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The approach of the theme "Violence against Children" in UFF Medical School

During medical school, ___ students face cases of violence against children, but ___ not receiving proper guidance,__ can lead to serious consequences. The objective of this study was to survey the approach of the theme Violence against Children in the medical school of the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) and to analyze the perceptions of the students, teachers and doctors of their ability to deal with the issue. We also relate the production of teaching resources for courses in medical school in order to contribute to better medical training. Self-assessment questionnaires were administered to 120 students, 10 residents and 10 professors. The analysis showed that students declare that the issue is approached during training, but that they remain insecure. It was also verified that ____ first year students believe that by the end of the course they will be prepared to deal with the issue, which seems not to occur. Faculty members of Pediatrics reported addressing the issue in class, and only residents of this area had contact with cases and considered themselves confident to act. These results indicate_ the need for new pedagogical strategies to train physicians to deal with violence against children.

Health Manpower; Medical Education; Violence; Children

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