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Virtual museums as a field of knowledge in the initial formation of the teacher


This article aims mainly to reflect on virtual museums as a field of knowledge construction in the initial formation of teachers. This is a propositional study, developed from a bibliographic survey and exploratory study, dealing with the future teacher’s possibilities of constructing historical and geographic knowledge. A total of 47 virtual museums are evidenced as mediation, 25 of which are available on the Era Virtual portal and 22 on the Museusbr platform, considering that implementing the curricular proposal of the document Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) is one of the recent demands in teacher training. Virtual museums are understood as fields of knowledge, in which initial training teachers are given, among others, such possibilities: to discover knowledge objects there; to construct cognitive structures; to acquire historical and geographic knowledge. Didactic action with virtual museums enables the teacher in initial formation to appropriate thematic units, objects of knowledge and the skills BNCC proposes for 5th-year-elementary History and Geography classes. Therefore, virtual museums are "laboratories" for experimenting in the education of initial teachers, favoring the construction of notions about space-time and the acquisition of skills and abilities.

virtual museums; knowledge; teacher training

Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira Setor de Indústrias Gráficas - Quadra 04 - lote 327, Térreo, Ala B, CEP 70.610-440 – Brasília-DF – Brasil, Telefones: (61) 2022-3077, 2022-3078 - Brasília - DF - Brazil