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Being 20 Years Old in 2015: an exemplary experiment of theatrical mediation


This article presents an initial analysis of the educational impacts of a theatrical mediation experiment that was held during five years in the province of Quebec. The data collected from ten young Montrealers who participate in the project Being 20 years Old in 2015 reveals all the richness and complexity of the system that was put in place to offer them a privileged access to art. Interviews, a survey, and the analysis of different elements testify their unique journey while they are getting ready to step into adulthood. Even though the first results are only preliminary, they highlight the importance of that type of experiment for young adolescent in a quest of their identity and their affirmation.

Art; Theatrical Mediation; Culture; Adolescence; Identity Construction

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Av. Paulo Gama s/n prédio 12201, sala 700-2, Bairro Farroupilha, Código Postal: 90046-900, Telefone: 5133084142 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil