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Epidemiologic and public health initiatives in telecommunication

Iniciativas epidemiológicas e de saúde pública nas telecomunicações

Epidemiologic knowledge must be available widely in order to insure public health for all worldwide. The objective of this paper is to account for what has been done in epidemiologic telecommunication during the previous four years at the University of Montreal, and to discuss the future of telecommunication for public-health enhancement. The first step taken has been to set up a mailing list in methodological epidemiology. The second step has been the launching of a virtual seminar in theoretical epidemiology. It is advocated that virtuality is mandatory to disseminate public health information, but that several crucial issues must be solved before the objective can be reached, among them the cultural, political and ethical issues of the endeavor. This paper includes a critical appraisal of the consequences for under-developed countries of the worldwide telecommunication expansion in the field of public health.

Epidemiology; Public health; Telecommunications

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