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Physiotherapeutic interventions aimed at old people in situations of violence: a scope review



Identify physical therapy interventions aimed at old people in situations of violence.


This is a scope review, in which the following databases/libraries/search engines and gray literature were accessed: VHL, PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, CINAHL, PEDro, BDTD, OpenGrey, OpenThesis, RCAAP, CAPES Thesis and Dissertation Portal, DART-Europe E-theses Portal and Theses Canada Portal. The searches used the descriptors and keywords, which were combined using the Boolean operators OR and AND: Fisioterapeutas, Fisioterapia, “Physical Therapists”, Physiotherapy, “Physical Therapy”, “Physical Therapy Specialty”, “Physical Therapy Modalities”, Rehabilitation, Reabilitação, “Elder Abuse”, “Maus-tratos ao Idoso”, “Physical Abuse”, “Elder Neglect”, “Aged Abuse” e “Elder Mistreatment”.


Of the 601 records found, 46 were excluded because they were duplicated, and 555 were selected to read the respective titles and abstracts. 548 publications were excluded because they did not meet the inclusion criteria, and 7 papers were pre-selected. Through the Snowballing strategy, one was identified, resulting in a final result of 8 studies.


Physical therapy interventions aimed at old people in situations of violence include: health education, measures of caregiver stress, community resources, screening/triage, evaluation, identification, therapeutic/rehabilitation plan and reporting. In view of the findings, it is observed that, despite the lack of knowledge on this topic, the physiotherapist plays an essential role in the conduct of cases of violence against old people.

Helth of the Elderly; Violence; Elder Abuse; Delivery of Health Care; Physical Therapy Specialty



Identificar as intervenções fisioterapêuticas direcionadas à pessoa idosa em situação de violência.


Trata-se de uma revisão de escopo, em que foram acessadas as seguintes bases de dados/bibliotecas/buscadores e literatura cinzenta: BVS, PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, CINAHL, PEDro, BDTD, OpenGrey, OpenThesis, RCAAP, Portal de Teses e Dissertações da CAPES, DART-Europe E-theses Portal e Theses Canada Portal. As buscas utilizaram os descritores e palavras-chave, que foram combinados por meio dos operadores booleanos OR e AND: Fisioterapeutas, Fisioterapia, “Physical Therapists”, Physiotherapy, “Physical Therapy”, “Physical Therapy Specialty”, “Physical Therapy Modalities”, Rehabilitation, Reabilitação, “Elder Abuse”, “Maus-tratos ao Idoso”, “Physical Abuse”, “Elder Neglect”, “Aged Abuse” e “Elder Mistreatment”.


Dos 601 registros encontrados, 46 foram excluídos por serem duplicados, sendo selecionados 555 para leitura dos respectivos títulos e resumos. Foram excluídas 548 publicações por não se adequarem aos critérios de inclusão, sendo pré-selecionados 7 trabalhos. Pela estratégia Snowballing um foi identificado, originando um resultado final de 8 estudos.


As intervenções fisioterapêuticas direcionadas à pessoa idosa em situação de violência compreendem: educação em saúde, medidas no estresse do cuidador, recursos comunitários, rastreamento/triagem, avaliação, identificação, plano terapêutico/reabilitação e denúncia. Diante dos achados, observa-se que, apesar da lacuna no conhecimento dessa temática, o fisioterapeuta desempenha um papel imprescindível na condução de casos de violência contra a pessoa idosa.

Saúde do Idoso; Violência; Maus-Tratos ao Idoso; Assistência à Saúde; Fisioterapia


Violence against old people (VAOP) is a growing international phenomenon. No society is immune from the occurrence of this disease, representing an important public health problem and of global interest, especially in the last decades11 Pillemer K, Burnes D, Riffin C, Lachs MS. Elder Abuse: Global Situation, Risk Factors, and Prevention Strategies. Gerontologist. 2016;56(S2):194-205..

The nature of VAOP can manifest itself in different ways: physical, psychological, sexual, financial, abandonment and neglect. Whatever the type of aggression, it represents a violation of human rights, which can result in psychological distress, depression, suicidal thoughts, increased use of health services, pain, physical injuries, trauma or early death11 Pillemer K, Burnes D, Riffin C, Lachs MS. Elder Abuse: Global Situation, Risk Factors, and Prevention Strategies. Gerontologist. 2016;56(S2):194-205.

2 Brasil. Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República. Manual de Enfrentamento à Violência contra a Pessoa Idosa: É possível prevenir. É necessário superar [Internet]. Brasília, DF: Secretaria de Direitos Humanos; 2014 [acesso em 09 nov. 2019]. Disponível em: ManualdeEnfrentamentoViolnciacontraaPessoaIdosa.pdf/view
-33 Yunus RM, Hairi NN, Yuen CW. Consequences of Elder Abuse and Neglect: A Systematic Review of Observational Studies. Trauma Violence Abuse. 2019;20(2):197-213..

Studies point to physical, psychological violence and negligence as the most frequently identified occurrences44 Hohendorff JV, Paz AP, Freitas CPP, Lawrenz P, Habigzang LF. Caracterização da violência contra idosos a partir de casos notificados por profissionais da saúde. Rev SPAGESP. 2018;19(2):64-80.,55 Garbin CAS, Joaquim RC, Rovida TAS, Garbin AJI. Idosos vítimas de maus-tratos: cinco anos de análise documental. Rev Bras Geriatr Gerontol. 2016;19(1):87-94.. However, many old people do not report violence due to ignorance of their rights, fear of the consequences or fear of negatively affecting their relationships and family integrity66 Adib M, Esmaeili M, Zakerimoghadam M, Nayeri ND. Barriers to help-seeking for elder abuse: A qualitative study of older adults. Geriatr Nurs. 2019;40(6):565-71..

The following are pointed out as risk factors for VAOP: advanced age, female gender, low family support, unfavorable socioeconomic context, depressive mood, social isolation, caregiver stress, disrespectful intergenerational relationships, cognitive impairment and physical, psychological, financial and functional dependencies of old people11 Pillemer K, Burnes D, Riffin C, Lachs MS. Elder Abuse: Global Situation, Risk Factors, and Prevention Strategies. Gerontologist. 2016;56(S2):194-205.,77 Alves CS, Serrão C. Fatores de risco para a ocorrência de violência contra a pessoa idosa: revisão sistemática. PAJAR. 2018;6(2):58-71.,88 Paiva MM, Tavares DMS. Violência física e psicológica contra idosos: prevalência e fatores associados. Rev Bras Enferm. 2015;68(6):1035-41..

As it is a phenomenon little recognized and denounced, coping with VAOP requires a multidisciplinary approach. Health professionals have a significant responsibility in this situation, since they maintain contact with victims in health services and homes, and can trigger effective protection and coping mechanisms99 Oliveira BG, Freire IV, Assis CS, Sena ELS, Boery RNSO, Yarid SD. Responsabilidade dos profissionais de saúde na notificação dos casos de violência. Rev bioét. 2018;26(3):403-11.,1010 Lopes LGF, Leal MCC, Souza EF, Silva SZR, Guimarães NNA, Silva LSR. Violência contra a pessoa idosa. Rev Enferm UFPE on line. 2018;12(9):2257-68..

In this sense, the National Health Policy for the Old Person (PNSPI)1111 Brasil. Portaria nº 2.528, de 19 de outubro de 2006. Aprova a Política Nacional de Saúde da Pessoa Idosa. Diário Oficial da União. 20 out. 2006. establishes that every health professional must promote the quality of life of the old person, through the establishment of actions that involve everything from primary care to rehabilitation. In addition, the National Policy for the Reduction of Accident and Violence Morbimortality (PNRMAV)1212 Brasil. Portaria nº 737, de 16 de maio de 2001. Aprova a Política Nacional de Redução da Morbimortalidade por Acidentes e Violências. Diário Oficial da União. 18 maio 2001. highlights the role of the rehabilitation of sequelae and disabilities arising from violence, providing conditions for their social and family reintegration and favoring the achievement of the individual’s independence within a new situation.

The physiotherapist is a professional who works in the prevention of injuries, health promotion and rehabilitation of the old person, establishing a continuous bond with this population, and often integrating into their family environment, where the aggressors are most commonly found1010 Lopes LGF, Leal MCC, Souza EF, Silva SZR, Guimarães NNA, Silva LSR. Violência contra a pessoa idosa. Rev Enferm UFPE on line. 2018;12(9):2257-68.,1313 Aveiro MC, Aciole GG, Driusso P, Oishi J. Perspectivas da participação do fisioterapeuta no Programa Saúde da Família na atenção à saúde do idoso. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2011;16(S1):1467-78.. Thus, this professional is able to intervene in the entire context of VAOP: from the prevention and screening of cases to the rehabilitation of functional sequelae resulting from situations of violence experienced by many old people.

Despite this, the literature on this topic is scarce and the official documents are not clear in relation to the management of cases of VAOP by the physiotherapist. It is therefore important to carry out a scope review on publications related to interventions carried out by physical therapists with old people in situations of violence, as a way of examining the extent and nature of evidence on this topic, in order to support the practice of the professionals who deal with this population and favor the decision-making process. Therefore, the objective of the present study is to identify physical therapy interventions aimed at old people in situations of violence.


This is a scope review. These studies aim to synthesize and disseminate the results of studies; map concepts that support a given area of knowledge, pointing out the main sources and types of evidence available; and identify gaps in the literature1414 Peters MDJ, Godfrey C, McInerney P, Munn Z, Tricco AC, Khalil, H. Scoping Reviews. In: Aromataris E, Munn Z, Editors. JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis [Internet]. 2020 [acesso em 05 abr. 2020]. Chapter 11. Disponível em:

In order to improve the writing of the manuscript, this review followed the PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR)1515 Tricco AC, Lillie E, Zarin W, O’Brien KK, Colquhoun H, Levac D, et al. PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR): Checklist and Explanation. Ann Intern Med. 2018;169(7):467-73.. However, this study does not have a registered and/or accessible review protocol. The databases/libraries/search engines accessed were: Virtual Health Library (VHL); PubMed; Web of Science; Scopus; Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL); and Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro).

Gray literature research and unpublished studies included: Digital Base of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), OpenGrey, OpenThesis, Portugal Open Access Scientific Repositories (RCAAP), CAPES Thesis and Dissertation Portal, DART-Europe E-theses Portal and Theses Canada Portal (Aurora and Voilà catalogs). The Snowballing search strategy was also carried out, by reading all references of the articles selected in this review1616 Greenhalgh T, Peacock R. Effectiveness and efficiency of search methods in systematic reviews of complex evidence: audit of primary sources. BMJ. 2005;331(5):1064-65..

The methodological path was based on the PCC strategy - acronym for Population (P), Concept (C) and Context (C)1414 Peters MDJ, Godfrey C, McInerney P, Munn Z, Tricco AC, Khalil, H. Scoping Reviews. In: Aromataris E, Munn Z, Editors. JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis [Internet]. 2020 [acesso em 05 abr. 2020]. Chapter 11. Disponível em:
– considering P (physical therapist), C (physical therapy interventions in the face of violence) and C (old people in situations of violence). Thus, the following guiding question was established: what are the physical therapy interventions aimed at old people in situations of violence?

From each strategy item, keywords and descriptors were found in the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) and DeCS (Health Sciences Descriptors): Fisioterapeutas, Fisioterapia, “Physical Therapists”, Physiotherapy, “Physical Therapy”, “Physical Therapy Specialty”, “Physical Therapy Modalities”, Rehabilitation, Reabilitação, “Elder Abuse”, “Maus-tratos ao Idoso”, “Physical Abuse”, “Elder Neglect”, “Aged Abuse” e “Elder Mistreatment”.

These descriptors and keywords were combined using the Boolean operators OR and AND, and applied to databases/libraries/search engines and gray literature, as shown in Chart 1.

Chart 1
Search strategies used in databases/libraries/search engines and gray literature, included in the scope review of physical therapy interventions aimed at old people in situations of violence. João Pessoa, PB, 2019.

Studies that met the eligibility criteria were included: quantitative, qualitative studies, with mixed methods and gray literature (texts by specialists, dissertations and theses, editorial texts, among others); in English, Portuguese, French or Spanish; that were accessible and/or available in full (full texts), in electronic or printed media; that approached physical therapists working with old people in situations of violence; and that described any physiotherapy intervention recognized and/or implemented by professionals in the face of old people in situations of violence.

There was no delimitation as to the period of publication of the studies, due to the small number of publications on this topic. The search and selection of studies were carried out by two researchers, independently, from September to November 2019. The selection took place in two stages: an initial screening, considering only the reading of the titles and abstracts, from which studies were selected to read the full texts; and a second stage, when the eligibility criteria were applied after a complete reading of the texts. Disagreeing cases were resolved through a third researcher.

Data extraction took place using an instrument developed by the reviewers, which included: country of study; year and magazine of publication; type and objective(s) of the study; education of the main author; professional category(ies) addressed; and physical therapy interventions recognized and/or implemented by professionals in the face of old people in situations of violence.

The analysis of the quality of the articles and the level of scientific evidence were not used as a criterion for the exclusion of articles, therefore they were not carried out, since this type of review aims to identify the available production on the investigated subject1414 Peters MDJ, Godfrey C, McInerney P, Munn Z, Tricco AC, Khalil, H. Scoping Reviews. In: Aromataris E, Munn Z, Editors. JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis [Internet]. 2020 [acesso em 05 abr. 2020]. Chapter 11. Disponível em:


Crossed between the descriptors in the databases/libraries/search engines, 135 articles were found, two in the VHL, 71 in the Web of Science, 24 in the Scopus, 36 in the CINAHL, two in the PEDro and no article in the PubMed. In the gray literature, 466 productions were identified, of which one in BDTD, five in OpenGrey, 85 in OpenThesis, 22 in the CAPES Theses and Dissertations Portal, 188 in RCAAP, 165 in the Theses Canada Portal, with no material rescued at DART-Europe E-theses Portal.

Of the 601 records found, 46 were excluded because they were duplicated, and 555 were selected to read the respective titles and abstracts. After analyzing them, 548 publications were excluded because they did not meet the inclusion criteria: 13 were published in languages different from those established in the criteria; two were not accessible in full; and 533 did not address physiotherapists working at VAOP and/or did not describe any physical therapy intervention directed at old people in situations of violence.

At the end of this phase, 7 studies were pre-selected to be read in full, a study rescued by the Snowballing strategy1717 Little CD. What every Physical Therapist should know about Elder Abuse. Gerinotes. 2002;9(4):5-9., resulting ultimately in 8 studies included1717 Little CD. What every Physical Therapist should know about Elder Abuse. Gerinotes. 2002;9(4):5-9.

18 Dalton A. Family Violence: Recognizing the Signs, Offering Help. PT Magazine. 2005;13(1):34-40.

19 Saliga S, Adamowicz C, Logue A, Smith K. Physical Therapist’s Knowledge of physical elder abuse: signs, symptoms, laws, and facility protocols. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2004;27(1):5-12.

20 Camaratta F, Fenstermaker J, Hoffman AJ, Kolongowski M, Tecklin JS. Elder Abuse and the Physical Therapist. Issues Aging. 2000;23(1):9-12.

21 Foose D. Elder Abuse: Stepping in and Stopping It. PT Magazine. 1999;7(1):56-62.

22 Holland LR, Kasraian KR, Leonardelli CA. Elder Abuse: an analysis of the current problem and the potential role of the rehabilitation professional. Phys Occup Ther Geriatr. 1987;5(3):41-50.

23 Mildenberger C, Wessman HC. Abuse and neglect of elderly persons by family members: a special communication. Phys Ther. 1986;66(4):537-9.
-2424 Tomita SK. Detection and treatment of elderly abuse and neglect: a protocol for health care professionals. Phys Occup Ther Geriatr. 1982;2(2):37-51.. The result of the search and selection can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1
Flowchart of search and selection of studies on physical therapy interventions aimed at old people in situations of violence. João Pessoa, PB, 2019.

All studies (n=8) came from the United States, produced between 1982 and 2005, in magazines in the area of Physiotherapy (n=3), Geriatric Physiotherapy (n=2), Physiotherapy and Geriatric Occupational Therapy (n=2), and Geriatrics (n=1).

With regard to the education of the main authors, half (n=4) of the studies had a Physiotherapist as the main author; one study by an Occupational Therapist; one written by Social Worker; and in two studies it was not possible to identify this information. Regarding the methodological characteristics, one article was identified as descriptive quantitative, five reflective studies and two editorials.

Considering the professional categories covered, six studies presented the Physiotherapist as the only professional approached, while one included both the Physiotherapist and the Occupational Therapist. The last study (n=1) portrayed other professionals such as Doctor, Nurse, Social Worker, in addition to Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist. These data, as well as the objectives of the studies, can be seen in Chart 2.

Chart 2
Description of studies included in the scope review of physical therapy interventions aimed at old people in situations of violence. João Pessoa, PB, 2019.

Chart 3 shows the description of the physical therapy interventions recognized and/or implemented by the physical therapists directed to the old person in a situation of violence, for each study included in this review.

Chart 3
Physiotherapeutic interventions recognized and/or implemented by physiotherapists targeting old people in situations of violence, identified in the studies included in the scope review. João Pessoa, PB, 2019.

It is observed that physical therapy interventions aimed at the old person in situations of violence involved: health education, measures on caregiver stress, community resources, screening/triage, evaluation, identification, therapeutic/rehabilitation plan and reporting.

Educational interventions involved the education of the old person, the caregiver and the community/society. The most reported, in half of the studies, were those aimed at the old people population: guidance on places of shelter, protection, counseling and assistance from professionals; provision of educational material; activities to prevent violence, maintain activities and socialize; providing information on legal and protection provisions for old people; rights and self-care education1717 Little CD. What every Physical Therapist should know about Elder Abuse. Gerinotes. 2002;9(4):5-9.,1818 Dalton A. Family Violence: Recognizing the Signs, Offering Help. PT Magazine. 2005;13(1):34-40.,2020 Camaratta F, Fenstermaker J, Hoffman AJ, Kolongowski M, Tecklin JS. Elder Abuse and the Physical Therapist. Issues Aging. 2000;23(1):9-12.,2424 Tomita SK. Detection and treatment of elderly abuse and neglect: a protocol for health care professionals. Phys Occup Ther Geriatr. 1982;2(2):37-51..

In three of the studies, educational activities with the caregiver were described as follows: specific training for the caregiver of dependent old people, including safe positioning/transfers, hygiene care and skin inspection; and information to the caregiver about the aging and health-disease processes2121 Foose D. Elder Abuse: Stepping in and Stopping It. PT Magazine. 1999;7(1):56-62.,2323 Mildenberger C, Wessman HC. Abuse and neglect of elderly persons by family members: a special communication. Phys Ther. 1986;66(4):537-9.,2424 Tomita SK. Detection and treatment of elderly abuse and neglect: a protocol for health care professionals. Phys Occup Ther Geriatr. 1982;2(2):37-51.. Community education was also an intervention reported in two of the studies2222 Holland LR, Kasraian KR, Leonardelli CA. Elder Abuse: an analysis of the current problem and the potential role of the rehabilitation professional. Phys Occup Ther Geriatr. 1987;5(3):41-50.,2323 Mildenberger C, Wessman HC. Abuse and neglect of elderly persons by family members: a special communication. Phys Ther. 1986;66(4):537-9..

The assessment of caregiver stress was an intervention addressed in four studies, which reinforce the assessment of support systems available to families, the difficulties experienced in caring for old people and the caregiver’s ability to withstand the stress of care. These studies report that the physiotherapist can suggest ways to reduce caregiver stress and burden, providing information on community support services2121 Foose D. Elder Abuse: Stepping in and Stopping It. PT Magazine. 1999;7(1):56-62.

22 Holland LR, Kasraian KR, Leonardelli CA. Elder Abuse: an analysis of the current problem and the potential role of the rehabilitation professional. Phys Occup Ther Geriatr. 1987;5(3):41-50.

23 Mildenberger C, Wessman HC. Abuse and neglect of elderly persons by family members: a special communication. Phys Ther. 1986;66(4):537-9.
-2424 Tomita SK. Detection and treatment of elderly abuse and neglect: a protocol for health care professionals. Phys Occup Ther Geriatr. 1982;2(2):37-51..

Community resources were described in three papers. Among these resources, we can mention: friendly visitors, geriatric daycare, transportation and recreation services for old people, and financial aid2222 Holland LR, Kasraian KR, Leonardelli CA. Elder Abuse: an analysis of the current problem and the potential role of the rehabilitation professional. Phys Occup Ther Geriatr. 1987;5(3):41-50.

23 Mildenberger C, Wessman HC. Abuse and neglect of elderly persons by family members: a special communication. Phys Ther. 1986;66(4):537-9.
-2424 Tomita SK. Detection and treatment of elderly abuse and neglect: a protocol for health care professionals. Phys Occup Ther Geriatr. 1982;2(2):37-51..

Regarding screening/triage, three studies reported the importance of tracking potential sources of violence, and this strategy can be incorporated into the assessment protocol and the routine of care1818 Dalton A. Family Violence: Recognizing the Signs, Offering Help. PT Magazine. 2005;13(1):34-40.

19 Saliga S, Adamowicz C, Logue A, Smith K. Physical Therapist’s Knowledge of physical elder abuse: signs, symptoms, laws, and facility protocols. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2004;27(1):5-12.
-2020 Camaratta F, Fenstermaker J, Hoffman AJ, Kolongowski M, Tecklin JS. Elder Abuse and the Physical Therapist. Issues Aging. 2000;23(1):9-12..

The general assessment included observation of the patient, family and patient-caregiver interaction. In seven studies, the general signs of VAOP, which may also indicate probable psychological violence, were: confusion; disorientation; fear of strangers and the environment; frequent unexplained crying; sudden changes in behavior; depression; low self-esteem; longing for attention; nervousness; rage; aggressiveness; non-adherence to the physical therapy treatment program; tendency to isolation; fear or suspicion of certain people at home; ambivalence of feeling towards the caregiver; and hesitation to talk about the caregiver1717 Little CD. What every Physical Therapist should know about Elder Abuse. Gerinotes. 2002;9(4):5-9.

18 Dalton A. Family Violence: Recognizing the Signs, Offering Help. PT Magazine. 2005;13(1):34-40.

19 Saliga S, Adamowicz C, Logue A, Smith K. Physical Therapist’s Knowledge of physical elder abuse: signs, symptoms, laws, and facility protocols. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2004;27(1):5-12.

20 Camaratta F, Fenstermaker J, Hoffman AJ, Kolongowski M, Tecklin JS. Elder Abuse and the Physical Therapist. Issues Aging. 2000;23(1):9-12.
-2121 Foose D. Elder Abuse: Stepping in and Stopping It. PT Magazine. 1999;7(1):56-62.,2323 Mildenberger C, Wessman HC. Abuse and neglect of elderly persons by family members: a special communication. Phys Ther. 1986;66(4):537-9.,2424 Tomita SK. Detection and treatment of elderly abuse and neglect: a protocol for health care professionals. Phys Occup Ther Geriatr. 1982;2(2):37-51..

The importance of assessing family behavior has been reported in three studies, and included as signs: family impatience; refusal to leave the old person alone; family members answering questions instead of the old person; not allowing the old person to make decisions; and unreasonable expectations on the part of the family, such as wanting the old person to walk, when they no longer want that goal1717 Little CD. What every Physical Therapist should know about Elder Abuse. Gerinotes. 2002;9(4):5-9.,1818 Dalton A. Family Violence: Recognizing the Signs, Offering Help. PT Magazine. 2005;13(1):34-40.,2323 Mildenberger C, Wessman HC. Abuse and neglect of elderly persons by family members: a special communication. Phys Ther. 1986;66(4):537-9..

In four studies, there were reports of the observation of signs and symptoms of neglect against old people, listed as: poor care or deteriorating health; malnutrition; dehydration; poor body hygiene; neglected teeth; use of dirty and/or inappropriate clothing for the climate; absent auxiliary devices; unexplained apathy or fatigue; over/under-medication, with possible sedation; multiple contractures or pressure ulcers1717 Little CD. What every Physical Therapist should know about Elder Abuse. Gerinotes. 2002;9(4):5-9.,2020 Camaratta F, Fenstermaker J, Hoffman AJ, Kolongowski M, Tecklin JS. Elder Abuse and the Physical Therapist. Issues Aging. 2000;23(1):9-12.,2121 Foose D. Elder Abuse: Stepping in and Stopping It. PT Magazine. 1999;7(1):56-62.,2323 Mildenberger C, Wessman HC. Abuse and neglect of elderly persons by family members: a special communication. Phys Ther. 1986;66(4):537-9..

Half of the studies (n=4) recommended documenting unusual skin injuries, contusions, bruises, fractures and injuries resulting from accidents. This documentation takes place through the description of the lesions, recording on maps/body models and photographs1717 Little CD. What every Physical Therapist should know about Elder Abuse. Gerinotes. 2002;9(4):5-9.,1818 Dalton A. Family Violence: Recognizing the Signs, Offering Help. PT Magazine. 2005;13(1):34-40.,2020 Camaratta F, Fenstermaker J, Hoffman AJ, Kolongowski M, Tecklin JS. Elder Abuse and the Physical Therapist. Issues Aging. 2000;23(1):9-12.,2424 Tomita SK. Detection and treatment of elderly abuse and neglect: a protocol for health care professionals. Phys Occup Ther Geriatr. 1982;2(2):37-51..

Assessment of the neuro-musculoskeletal system and/or functional assessment has been reported in two studies. Functional assessment should involve activities of daily living (self-care skills, preparing meals, using transport, shopping) and observing whether the occurrence of trauma is consistent with the patient’s condition of dependence1717 Little CD. What every Physical Therapist should know about Elder Abuse. Gerinotes. 2002;9(4):5-9.,2424 Tomita SK. Detection and treatment of elderly abuse and neglect: a protocol for health care professionals. Phys Occup Ther Geriatr. 1982;2(2):37-51.. In one study, there is a report of the need to screen for physical and biomechanical disorders2121 Foose D. Elder Abuse: Stepping in and Stopping It. PT Magazine. 1999;7(1):56-62..

The identification of cases, reported in seven of the studies, can be done during the evaluation and/or physical therapy, by recognizing the following warning signs: injuries to the face, head and neck; irregular hair loss; broken glasses; dental fractures; cuts; perforations; burns, which may be in glove and sock shape; inconsistent sites of unusual skin wounds or injuries; grouped bruises or contusions, in a regular or central pattern (head, neck, breasts, abdomen, back and genitalia/groin); bruises/injuries/fractures at different stages of resolution; falls; bad muscle tone; and evidence of physical restraint (rope/chain marks)1717 Little CD. What every Physical Therapist should know about Elder Abuse. Gerinotes. 2002;9(4):5-9.

18 Dalton A. Family Violence: Recognizing the Signs, Offering Help. PT Magazine. 2005;13(1):34-40.

19 Saliga S, Adamowicz C, Logue A, Smith K. Physical Therapist’s Knowledge of physical elder abuse: signs, symptoms, laws, and facility protocols. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2004;27(1):5-12.

20 Camaratta F, Fenstermaker J, Hoffman AJ, Kolongowski M, Tecklin JS. Elder Abuse and the Physical Therapist. Issues Aging. 2000;23(1):9-12.
-2121 Foose D. Elder Abuse: Stepping in and Stopping It. PT Magazine. 1999;7(1):56-62.,2323 Mildenberger C, Wessman HC. Abuse and neglect of elderly persons by family members: a special communication. Phys Ther. 1986;66(4):537-9.,2424 Tomita SK. Detection and treatment of elderly abuse and neglect: a protocol for health care professionals. Phys Occup Ther Geriatr. 1982;2(2):37-51..

In four studies, interventions that make up a therapeutic and rehabilitation plan were described: therapeutic exercises to maintain functional independence and good shape; rehabilitation of functional activities and self-care skills; in addition to energy conservation measures and recommendations for auxiliary devices1717 Little CD. What every Physical Therapist should know about Elder Abuse. Gerinotes. 2002;9(4):5-9.,2121 Foose D. Elder Abuse: Stepping in and Stopping It. PT Magazine. 1999;7(1):56-62.,2222 Holland LR, Kasraian KR, Leonardelli CA. Elder Abuse: an analysis of the current problem and the potential role of the rehabilitation professional. Phys Occup Ther Geriatr. 1987;5(3):41-50.,2424 Tomita SK. Detection and treatment of elderly abuse and neglect: a protocol for health care professionals. Phys Occup Ther Geriatr. 1982;2(2):37-51..

Finally, the complaint was an intervention reported in six articles1717 Little CD. What every Physical Therapist should know about Elder Abuse. Gerinotes. 2002;9(4):5-9.

18 Dalton A. Family Violence: Recognizing the Signs, Offering Help. PT Magazine. 2005;13(1):34-40.

19 Saliga S, Adamowicz C, Logue A, Smith K. Physical Therapist’s Knowledge of physical elder abuse: signs, symptoms, laws, and facility protocols. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2004;27(1):5-12.

20 Camaratta F, Fenstermaker J, Hoffman AJ, Kolongowski M, Tecklin JS. Elder Abuse and the Physical Therapist. Issues Aging. 2000;23(1):9-12.
-2121 Foose D. Elder Abuse: Stepping in and Stopping It. PT Magazine. 1999;7(1):56-62.,2323 Mildenberger C, Wessman HC. Abuse and neglect of elderly persons by family members: a special communication. Phys Ther. 1986;66(4):537-9.. Complaints are mandatory according to current local legislation. In two studies, the physiotherapist’s report to his supervisor or a social worker was included as an intervention prior to the complaint1818 Dalton A. Family Violence: Recognizing the Signs, Offering Help. PT Magazine. 2005;13(1):34-40.,1919 Saliga S, Adamowicz C, Logue A, Smith K. Physical Therapist’s Knowledge of physical elder abuse: signs, symptoms, laws, and facility protocols. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2004;27(1):5-12..


Many countries have endeavored to strengthen policies to protect and support old people in situations of violence, yet the United States stands out for the development of programs that are being implemented to provide victims with multidisciplinary social and health support2525 Bobitt J, Carter J, Kuhne J. Advancing National Policy on Elder Abuse. Public Policy Aging Rep. 2018;28(3):85-9.. This reality portrays the origin of the studies included in this review, in which the unanimity of North American studies with this theme is observed.

The first publication about VAOP, approached by physiotherapists, took place in 19862323 Mildenberger C, Wessman HC. Abuse and neglect of elderly persons by family members: a special communication. Phys Ther. 1986;66(4):537-9.. After this production, a few reflective texts were produced in an incipient attempt to debate the role of the physiotherapist in this area.

In 2011, Aveiro et al.1313 Aveiro MC, Aciole GG, Driusso P, Oishi J. Perspectivas da participação do fisioterapeuta no Programa Saúde da Família na atenção à saúde do idoso. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2011;16(S1):1467-78. contributed to the discussion about the participation of the physiotherapist in health promotion, disease prevention and recovery of the main health problems of old people, including VAOP. Only in 2020, a case study was published reporting physical therapy interventions performed on an institutionalized old person, victim of urban violence2626 Neto EM, Rocha DS, Silva EA, Silva MB. Intervenção Fisioterapêutica em Idoso institucionalizado vítima de violência urbana: estudo de caso. J Ciênc Biomed Saúde. 2020;5(3):58-60.. Thus, the scarcity of publications reflects the timid involvement of physiotherapists in this context, suggesting misunderstanding and/or ignorance of this problem on the part of these professionals.

The Secretariat for Human Rights of the Republic of Brazil (SDHRB)22 Brasil. Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República. Manual de Enfrentamento à Violência contra a Pessoa Idosa: É possível prevenir. É necessário superar [Internet]. Brasília, DF: Secretaria de Direitos Humanos; 2014 [acesso em 09 nov. 2019]. Disponível em: ManualdeEnfrentamentoViolnciacontraaPessoaIdosa.pdf/view
recommends that health professionals specialize and act in all types of VAOP. However, the physiotherapists who identify these situations understand them as a matter of psychological management and/or social assistance, not perceiving themselves as protagonists of relevant interventions in these situations. Ribeiro and Barter2727 Ribeiro AP, Barter EACP. Atendimento de reabilitação à pessoa idosa vítima de acidentes e violência em distintas regiões do Brasil. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2010;15(6):2729-40. evidenced this distance, reporting that physical therapists did not consider themselves responsible for listening, support, care and guidance to old people with a history of violence. On the contrary, these professionals assumed that they should only act on physical injuries and transfer the responsibility for the situation of violence to other professionals (such as psychologists and social workers).

Reinforcing this perception, this study also evaluated, as a distant practice, the consolidation of the safety net for cases of old people victims of violence. The professionals considered the rehabilitation services as an isolated, discontinuous and punctual action, demonstrating the lack of engagement in this issue.2727 Ribeiro AP, Barter EACP. Atendimento de reabilitação à pessoa idosa vítima de acidentes e violência em distintas regiões do Brasil. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2010;15(6):2729-40..

Regarding educational interventions, the literature recognizes that the best way to prevent VAOP is knowledge. Many old people are unaware of their rights or do not even recognize themselves as victims, nor their ways of prevention and defense in these situations2828 Colussi EL, Kuyawa A, de Marchi ACB, Pichler NA. Percepções de idosos sobre envelhecimento e violência nas relações intrafamiliares. Rev Bras Geriatr Gerontol. 2019;22(4):e190034.,2929 São Paulo. Instituto de Assistência Médica ao Servidor Público. Manual de Segurança e Direitos da Pessoa Idosa [Internet]. São Paulo: CEDEP; 2013 [acesso em 09 nov. 2019]. Disponível em:

In addition, some studies also report that the role of caregiver is often assumed by family members, often unprepared, causing care to occur in an intuitive and mistaken way, which can cause situations of neglect3030 Lopes EDS, Ferreira AG, Pires CG, Moraes MCS, D´Elboux MJ. Maus-tratos a idosos no Brasil: uma revisão integrativa. Rev Bras Geriatr Gerontol. 2018;21(5):652-62.. Therefore, many cases of VAOP could be avoided with educational interventions aimed at family members and caregivers.

SDHRB22 Brasil. Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República. Manual de Enfrentamento à Violência contra a Pessoa Idosa: É possível prevenir. É necessário superar [Internet]. Brasília, DF: Secretaria de Direitos Humanos; 2014 [acesso em 09 nov. 2019]. Disponível em: ManualdeEnfrentamentoViolnciacontraaPessoaIdosa.pdf/view
highlights the importance of producing awareness campaigns on aging and valuing old people, aimed at the entire Brazilian society. For Hirst et al.3131 Hirst SP, Penney T, McNeill S, Boscart VM, Podnieks E, Sinha SK. Best-Practice guideline on the prevention of abuse and neglect of older adults. Can J Aging. 2016;35(2):242-60., education is a fundamental preventive strategy, so public awareness campaigns and educational initiatives are essential to avoid situations of violence for old people. In this way, education is a powerful tool for preventing this violence and physiotherapists can contribute with necessary clarifications for old people, family/caregivers and community.

Measures focused on caregiver stress were also reported, as this condition acts as a risk factor for situations of violence3232 Lino VTS, Rodrigues NCP, Lima IS, Athie S, Souza ER. Prevalência e fatores associados ao abuso de cuidadores contra idosos dependentes: a face oculta da violência familiar. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2019;24(1):87-96.. Caregivers are predisposed to stress, mental fatigue, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, apathy, emotional indifference, anxiety attacks and depression3333 Souza LR, Hanus JS, Libera LBD, Silva VM, Mangilli EM, Simões PW, et al. Sobrecarga no cuidado, estresse e impacto na qualidade de vida de cuidadores domiciliares assistidos na atenção básica. Cad Saúde Colet. 2015;23(2):140-9..

Pillemer et al.11 Pillemer K, Burnes D, Riffin C, Lachs MS. Elder Abuse: Global Situation, Risk Factors, and Prevention Strategies. Gerontologist. 2016;56(S2):194-205. affirm that the potential for the beginning of violence can be reduced by interventions to support the caregiver, as well as Lopes et al.3030 Lopes EDS, Ferreira AG, Pires CG, Moraes MCS, D´Elboux MJ. Maus-tratos a idosos no Brasil: uma revisão integrativa. Rev Bras Geriatr Gerontol. 2018;21(5):652-62. describe factors related to VAOP: absence of formal and informal support, and of public policies or support for families providing care.

Caregiver interventions are therefore a promising approach to prevention, and it is also necessary to assess the support systems available to caregivers. SDHRB22 Brasil. Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República. Manual de Enfrentamento à Violência contra a Pessoa Idosa: É possível prevenir. É necessário superar [Internet]. Brasília, DF: Secretaria de Direitos Humanos; 2014 [acesso em 09 nov. 2019]. Disponível em: ManualdeEnfrentamentoViolnciacontraaPessoaIdosa.pdf/view
highlights the need to support families with social facilities such as: Community Centers, Day Centers, Collective Residences and Support Services for Family Caregivers. It is worth mentioning that these community environments favor new relational dynamics and strengthening the autonomy and protagonism of the old person, favoring their access to protection networks and services3434 Moura LBA, Noronha VMAS, Vieira ABD, Faustino AM. Percepções de qualidade de vida e as experiências de violências em idosos. Rev Enferm UFPE on line. 2018;12(8):2146-53..

It is known that the caregiver burden increases the greater the functional dependence of the old person3030 Lopes EDS, Ferreira AG, Pires CG, Moraes MCS, D´Elboux MJ. Maus-tratos a idosos no Brasil: uma revisão integrativa. Rev Bras Geriatr Gerontol. 2018;21(5):652-62.. Furthermore, studies have linked impairment of functional capacity to the risk of violence, as well as signs of violence in this population3535 Dias VF, Araújo LSLR, Cândido ASC, Lopes AOS, Pinheiro LMG, Reis LA. Dados sociodemográficos, condições de saúde e sinais de violência contra idosos longevos. Rev Saúde Colet. 2019;9:186-92.

36 Oliveira BS, Dias VF, Reis LA. Relação entre capacidade funcional e sinais de violência e maus tratos em idosos longevos. Fisioter Brasil. 2015;16(1):32-7.
-3737 Santos MAB, Moreira RS, Faccio PF, Gomes GC, Silva VL. Fatores associados à violência contra o idoso: uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2020;25(6):2153-75.. Maia et al.3838 Maia PHS, Ferreira EF, Melo EM, Vargas AMD. A ocorrência da violência em idosos e seus fatores associados. Rev Bras Enferm. 2019;72(Suppl 2):64-70. they also reported that the old person who suffers some type of violence is in a situation of functional dependence. That is, old people who need assistance for activities of daily living can trigger stressful situations in the caregiver and increase the chance of suffering some type of violence.

In this scenario, the physiotherapist is committed to the universality and comprehensiveness of care, with interventions aimed at the functional independence of the old person, promoting relief from the caregiver’s stress and thereby preventing situations of violence. Thus, these interventions consist of preventive actions against violence, as well as contributing to improving the quality of life of the old person, their family and caregiver.

To detect abuse situations early, it is necessary to recognize the warning signs of all types of violence, which includes general signs in the behavior of the old person, as well as visible physical signs. The warning signs described in this article corroborate literary findings from other reviews, guidelines and government publications3939 Borda LMF, Porto SH, Martínez VB, Ramírez RAH. Maltrato a las personas mayores: una revisión narrativa. Univ Med. 2019;60(4):1-16.

40 Elder Abuse Task Force of Santa Clara County. Elder Abuse: Guidelines for Professional Assessment and Reporting: Identification, Assessment, Reporting, Prevention, Resources [Internet]. California: EATF; 2019 [acesso em 18 dez. 2019]. Disponível em:
-4141 Rio Grande do Sul. Secretaria de Estado da Saúde. Enfrentamento da Violência contra Pessoa Idosa na Saúde: Orientações para Gestores e Profissionais de Saúde [Internet]. Porto Alegre; Secretaria de Estado da Saúde do Rio Grande do Sul. 2016 [acesso em 15 nov. 2019]. Disponível em: 22152615-cartilha-enfrentamento-da-violencia-contra-pessoa-idosa.pdf

The physiotherapist, having a focus on physical interventions, can pay attention to physical signs of violence. However, due to the physiotherapist-patient relationship that develops during therapy, this professional must be aware of psychological, behavioral changes and the old person-family/caregiver interaction, which may indicate psychological violence. Thus, through a situation of violence, the old person may present changes in the emotional state2929 São Paulo. Instituto de Assistência Médica ao Servidor Público. Manual de Segurança e Direitos da Pessoa Idosa [Internet]. São Paulo: CEDEP; 2013 [acesso em 09 nov. 2019]. Disponível em:
,3939 Borda LMF, Porto SH, Martínez VB, Ramírez RAH. Maltrato a las personas mayores: una revisión narrativa. Univ Med. 2019;60(4):1-16.,4141 Rio Grande do Sul. Secretaria de Estado da Saúde. Enfrentamento da Violência contra Pessoa Idosa na Saúde: Orientações para Gestores e Profissionais de Saúde [Internet]. Porto Alegre; Secretaria de Estado da Saúde do Rio Grande do Sul. 2016 [acesso em 15 nov. 2019]. Disponível em: 22152615-cartilha-enfrentamento-da-violencia-contra-pessoa-idosa.pdf
, that corroborate the general signs and likely psychological violence presented in this review.

PNSPI1111 Brasil. Portaria nº 2.528, de 19 de outubro de 2006. Aprova a Política Nacional de Saúde da Pessoa Idosa. Diário Oficial da União. 20 out. 2006. establishes that management instruments must be implemented to face the difficulties faced by the old person, and one of these instruments includes functional assessment. From it, depending on the functional condition of that person, actions will be established such as: rehabilitation for the recovery of maximum functional autonomy, prevention of functional decline and/or recovery of health.

Thus, it is pertinent to use therapeutic exercises aimed at the rehabilitation of functional activities, making it possible to promote quality of life for the old person and to act in the prevention of situations of violence.

Among these exercises, strength and multicomponents (strength training combined with balance, aerobic and stretching exercises) stand out as good strategies to improve functionality in old people4242 Lemos ECWM, Guadagnin EC, Mota CB. Influência do treinamento de força e do treinamento multicomponente na funcionalidade de idosos: revisão sistemática e metanálise. Rev Bras Cineantropom Desempenho Hum. 2020;22:e60707..

In addition, the combination of individual and collective physical therapy interventions aimed at assisting old people who are victims of violence can improve cognitive, social, physical-functional capacities and quality of life in general.2626 Neto EM, Rocha DS, Silva EA, Silva MB. Intervenção Fisioterapêutica em Idoso institucionalizado vítima de violência urbana: estudo de caso. J Ciênc Biomed Saúde. 2020;5(3):58-60..

Some studies have already shown optimistic results with the inclusion of rehabilitation services for old people, victims of violence. Physiotherapists showed positive results acting in the rehabilitation of patients, such as the resumption of locomotion, guidance to families, return to the community and social reintegration2727 Ribeiro AP, Barter EACP. Atendimento de reabilitação à pessoa idosa vítima de acidentes e violência em distintas regiões do Brasil. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2010;15(6):2729-40..

The resumption of locomotion and social reintegration can be favored by the use of assistive walking devices, as well as other Assistive Technologies (AT), such as prostheses and orthoses. The assessment, prescription, adequacy and training of AT are strategies used to minimize motor dysfunction and reduced mobility, allowing greater autonomy, delaying or rehabilitating functional disabilities, and thus improving the quality of life of old people4343 Lustosa LP, Andrade MAP, Araújo MRN, Bonolo PF, Campos TVO, Araújo VL. Uso terapêutico de tecnologias assistivas: direitos das pessoas com deficiência e habilidade física e motora. Belo Horizonte: Nescon; 2015..

Regarding complaints, in Brazil, the Old People Statute4444 Brasil. Lei nº 10.741, de 1º de Outubro de 2003. Dispõe sobre o Estatuto do Idoso e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da União. 3 out. 2003. warns of the obligation of public and private services to report suspected or confirmed cases of VAOP to the competent authorities, and establishes as an administrative infraction the lack of this communication by the health professional.

In the ethical sphere, physiotherapists are responsible for the Code of Ethics and Deontology of the Federal Council of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, which establishes that “the physiotherapist must communicate to the immediate head of the institution in which he works or to the competent authority, a fact that he is aware of, typified as a crime, misdemeanor or ethical infraction”4545 Conselho Federal de Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional. Resolução nº 424 de 08 de Julho de 2013. Estabelece o Código de Ética e Deontologia da Fisioterapia. Diário Oficial da União. 01 ago 2013..

Thus, it appears that the notification of the situation of violence is compulsory to the physiotherapist, and its communication to the immediate boss is an intervention based on ethical conduct, making its omission an administrative infraction.

However, Oliveira et al.99 Oliveira BG, Freire IV, Assis CS, Sena ELS, Boery RNSO, Yarid SD. Responsabilidade dos profissionais de saúde na notificação dos casos de violência. Rev bioét. 2018;26(3):403-11. describe that the main difficulty pointed out by professionals in communicating VAOP cases is the failure to recognize this situation. Professionals admit that better training is necessary in order to identify and prevent this health issue4646 Mazzotti MC, Scarcella E, D’Antone E, Fersini F, Salsi G, Ingravallo F, et al. Italian healthcare professionals’ attitude and barriers to mandatory reporting of elder abuse: an exploratory study. J Forensic Leg Med. 2019;63:26-30.. In the study by Saliga et al.1919 Saliga S, Adamowicz C, Logue A, Smith K. Physical Therapist’s Knowledge of physical elder abuse: signs, symptoms, laws, and facility protocols. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2004;27(1):5-12., physiotherapists reported lack of training/information about VAOP, reinforcing the conception of this professional’s distance from the problem in question.

The present study has limitations inherent to scope reviews, as it includes several studies, not being concerned with the quality or level of evidence. In addition, this review mostly identified reflective and editorial texts, published more than 15 years ago, demonstrating the scientific fragility with which this content has been approached.

In addition, most studies emphasized the identification of signs and symptoms, and the assessment of the old person in the context of violence, to the detriment of more specific concrete physiotherapeutic interventions. Furthermore, in some studies, different professional categories were addressed, covering interventions common to other professionals, limiting the recognition of the physiotherapist’s actions.


This review provided a summary of the physical therapy interventions aimed at the old person in situations of violence, which involved: health education, measures of caregiver stress, community resources, screening/triage, assessment, identification, therapeutic plan/rehabilitation and reporting.

These interventions are in line with health policies aimed at the old person, including the National Policy for the Old Person, the Statute for the Old Person, the National Health Policy for the Old Person and the National Policy for Reducing Morbidity and Mortality from Accidents and Violence. These policies converge so that health care for old people is guaranteed at different levels of care, protecting them from any type of violence.

Despite this, the scarcity of updated observational and experimental studies, published on this topic, was identified. Thus, it is observed that some questions still need to be answered: how is the physiotherapist acting in situations of violence against old people (VAOP)? What would be the specific actions of the physical therapist in these situations? Which actions are multiprofessional? How effective are these interventions in this problem? How should the protocol for physiotherapeutic assistance be faced with VAOP?

Considering that many important actions in coping with VAOP, mainly at the levels of prevention and promotion, are shared with other health professionals, it is suggested that future reviews be carried out that include interdisciplinary approaches aimed at this problem, enabling the identification of updated studies and portray proven interventions.

On the other hand, physiotherapists contribute with specific and significant actions for this problem, especially with regard to the therapeutic and rehabilitation plan, and which constitute the differential of these professionals in the context of VAOP, needing to be disseminated among researchers and professionals of the practice.

Based on this and future reviews, it is suggested to conduct methodological research for the elaboration and validation of care protocols, both specific to the physiotherapist and multiprofessional. These protocols could support a qualified professional practice with a focus on comprehensive care for old people who are victims of violence, contributing to the implementation of existing public health policies and improving the quality of life and health of this population.

  • Funding: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). Edital Universal: 28/2018. Nº do processo: 424604-2018-3.


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    Saliga S, Adamowicz C, Logue A, Smith K. Physical Therapist’s Knowledge of physical elder abuse: signs, symptoms, laws, and facility protocols. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2004;27(1):5-12.
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    Camaratta F, Fenstermaker J, Hoffman AJ, Kolongowski M, Tecklin JS. Elder Abuse and the Physical Therapist. Issues Aging. 2000;23(1):9-12.
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    Neto EM, Rocha DS, Silva EA, Silva MB. Intervenção Fisioterapêutica em Idoso institucionalizado vítima de violência urbana: estudo de caso. J Ciênc Biomed Saúde. 2020;5(3):58-60.
  • 27
    Ribeiro AP, Barter EACP. Atendimento de reabilitação à pessoa idosa vítima de acidentes e violência em distintas regiões do Brasil. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2010;15(6):2729-40.
  • 28
    Colussi EL, Kuyawa A, de Marchi ACB, Pichler NA. Percepções de idosos sobre envelhecimento e violência nas relações intrafamiliares. Rev Bras Geriatr Gerontol. 2019;22(4):e190034.
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    São Paulo. Instituto de Assistência Médica ao Servidor Público. Manual de Segurança e Direitos da Pessoa Idosa [Internet]. São Paulo: CEDEP; 2013 [acesso em 09 nov. 2019]. Disponível em:
  • 30
    Lopes EDS, Ferreira AG, Pires CG, Moraes MCS, D´Elboux MJ. Maus-tratos a idosos no Brasil: uma revisão integrativa. Rev Bras Geriatr Gerontol. 2018;21(5):652-62.
  • 31
    Hirst SP, Penney T, McNeill S, Boscart VM, Podnieks E, Sinha SK. Best-Practice guideline on the prevention of abuse and neglect of older adults. Can J Aging. 2016;35(2):242-60.
  • 32
    Lino VTS, Rodrigues NCP, Lima IS, Athie S, Souza ER. Prevalência e fatores associados ao abuso de cuidadores contra idosos dependentes: a face oculta da violência familiar. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2019;24(1):87-96.
  • 33
    Souza LR, Hanus JS, Libera LBD, Silva VM, Mangilli EM, Simões PW, et al. Sobrecarga no cuidado, estresse e impacto na qualidade de vida de cuidadores domiciliares assistidos na atenção básica. Cad Saúde Colet. 2015;23(2):140-9.
  • 34
    Moura LBA, Noronha VMAS, Vieira ABD, Faustino AM. Percepções de qualidade de vida e as experiências de violências em idosos. Rev Enferm UFPE on line. 2018;12(8):2146-53.
  • 35
    Dias VF, Araújo LSLR, Cândido ASC, Lopes AOS, Pinheiro LMG, Reis LA. Dados sociodemográficos, condições de saúde e sinais de violência contra idosos longevos. Rev Saúde Colet. 2019;9:186-92.
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    Oliveira BS, Dias VF, Reis LA. Relação entre capacidade funcional e sinais de violência e maus tratos em idosos longevos. Fisioter Brasil. 2015;16(1):32-7.
  • 37
    Santos MAB, Moreira RS, Faccio PF, Gomes GC, Silva VL. Fatores associados à violência contra o idoso: uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2020;25(6):2153-75.
  • 38
    Maia PHS, Ferreira EF, Melo EM, Vargas AMD. A ocorrência da violência em idosos e seus fatores associados. Rev Bras Enferm. 2019;72(Suppl 2):64-70.
  • 39
    Borda LMF, Porto SH, Martínez VB, Ramírez RAH. Maltrato a las personas mayores: una revisión narrativa. Univ Med. 2019;60(4):1-16.
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    Elder Abuse Task Force of Santa Clara County. Elder Abuse: Guidelines for Professional Assessment and Reporting: Identification, Assessment, Reporting, Prevention, Resources [Internet]. California: EATF; 2019 [acesso em 18 dez. 2019]. Disponível em:
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Edited by

Edited by: Maria Helena Rodrigues Galvão

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    08 Jan 2021
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    15 Apr 2020
  • Accepted
    09 Nov 2020
Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil