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International Conference on Perception and Action no Brasil


The main objective of the ICPA is to promote a scientific meeting of graduate students and scientists from different backgrounds and areas of expertise in order to promote discussions of themes related to perception and action. Traditionally, the ICPA promotes the opportunity for presenting scientific data, methodological developments and theoretical discussions. Themes of the presentations and discussions include: perception based on information, perceptual learning, cognition, neurodynamics, robotic, action and speech coordination, perceptual-motor development, among others. The proposal of the experimental psychologist James Gibson, that the behavior of the biological systems in their more distinct levels (motor, perceptual, cognitive or social) is regulated by natural laws, permeates the different themes that have traditionally been addressed and discussed on ICPA.

The ICPA - 16 will include eight symposiums with three presentations each from researchers under themes that include the role of action and perception, physical intelligence, coordination, deficits in social coordination in pathological conditions, perception and action learning, among others. In addition to the symposiums, the conference will include the presentation of free themes followed by discussions and presentations of studies in the format of posters. The sixteenth edition of the ICPA already has international recognition with confirmed participation of speakers from France, Japan, Holland, Belgium, Norway and United States.

The achievement of the ICPA in Brazil will be a singular opportunity to disseminate not only the event to our country's researches but also the themes and the theoretical referential adopted by the different participants. Considering this, we expect that the ICPA-16 will contribute to the growth and consolidation of investigations in the field of perception and action that are developed in different centers of research based in Brazil.

The ICPA-16 will occur from 6 to 10 of July, 2011, in Ouro Preto.

More information about the speakers and the event program can be obtained in the site:

Paula Lanna Pereira da Silva

Sérgio Teixeira da Fonseca

Juliana Melo Ocarino

Physical Therapy Department, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG),

Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

  • International Conference on Perception and Action in Brazil

    Brazil has received a large amount of international attention in recent years. The accomplishments of obtaining the rights to host both the World Cup, in 2014, and the Olympic Games, in 2016, are the best examples of this attention. Nevertheless, Brazilian notoriety is not restricted to sports events. The rising number of Brazilian scientific journals internationally indexed and the number of international events taking place in Brazil are demonstrations that this Brazilian prominence extends to the scientific area. Considering this context, in 2011 Brazil will host for the first time the International Conference on Perception and Action - ICPA. The ICPA is a scientific event idealized by the International Society for Ecological Psychology (ISEP) and had its first meeting in Storrs (Connecticut, United States) in 1981. The ICPA is a biannual conference which has been based in different countries such as the United States, Switzerland, Italy, Holland, France, Canada, Scotland, Australia and Japan. As a sign of recognition for the Brazilian's scientific development, the sixteenth edition of the ICPA will take place in Brazil, specifically in Ouro Preto (Minas Gerais).
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      28 July 2011
    • Date of issue
      June 2011
    Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Fisioterapia Rod. Washington Luís, Km 235, Caixa Postal 676, CEP 13565-905 - São Carlos, SP - Brasil, Tel./Fax: 55 16 3351 8755 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil