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‘SCS425 Luiza’: new apple cultivar with medium chilling requirement and resistant to glomerella leaf spot (colletotrichum spp.)

‘SCS 425 Luiza’: nova cultivar de macieira de médio requerimento de frio hibernal e resistente à mancha foliar de glomerella (collectorichum spp.)


Apple is one of the main agribusiness products of temperate-zone fruits in Southern Brazil. More than 90% of apple production is obtained from only two apple cultivars – Gala and Fuji and their mutations. These apple varieties are insufficiently adapted to the regional climate and ‘Gala’ and its mutations are also susceptible to glomerella leaf spot – GLS, currently the main apple disease in Brazil. ‘SCS425 Luiza’ cultivar was developed by Epagri / Estação Experimental Caçador, aiming to offer to the production chain an early apple variety better adapted to the environmental conditions of Southern Brazil and resistant to GLS. ‘SCS425 Luiza’ cultivar was obtained by artificial hybridization carried out in 2001 using the cultivars Imperatriz and Cripps Pink as parents. ‘SCS425 Luiza’ has lower chilling requirement compared to ‘Galaxy’, higher flowering precocity and yield potential at least equivalent to ‘Galaxy’. It produces fruits with skin finish, flavor and flesh texture adequate for the Brazilian market and storability similar to ‘Galaxy’ apples when harvested at the same maturity.

Index terms
Malus x domestica; breed apple variety; climatic adaptation; fruit quality

Sociedade Brasileira de Fruticultura Via de acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane, s/n , 14884-900 Jaboticabal SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 16 3209-7188/3209-7609 - Jaboticabal - SP - Brazil