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Dawn of the Systemic Paradigm in Medical Education


The training of doctors in Brazil followed the Flexnerian project until the Unified Health System (SUS), with the diagnosis of the health sector situation and the implementation of policies to reorient the care model to one that favours Basic Care, showed the need to realign medical education to the needs of the emerging SUS. The new medical schools have to start with a pedagogical model that uses active teaching-learning methodologies, and the old ones have to adapt to this proposed model. This moment of transition is generating conflicts, difficulties, anxiety, hidden curriculum and misunderstandings. This situation is due to the need to overcome paradigms to act in the new pedagogical model, without, however, the people involved being aware of this. As we see and interpret the world through our paradigms, which act as lenses that filter what we see, establish limits of what is possible to believe and influence our perceptions and actions, the objective of this article is to propose a look at concepts and practices in this complex paradigmatic transition moment, aiming to collaborate with the discussion and, mainly, to understand the inconsistencies, difficulties and failures in the implementation of contemporary projects in the health education area. The study of the simple parts is not enough to understand the complex whole, which must be studied and understood in its entirety, from its relation to the other. The instability and complexity of the world highlight the importance of the processes, of the context of each situation, and the systemic connections between all phenomena. In the emerging Complex Thinking, the isolated contributions of each discipline no longer fit, but an interdisciplinary look and positioning is required to seek co-constructed truths, which are established in the context, and in the relationship with the other. One does not talk about health or disease anymore, but about the health-disease process; similarly, teaching and learning give way to the teaching-learning process. As characteristic in a paradigm transition situation, there are conflicts and differences regarding the understanding of the world, generating situations identified as crises. We live under the aegis of two different and simultaneous paradigms that share knowledge and practices: the Newton-Cartesian Paradigm and the Systemic Paradigm. From the reflection generated by this article it is expected that the reader will identify the dominant paradigm in their life and their consequent positioning in the context of the paradigmatic transition; will understand the conflicts faced in daily work and life; and will allow a route reorientation, aiming at living better and acting in a more coherent and healthy way in the world.

Knowledge; Systemic Thinking; Paradigm; New-paradigmatic science; Medical Education

Associação Brasileira de Educação Médica SCN - QD 02 - BL D - Torre A - Salas 1021 e 1023 | Asa Norte, Brasília | DF | CEP: 70712-903, Tel: (61) 3024-9978 / 3024-8013, Fax: +55 21 2260-6662 - Brasília - DF - Brazil