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From here to there, from there to here: notes on reception of Philosophy in the Bedroom as theater of animation


The article deals with the theatrical reception of the play Philosophy in the Bedroom, presented by the group Pigmalião Escultura que Mexe, from the perspective of two authors: a Brazilian actress-researcher who performed for a French public and a French philosopher-spectator who watched the Brazilian show. The Brazilian author introduces the process of creating the play and its repercussions among the public. The French author then wanders through his impressions from watching the show in Charleville-Mézières in 2015. The objective of the text is to provoke reflections by juxtaposing these two perspectives, situated in different geographical, political, and cultural terrains, on the staging of a French text by Brazilians.

Philosophy in the Bedroom ; Marquis de Sade; Theatrical Reception; Puppet Theater; Pigmalião Escultura que Mexe

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Av. Paulo Gama s/n prédio 12201, sala 700-2, Bairro Farroupilha, Código Postal: 90046-900, Telefone: 5133084142 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil