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Prostitution and urban space: the “putafeminista” perspective in the writings of three Brazilian activist prostitutes


In order to collaborate with the search for new epistemological references that contribute to the advancement of knowledge production about prostitution and urban space, this article uses the writings of three Brazilian activist prostitutes - Gabriela Leite, Amara Moira and Monique Prada - about prostitution, gender, sexuality, urban space and feminism to access the emergence context and some of the propositions raised by “putafeminismo”, a movement created and fostered by prostitutes who have been pushing the limits of feminism by proposing its opening for the recognition of their knowledge, experiences and demands. The aim is to contribute to an analysis of the production of urban space by prostitution within a debate on gender that recognizes the place of prostitutes as users and producers of the city, as well as thinkers of their own reality.

City; Putafeminismo; Feminism; Space; Prostitution

Associação Nacional de Pós-graduação e Pesquisa em Planejamento Urbano e Regional - ANPUR FAU Cidade Universitária, Rua do Lago, 876, CEP: 05508-080, São Paulo, SP - Brasil, Tel: (31) 3409-7157 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil