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Vitamin B12 deficiency and associated factors in institutionalized



To assess the frequency of vitamin B12 deficiency and associated factors in institutionalized old people.


We analyzed 65 old people, with an average age of 80±9 years (61-113), from a long-term philanthropic geriatric institution. The serum dosage of vitamin B12 was analyzed and classified as: normal (≥299 pg/mL), borderline (200-298 pg/mL) and deficiency (<200 pg/mL). The association with length of stay in the institution, cognitive and functional decline, regular use of biguanides and proton pump inhibitors, considered risk factors for B12 hypovitaminosis, was analyzed using the bivariate analysis tests (parametric and non-parametric) and Poisson regression.


Vitamin B12 deficiency was present in 21.5% and borderline values in 32.3% of the sample. Among the old people, 52.9% had dementia of different causes, 49.2% had arterial hypertension, 29.2% with anemia (21.5% normocytic, 4.6% microcytic and 3.1% macrocytic), 18.5 % diabetics; 27.7% used polypharmacy, with 12.3% using metformin and 16.9% using proton pump inhibitors. In the multivariate model, there was no association between vitamin B12 deficiency and the variables studied.


We observed an important frequency of borderline and low values of vitamin B12 in the patients of this geriatric institution of permanent care, but without association with the risk factors for their deficiency studied, which makes it important to include the serum dosage of this vitamin in the laboratory tests routine of that group.

Vitamin B12; Vitamin B12 Deficiency; Homes for the aged; Health of Institutionalized Elderly

Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil