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The teaching of psychiatry, communication skills and attitudes in the integrated curriculum of the medical course at the Londrina State University

This article describes an experience of teaching psychiatry, communication skills, and attitudes in an integrated medical curriculum at the Londrina State University. The concept map of the thematic module of mental disorders and of behavior were proposed as a strategy promoting interdisciplinary meaningful learning of Psychiatry. Psychiatric knowledge is acquired through problem-based learning. Communication skills and attitudes are taught in different ways, with patients, with simulated patients, using videos, case reports, role-playing, and work in small groups. The methods used for evaluating the knowledge in psychiatry, the communication skills and the attitudes include summative and formative assessment designed to give the student a feedback on his progress in objective structured clinical examination (Osce), portfolios, and case reports. The psychiatric knowledge, communication skills, and attitudes are assimilated depending on meaningful learning as a teaching method and on the way the students are evaluated in their medical practice.

Psychiatry; Communication; Attitudes

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