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The Middle classes and socio-spatial transformations in the metropolises of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo: 2000-2010 1 1 This article is the result of cooperation between the Centre de recherche sur les inégalités sociales (CRIS) at Sciences Po, Paris, and the Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Politicos (IESP) at the Universidade do Estado de Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). The project received support through a CNRS-CNPq agreement, and a CAPES-COFECUB agreement Help was also provided by UERJ through inviting Edmond Préteceille as a visiting professor at IESP-UERJ CNPq awarded a Foreign Senior Researcher grant to Adalberto Cardoso for a six-month fellowship at CRIS in the second semester of 2018, and CAPES provided a CAPES-Print grant for Adalberto Cardoso to conclude a four-month fellowship at CRIS in the first semester of 2019. The project was financed by FAPERJ through a Cientista do Nosso Estado (CNE) grant for Cardoso.


The first decade of the 21st century was marked in Brazil by important economic, social and political changes: a significant reduction in income inequalities; important decrease in unemployment and the growth of formal employment; a fair portion of the population got out of poverty through social policies; the increase in investment in education, health, housing, urban infrastructure, culture, among others, which resulted in the reduction of inequalities in multiple dimensions. Against this background, and in view of the historical dual character of the Brazilian city, the question that the article seeks to answer is: has the multidimensional reduction of inequalities resulted in a reduction in segregation and urban inequalities? In view of the aforementioned changes, our hypothesis is that the answer is positive. To demonstrate this, the article makes use of data from the 2000 and 2010 demographic censuses, and compares the metropolitan regions of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, based on important methodological innovations in the way it constructs the categories of analysis, comparing to the existing studies on the subject.

Middle Classes; Urban Segregation; Urban Inequalities; Rio de Janeiro; São Paulo

Associação Nacional de Pós-graduação e Pesquisa em Planejamento Urbano e Regional - ANPUR FAU Cidade Universitária, Rua do Lago, 876, CEP: 05508-080, São Paulo, SP - Brasil, Tel: (31) 3409-7157 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil