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Dengue prevention strategies: Rosario, Argentina

In spite of the presence of the Aëdes aegypti in the city of Rosario -Argentina- there is no evidence of reports of autochthonous Dengue. This condition and other characteristics that make the city a vulnerable place for the development of the illness, offer, as a counterpart, the possibility to prevent it, a condition that is very rarely present in public health. The Epidemiology System of Rosario laid out, within the framework of an intersectorial and coparticipative process between Government and Community, promotion and prevention tasks, aimed to achieve the effective cooperation of the population in order to eliminate the potential larval habitats of the vector. A process with different types of State interventions centered on the work of household promoters who provided information about Dengue and its transmitting vector to the community started in 2000. Information was also collected to test the associated risk of larval habitats. The activity was expanded to schools and local organizations. Concrete intersectorial actions on environmental cleaning and arrangement were also promoted. The assessment of such interventions provided the realization of the improvement of popular knowledge through personalized promotion, and made it possible to appreciate that better achievements were obtained by interventions with a major participation of the State and by involving schools. This work evidenced the need of a cooperative government that fosters and organizes activities in order to change attitudes and incorporate responsible and caring citizen behaviors that contribute to healthy strategies.

Dengue; Prevention; Community participation

Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 715 - 2º andar - sl. 3 - Cerqueira César, 01246-904 São Paulo SP Brasil , Tel./FAX: +55 11 3085-5411 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil