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Environmental conflict in the Bahian backlands: the Pedra de Ferro project in Caetité and Pindaí


This paper focuses on ongoing environmental conflicts in Caetité and Pindaí in Bahia, Brazil, since the implementation of the Pedra de Ferro project, which intends to extract iron ore for export in the region. In the light of reflections about environmental justice, and within a methodological perspective that considers the different discursive strategies involved in the conflict, this work aims to show that the neo-extractive development model adopted produces profound socio-environmental inequalities and expands the possibilities for the emergence of the conflict.

Environmental Conflict; Neo-extractivism; Mining

Associação Nacional de Pós-graduação e Pesquisa em Planejamento Urbano e Regional - ANPUR FAU Cidade Universitária, Rua do Lago, 876, CEP: 05508-080, São Paulo, SP - Brasil, Tel: (31) 3409-7157 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil