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Compartimentação estrutural e conectividade dos sistemas aqüíferos Caiuá e Serra Geral no Noroeste do Paraná - Brasil

The aeolian sandstones of Caiuá Group (Bauru Basin - Upper Cretaceous - Paraná, northwest of Brazil) are lying on basalts of Serra Geral Formation (São Bento Group - Mesozoic of Paraná Basin) and both form significant aquifers. Although permo-porosity of sandstone is granular, unlike basalts that is crystalline, upper slice of Serra Geral Aquifer System - SGAS - is classified as free, close as Caiuá Aquifer System - CAS. Magnetic susceptibility contrast between rocks allows applying aeromagnetic data to model most prominent structures that form the basement of sandstones. Analysis of sandstones surface was based in morphological/structural interpretation from drainage net, digital elevation model (DEM) and Landsat 7/ETM+ image. Comparison between two levels of investigation reveal coexistence of some mapped structures and results in a common structural framework. Maps of water discharge, specific capacity, total dissolved solids and cation of water pumped from CAS wells indicate zones with characteristic water from SGAS into CAS, indicate hydraulic connection of refer aquifer systems. Superimpose of hydrogeological maps by common structural framework indicate that presence of larger mapped structures often act on hydrogeological compartments.

Caiuá Group (Bauru Basin); Serra Geral Formation (Paraná Basin); magnetic method; hydrogeology; structural geology

Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica Av. Rio Branco, 156, sala 2510, 20043-900 Rio de Janeiro RJ - Brazil, Tel. / Fax: (55 21) 2533-0064 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil