be offered.

Physiotherapy; Higher Education; Students; Student Dropouts; Medical Education

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