Since strawberry cultivation in soil less system does not needs disinfection products, it decreases fruits and environmental contamination. Besides it provides a better utilization of the area and makes easy the management of the culture. The objective of this work was to evaluate two irrigation systems: dripping for props (outside) and self compensate (inside); and two types of substrates: Horta 2 and Tabaco 1; with or without draining, on the cultivar Oso Grande of strawberry. The experiment was carried out under protected cultivation and in vertical columns conditions. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with three replications, and the treatments were arranged in a split-plot. The strawberry yield found in the upper, medium, and lower positions of the columns indicates that the dripping for props (outside) is the most efficient irrigation system, since drainage is used in the lower extremity of the column. Although there were no differences substrates, Horta 2 increased the anthocyanins content of the fruits.
Fragaria ananassa X Duch.; soil less cultivation; nutraceutic