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Control quality evaluation of commercial samples of boldo (Peumus boldus Molina), pata-de-vaca (Bauhinia spp.) and ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L.)

This study aimed to evaluate the quality of commercial products prepared with boldo (Peumus boldus Molina), pata-de-vaca (Bauhinia spp.) and ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L.) by using parameters from the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia and specific literature. Eight samples of "boldo", nine of "pata-de-vaca", and seven of ginkgo were analyzed, all bought from pharmacies in Recife (Pernambuco, Brazil). The methodology consisted in evaluating the products’ labels and instructions to verify their accordance to RDC n o 17 of 02/24/2000 and ANVISA (National Sanitary Surveillance Agency) decree 110/97, undertaking a sensorial analysis, and verifying the authenticity and purity of the samples. All of the packages of "boldo" and "pata-de-vaca" and six of the packages of ginkgo contained mistakes or lacked scientific information; instructions were also missing. After analyzing for impurities, all samples of "boldo", five of "pata-de-vaca", and one of ginkgo were rejected. All of the products analyzed had some sort of irregularity in relation to the official codes, making it necessary to intensify the inspection of medicinal plant products in Brazil.

quality control; Peumus boldus Molina; Bauhinia spp.; Ginkgo biloba L.; herbal medicinal products; medicinal plants

Sociedade Brasileira de Farmacognosia Universidade Federal do Paraná, Laboratório de Farmacognosia, Rua Pref. Lothario Meissner, 632 - Jd. Botânico, 80210-170, Curitiba, PR, Brasil, Tel/FAX (41) 3360-4062 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil