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Violence against older people in Brazil: associated factors according to the type of aggressor


Factors associated with violence against older Brazilians were analyzed according to the type of aggressor. Population-based cross-sectional study with secondary data from the National Health Survey in 2013, totaling 11,697 individuals aged 60 years or older in Brazil. The dependent variable was having suffered violence by a known or unknown aggressor, and the independent variables were divided into blocks (Socioeconomic and demographic; Self-perception and health care; Health service use; Health status/disease and Functioning). The effect of the independent variables on the response variable was expressed by the “Odds Ratio” with a 95% Confidence Interval. Hierarchical models of simple and multiple multinomial logistic regression were performed. In the simple analysis, variables with p-value 0.05 were elective for multiple analysis. A thematic map was constructed according to the spatial distribution of violence, by state. White skin color, 68 years, knowing how to read and write, sleep problems, not feeling pleasure in doing activities and having a physical disability were associated with the unknown aggressor. Poor health, smoking, discrimination in the health service and feeling bad about oneself were associated with the known aggressor. Discrimination by type of illness and little difficulty going, out alone were associated for both aggressors. States with the highest number of cases of violence found were Amapá, Paraná, Mato Grosso, Amazonas and Rio Grande do Norte. Thus, estimating the prevalence of violence against older people, the type of aggressor, as well as associated factors, is essential for identifying and preventing individual, institutional and structural abuse.

Violence; Old man; Older people abuse; Aged, 80 and over

Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil