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On the Analysis of Texts or Performances in Playwriting Workshops: a brief reflection on a long odyssey


The analysis of playwriting texts and staging has passed through several evolutions between 1976 and 2016. The renewal of directing itself, as well as playwriting and performing workshops, was even more remarkable. Having, volens nolens, followed the movement of this tumultuous pedagogy in the era of impoverishment and commodification of the university, the author reports his experiences in various contexts (Paris, Canterbury, Havana, Seul, Taipei).

Workshop; Writing; Directing; Globalization; Management

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Av. Paulo Gama s/n prédio 12201, sala 700-2, Bairro Farroupilha, Código Postal: 90046-900, Telefone: 5133084142 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil