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The pedagogue´s perception on the psychomotor development in childhood education


This research verifies and discusses the knowledge gathered by pedagogues on the importance of psychomotor development to childhood education. It is a qualitative study and was carried by means of a empirical research. Ten childhood education teachers took part in this research. Furthermore, the chosen instrument to collect data was a seven-question survey. The findings show that the educators had psychomotor-skill knowledge, and they regarded psychomotor activities as primordial to the children’s development. However, the activities they prescribed entail, basically, balance and motor coordination.

psychomotricity; childhood development; childhood education

Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira Setor de Indústrias Gráficas - Quadra 04 - lote 327, Térreo, Ala B, CEP 70.610-440 – Brasília-DF – Brasil, Telefones: (61) 2022-3077, 2022-3078 - Brasília - DF - Brazil