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The levels of quality of life among active elderly women practitioners of dance, strengthining and meditation


This study aimed to compare the levels of quality of life between active and sedentary elderly, practitioners of dance, meditation and strengthening. So in this study ex post facto, the sample was divided into four groups: dance group (DG, n = 20, age = 67 ± 4 years), strength group (SG, n = 15, age = 67 ± 5 years), meditation group (MG, n = 15, age = 68 ± 4 years) and the control group (CG, n = 20, age = 68 ± 6 years). The protocol used to assess the quality of life was the questionnaire World Health Organization Quality of Life Group-old - WHOQOL-OLD. In multiple comparisons (Post Hoc Sheffe, or confidence interval) we found satisfactory results in the variables dom1 (Sensory abilities; DGxGC, p = 0006), dom2 (Autonomy; DGxSG, p = 0026; DGxGC, p <0001; SGxGC, p = 0001; MGxGC, p <0001), dom3 (past present and future activities; DGxGC, p = 0004; SGxGC, p = 0033; MGxGC, p <0001), dom4 (Social Participation; DGxGC , CI = +0421, +41479; MGxGC, CI = +4456, 48804), and QVG (DGxGC, p <0001; SGxGC, p = 0033; MGxGC, p <0001). After data exposure, we inferred that the two programs of physical activity (dance and strenghtining) and the practice of meditation had satisfactory results in the trial, contributing to a better quality of life when compared with those presented by the GC.

Key words:
Aged; Women; Women's Health; Dancing; Muscle Stretching Exercises; Comparative Study; Quality of Life; Meditation; Strengthening.

Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil