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Practices and reflections of teachers in longitudinal research

This article aims to analyze practices and reflections of teachers who takes part in a collaborative group within the Centre for Education Project, financed by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (Capes). Also shows group formation; actions taken; teachers' reflections and considerations, which allow an advance of math teaching process and teacher training. In addition, there is an analysis of the teachers' records, group's minutes of memory, statements and analysis of content, from Bardin's perspective. We conclude that there have been significant advances in practices, because the team work facilitated the process of reflection on their practice and professional development, although there are still weaknesses in some reflections.

teaching practice; professional development; collaborative group

Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira Setor de Indústrias Gráficas - Quadra 04 - lote 327, Térreo, Ala B, CEP 70.610-440 – Brasília-DF – Brasil, Telefones: (61) 2022-3077, 2022-3078 - Brasília - DF - Brazil