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At last, we are in the MEDLINE!


At last, we are in the MEDLINE!

The Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy (BJPT), published by the Brazilian Association of Graduate Programs and Research in Physical Therapy, aggregates, in several functions, faculty members of Brazilian universities involved in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science graduate programs.

Historically, through the action of several faculty members of the Physical Therapy course of the Universidade Federal de São Carlos, the BJPT was founded in order to address the need of Brazilian scientific journals in the area of Physical Therapy. The judicious procedures adopted since the first edition of the journal for the publication of scientific articles guaranteed national recognition by the scientific community. A significant improvement of the quality of the journal and published articles occurred with the increase in the number of graduate programs in the areas of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science and the support of several Brazilian educational institutions. This process resulted in the indexing approval of the Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy by the SciELO database (06/02/2006), which currently processes the BJPT data and articles at its base. The SciELO indexing in 2006, lead by the Professor Helenice Jane Cote Coury, was one of the most important marks of its history.

In 2007, we were informed that the Elsevier Bibliographic Database had selected the BJPT to be included in the Scopus and EMCare databases starting in 2008. In the end of 2007, we received the news of the inclusion of the BJPT in the databases Science Citation Expanded (Web of Science) and Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (ISI da Thomson Scientific). By means of these inclusions, the BJPT became the first journal in Latin America to achieve this indexing level.

Due to its strategic position for the development of the Graduate courses in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science in Brazil, the BJPT has received full support of the researchers of its editorial board and of several educational institutions, such as the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, the Universidade Federal de São Carlos, the Universidade de São Paulo e the Universidade Nove de Julho. Furthermore, the BJPT has been financially supported by several State and Federal grant agencies, such as CNPq, CAPES, FAPESP and FAPEMIG. All this support has been supplemented with subscription and by the financing given by the Conselho Regional de Fisioterapia of the third region (CREFITO-3). As a result, it has been possible to promote an expressive increase in the BJPT quality.

As a result of the individual effort of editors, members of the editorial board, reviewers and authors and the institutional support received, the number and quality of the articles sent to the BJPT has increased enormously in the past years. The increase in the number of manuscripts submitted to the BJPT and in the quality of published articles has been contributing to its international recognition. In order to achieve this international recognition, the editors submitted the journal to indexing in the database MEDLINE/PubMed. This was our third submission since 2004.

Exactly one year after the dispatch of our last submission, we are now honored to inform to all our supporting community that the Literature Selection Technical Review Committee of the National Library of Medicine, formed by international authorities in the Biomedical area, have selected the Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy (BJPT) to be indexed and included in the MEDLINE data base. In this manner, all the articles published by the BJPT, starting in 2010, can be found in searches performed in PubMed. This step is essential to the internationalization and increase of citation of the BJPT and places our journal among the most important journals in this area in the world. This achievement could not have been obtained without the involvement of all those who dedicated their time to the journal. Thus, we dedicate this victory to the secretary team of the BJPT, the authors, the editors who preceded us, the specialist editors and editorial board, the reviewers, the CREFITO-3, the educational institutions and grant agencies which believed in the possibility of creating a journal of international level in Brazil. Congratulations to all those involved, because this is an achievement that should be celebrated.

Sérgio Teixeira Fonseca

Tania de Fátima Salvini

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    24 June 2010
  • Date of issue
    Apr 2010
Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Fisioterapia Rod. Washington Luís, Km 235, Caixa Postal 676, CEP 13565-905 - São Carlos, SP - Brasil, Tel./Fax: 55 16 3351 8755 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil