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The genus Chinavia Orian (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) in Brazil, with a pictorial key to adults

Chinavia Orian is one of the most speciose Pentatominae genera and is distributed in the Afrotropical, Nearctic and Neotropical regions. In Brazil, 32 species are recordered, from which 18 are endemic; host-plant association from 18 species are known, and immatures or some life history traits for six species were already described. In this work, we provided a diagnosis and discuss data available on immatures and biology of all species of Chinavia found in Brazil, including a pictorial key to adult identification. Two new synonyms are recognized: Acrosternum (Chinavia) bellum Rolston, 1983 is a junior synonym of Chinavia nigrodorsata (Breddin, 1903), and Acrosternum (Chinavia) panizzii Frey-da-Silva & Grazia, 2001 is a junior synonym of Chinavia obstinata (Stål, 1860). Chinavia nigritarsis (Stål, 1872), formerly a synonym of Chinavia gravis (Walker, 1867), is reinstated. Color habitus ilustrations of all species are provided, the majority taken from type-material. New host-plant associations and distribution data to Chinavia species in Brazil are presented.

Acrosternum; Nezara; Nezarini; stink bugs; phytophagy

Sociedade Brasileira De Entomologia Caixa Postal 19030, 81531-980 Curitiba PR Brasil , Tel./Fax: +55 41 3266-0502 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil