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Association between food insecurity and chronic non-communicable diseases in older adults covered by the family health strategy: a cross-sectional study in the Brazilian Northeast



To investigate the association between Food Insecurity (FI) and Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in older adults in the Family Health Strategy (FHS).


Cross-sectional study carried out with older adults from a city in the Northeast of Brazil. The presence of NCDs (Diabetes mellitus (DM); Systemic Arterial Hypertension (SAH); and dyslipidemia) was investigated through self-reported medical diagnosis (yes or no). FI was assessed using the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale (EBIA). In data processing, descriptive analysis, bivariate analysis with Pearson's chi-square test and binomial logistic regression were carried out. The significance level was considered at p<0.05.


316 older adults were evaluated and a prevalence of 63.3% for FI was observed (37.7% for mild FI and 25.6% for moderate/severe FI). Regarding the NCDs investigated, a prevalence of 24.1% for DM, 69.9% for hypertension and 30.7% for dyslipidemia was observed. In the regression analysis, after adjustments, there was no association between FI and SAH or DM. There was only an association between mild FI and dyslipidemia (OR 2.036; 95% CI: 1.072 – 3.866). No association was found between moderate/severe FI and dyslipidemia (OR 1.779; 95% CI: 0.877 – 3.610).


The study points to FI as a social and public health problem in older adults cared for by the FHS in a municipality in northeastern Brazil, both due to the prevalence found and the association with chronic diseases. The implementation of specific public policies for older adults can improve access to healthy food and help maintain health.

Aging; Nutrition; Food Security; Chronic Diseases; Primary Health Care



Investigar a associação entre a Insegurança Alimentar (IA) e as Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis (DCNT) em pessoas idosas da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF).


Estudo transversal realizado com pessoas idosas de um município do Nordeste do Brasil. A presença de DCNT (Diabetes Mellitus (DM); Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS); e dislipidemias) foi investigada por meio do diagnóstico médico autorrelatado (sim ou não). Já a IA foi avaliada pela Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar (EBIA). No processamento dos dados foi feita a análise descritiva, a análise bivariada com o teste qui-quadrado de Pearson e a regressão logística binomial. O nível de significância foi considerado para p<0,05.


Foram avaliadas 316 pessoas idosas e observou-se uma prevalência de 63,3% para IA (37,7% de IA leve e 25,6% de IA moderada/grave). Em relação às DCNT investigadas, observou-se uma prevalência de 24,1% para DM, 69,9% para HAS e 30,7% para dislipidemia. Na análise de regressão, após ajustes, não houve associação entre IA e HAS ou DM. Houve associação somente entre IA leve e dislipidemia (OR 2,036; IC 95%:1,072 – 3,866). Não foi encontrada associação entre IA moderada/grave e dislipidemia (OR 1,779; IC 95%: 0,877 – 3,610).


O estudo aponta a IA como um problema social e de saúde pública em pessoas idosas atendidas pela ESF em um município do nordeste brasileiro, tanto pelas prevalências encontradas, quanto pela associação com doenças crônicas. A implementação de políticas públicas específicas para pessoas idosas pode melhorar o acesso a uma alimentação saudável e auxiliar na manutenção da saúde.

Envelhecimento; Nutrição; Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional; Doenças Crônicas; Atenção Primária à Saúde


Food security (FS) is understood as the realization of the right of all citizens to regular and permanent access to food, both in sufficient quality and quantity; guided by healthy eating practices; and that does not compromise access to other basic daily needs¹. On the other hand, Food Insecurity (FI), which can be acute or chronic, is related to the difficulty in regular access to food, characterized by food instability and irregularity, generally caused by insufficient financial resources². FI can present progressive stages, with mild FI, where there will be anxiety and uncertainty regarding access to food and a decrease in the quality of the food consumed; moving to moderate FI, with also a reduction in the amount of food; up to severe FI, with experiences of famine and deprivation³.

FI is increasing among Brazilians, according to the latest population surveys. In 2013, there were 22.6% of households in FI; in 2018, it was observed that 36.7% were in this condition; and during the COVID-19 pandemic (2022), around 58.7% of the population had some degree of FI, that is, more than half of Brazilians did not have regular and permanent access to food44 Rede Brasileira de Pesquisa em Soberania e Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional . II Inquérito Nacional sobre Insegurança Alimentar no contexto da pandemia do Covid-19 no Brasil. São Paulo: REDE PENSSAN; 2022. Disponível em:ório-II-VIGISAN-2022.pdf. Studies carried out with Brazilian older adults indicate prevalences above 50% in the samples studied33 Marín-León L, Segal-Corrêa AM, Panigassi G, Maranha LK, Sampaio M de FA, Pérez-Escamilla R. A percepção de insegurança alimentar em famílias com idosos em Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil. Cad. Saúde Pública. 2005;21(5):1433–40. Disponível em:
,55 Pereira MHQ, Pereira MLAS, Teles BKA, Campos GC de, Molina M del CB. Food insecurity and depressive symptoms among older adults assisted by the Family Health Strategy in the Northeast region of Brazil. Rev. Nutr. 2023;36:e220197. Disponível em: In this context, FI appears to be a social and public health problem, especially in the older population, considering the economic, social, family, psychological and pathophysiological changes that occur with the aging process66 Pereira RJ. Nutrition and population aging: challenges and perspectives. J. Health NPEPS. 2019; 4(1):1–5. Disponível em:

The existence of FI in homes with older adults results from the interaction of several factors, with the economic aspect being a crucial determinant of this condition77 Pooler JA, Hartline-Grafton H, DeBor M, Sudore RL, Seligman HK. Food Insecurity: A Key Social Determinant of Health for Older Adults. J. Am. Geriatr. Soc. 2019; 67(3):421–4. Disponível em:
. However, other issues are also relevant, such as: occupation, sex, age, education, housing conditions, household density, loneliness, functionality, social support, access to health services and management of chronic diseases88 Chakraborty R, Kundu J, Jana A. Factors Associated with Food Insecurity among Older Adults in India: Impacts of Functional Impairments and Chronic Diseases. Ageing Int. 2022; 48: 918-941. Disponível em:
,99 Saha S, Behnke A, Oldewage-Theron W, Mubtasim N, Miller M. Prevalence and Factors Associated with Food Insecurity among Older Adults in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review. J Nutr Gerontol Geriatr. 2021;40(4): 171–96. Disponível em:
. Once installed, the FI condition is characterized by changes in eating patterns, both with a decrease in quality and diversity, as well as in the quantity of food consumed. Furthermore, chronic stress, caused by repeated moments of instability in nutrient consumption, can impact physiological systems, causing the body to lose its ability to maintain homeostasis1010 Pak T, Kim G. Association of food insecurity with allostatic load among older adults in the US. JAMA netw. open. 2021;4(12):p. e2137503-e2137503. Disponível em:
. This scenario in food consumption has a direct impact on nutritional status and can contribute to the emergence of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)66 Pereira RJ. Nutrition and population aging: challenges and perspectives. J. Health NPEPS. 2019; 4(1):1–5. Disponível em:,1111 Fernandes SG, Rodrigues AM, Nunes C, Santos O, Gregório MJ, de Sousa RD, et al. Food Insecurity in Older Adults: Results From the Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases Cohort Study 3. Front. Med. 2018; 12;5. Disponível em:
. In other words, FI may be associated with the presence of NCDs in older adults1111 Fernandes SG, Rodrigues AM, Nunes C, Santos O, Gregório MJ, de Sousa RD, et al. Food Insecurity in Older Adults: Results From the Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases Cohort Study 3. Front. Med. 2018; 12;5. Disponível em:

In the panorama of Brazilian population aging, the increase in NCDs and multimorbidity is increasingly noticeable1212 Leite BC, Oliveira-Figueiredo DS, Rocha FL, Nogueira MF. Multimorbidade por doenças crônicas não transmissíveis em idosos: estudo de base populacional. Rev. Bras. Geriatr. Gerontol. 2020; 22(6). Disponível em:
,1313 Nunes BP, Batista SRR, Andrade FB, Souza Junior PRB, Lima-Costa MF, Facchini LA. Multimorbidity: the Brazilian longitudinal study of aging (ELSI-Brazil). Rev. Saúde Pública. 2018; 52 (Supl 2:10s.) Disponível em:
. Multimorbidity is understood as the coexistence of two or more chronic diseases in the same individual1414 Skou ST, Mair FS, Fortin M, Guthrie B, Nunes BP, Miranda JJ, Boyd CM, Pati S, Mtenga S, Smith SM. Multimorbidity. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2022, 14;8(1):48.
. Among the main chronic diseases, Systemic Arterial Hypertension (SAH), Diabetes mellitus (DM) and dyslipidemia stand out1414 Skou ST, Mair FS, Fortin M, Guthrie B, Nunes BP, Miranda JJ, Boyd CM, Pati S, Mtenga S, Smith SM. Multimorbidity. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2022, 14;8(1):48.
. This situation may be related to the aging process itself, however, an unbalanced diet and low nutritional quality, a characteristic eating pattern among individuals with FI, is one of the main factors that contribute to the emergence of NCDs1010 Pak T, Kim G. Association of food insecurity with allostatic load among older adults in the US. JAMA netw. open. 2021;4(12):p. e2137503-e2137503. Disponível em:
,1111 Fernandes SG, Rodrigues AM, Nunes C, Santos O, Gregório MJ, de Sousa RD, et al. Food Insecurity in Older Adults: Results From the Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases Cohort Study 3. Front. Med. 2018; 12;5. Disponível em:

Therefore, considering the challenges of the growth of the older population in Brazil and the search for active aging and quality of life, it is essential to know aspects that negatively impact the health of these individuals. FI has been identified as an important exposure factor for NCDs and thus can contribute to an increase in morbidity and mortality in this population. However, there are different experiences of FI (mild, moderate and severe), with completely different eating patterns, which can have different repercussions on the health of the older adult. The relationship between different levels of FI and the presence of NCDs is not well established in the literature. In this context, the results of this work will be important to generate new hypotheses on this topic. Thus, this study set out to investigate the association between FI (mild and moderate/severe) and NCDs in older adults cared for by the FHS in a municipality in the Brazilian Northeast.


This is a cross-sectional and quantitative study, carried out with older individuals. The preparation of this article followed recommendations from the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) checklist1515 Vandenbroucke JP, von Elm E, Altman DG, Gøtzsche PC, Mulrow CD, Pocock SJ, et al. Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE): explanation and elaboration. PLoS Med. 2007;4(10):e297. Disponível em:
. This work is part of a more comprehensive research project entitled “Health assessment of older residents in the city of Barreiras (BA)”. The research was carried out in the municipality of Barreiras, which is located in the western region of the State of Bahia, Northeast Brazil. According to data from the last demographic census, the municipality's population is around 159,734 inhabitants, with the majority living in urban areas1616 Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Cidades e estados [Internet]. Rio de Janeiro. 2022. [Acesso em: 12 de setembro de 2023]. Disponível em:

The study participants were older adults aged 60 or over, living in households in urban areas and registered with the FHS. At the time of data collection (2017/2018), FHS coverage was 52.5% of the population, with 4828 older adults distributed across the city's 23 FHS teams. In the sample calculation of the matrix project, which presented different objectives and outcomes, a general prevalence of 50%, an error of 5% and a confidence level of 95% were adopted, totaling a sample of 356 participants. Furthermore, the power of the study was calculated (posteriori), using specific statistical software for sample calculation. As the study presented multiple outcomes, the prevalence of dyslipidemia was considered for the calculation.

The sampling process included two stages. Firstly, stratified sampling with proportional allocation, considering the number of older adults in each FHS team. The calculation was carried out, which presented the number of older adults per Family Health Unit (FHU), ensuring proportionality and representativeness. In a second step, simple random sampling was applied. A draw was made, based on the list of older adults in each FHU team, to obtain the names of the individuals who would participate in data collection.

The following were considered eligible to participate in the study: older adults, without sex restrictions, residents of urban areas, registered at the FHU and who were selected at random. Older adults who were residents of Long-Term Care Institutions (LTC) were excluded from the study, due to the municipality only having one LTC located in one of the sampling strata, as well as due to the particularities that this population presents; older adults hospitalized and who would consequently be absent at the time of the invitation to participate in the research; those individuals affected by a health condition that prevented travel to the data collection location; as well as older adults with severe cognitive impairment, indicated by the FHS teams, and who were unable to answer the research questions.

Data collection took place at the FHU where the participants were registered. The invitation was delivered by Community Health Agents (CHA) to the selected older adults, which contained information about the date and time for attendance at the FHU, as well as technical information for carrying out data collection. The collection was carried out by a trained team of researchers, made up of health professionals and university students. Training was carried out through standardization workshops. At these moments, each item, measurement or data present in the structured research questionnaire was presented, executed and discussed. In addition to the theoretical part, there were practical moments to standardize the team as a measure to guarantee the reliability of the data collected, based on the exhaustive performance of the procedures, minimizing the risk of information bias.

As a data collection instrument, a general questionnaire with comprehensive questions was used for this study, which allowed the characterization of individuals based on demographic, social, lifestyle and health condition variables, including the diagnosis of NCDs. In addition, specific scales were applied to investigate FI (Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale-EBIA) and nutritional status (Mini Nutritional Assessment - MNA)1717 Pérez-escamilla R, Segall-Corrêa AM, Kurdian LM, Sampaio MFA, Marín-Leon L, Panigassi G. An adapted version of the US Department of Agriculture Food Insecurity module is a valid tool for assessing household food insecurity in Campinas, Brazil. J Nutr;134(8): p. 1923-1928, 2004. Disponível em:
,1818 Guigoz Y. The Mini-Nutritional Assessment (MNA-Société des Produits Nestlé SA, Trademank Ownerrs) Review of the Literature - What does it tell us?. J Nutr Health Aging. 2006:10: 466-487. Disponível em:

The presence of NCDs, identified through self-reported medical diagnosis by the older adults, was considered the outcome in this study. The information was collected from a structured questionnaire, which was previously tested and coded, presenting dichotomous questions (yes/no): “Do you have high blood pressure?” is an example of how the questions were asked. The researchers explained the question in more detail: Has a doctor ever diagnosed you as having (each disease)? Yes answers (with or without treatment) were considered as presence of the disease and no answers were considered as absence of the disease. If in doubt, the researchers also asked about the use of any regularly used medication prescribed by a doctor. The NCDs investigated in this study were DM, hypertension and dyslipidemia. Older adults who presented either one of these conditions or a combination were considered to have dyslipidemia: hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia and mixed hyperlipidemia (high triglycerides and cholesterol).

FI was classified as an independent variable and was evaluated using EBIA. It is a psychometric scale adapted and validated for the Brazilian population, being the main instrument used in Brazil to analyze this phenomenon, both in scientific research and in population surveys (Family Budget Surveys - POF; and National Sample Survey of Households - PNAD) carried out by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE)22 Brasil. Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome. Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar - EBIA: análise psicométrica de uma dimensão da Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional [Internet]. Estudo técnico daSecretaria de Avaliação e Gestão da Informação, Brasília, 2014. Brasília; MDS; 2014. (MDS. Estudo técnico). Disponível em:,1717 Pérez-escamilla R, Segall-Corrêa AM, Kurdian LM, Sampaio MFA, Marín-Leon L, Panigassi G. An adapted version of the US Department of Agriculture Food Insecurity module is a valid tool for assessing household food insecurity in Campinas, Brazil. J Nutr;134(8): p. 1923-1928, 2004. Disponível em:
. The EBIA presents 14 questions (yes/no) and focuses mainly on aspects related to access to food and possible economic and financial difficulties in obtaining it. From the responses collected, a score was generated and households with older adults were classified as FS, Mild FI, Moderate FI or Severe FI, with the reference values ​​considering the presence or absence of people under 18 years of age. Thus, the following cutoff points were applied: FS (0 point), mild FI (1-4 points), moderate FI (5-6 points) and severe FI (7-8 points), in situations without individuals under 18 years of age; and FS (0 point), mild FI (1-5 points), moderate FI (6-9 points) and severe FI (10-14 points), when there were individuals under 18 years old22 Brasil. Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome. Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar - EBIA: análise psicométrica de uma dimensão da Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional [Internet]. Estudo técnico daSecretaria de Avaliação e Gestão da Informação, Brasília, 2014. Brasília; MDS; 2014. (MDS. Estudo técnico). Disponível em:

The covariates analyzed were:

  • Demographic, social and lifestyle: age (60 to 69 years; 70 to 79 years or 80 years of age or older), sex (male or female), education (<4 years or ≥4 years of study), marital status (with partner or without partner), self-declared race/color (white and others or black and brown), alcohol consumption (yes or no), smoking (yes or no) and physical activity (yes or no). Older adults who self-declared (yes or no) that they performed any level or modality were considered to be practicing physical activity.

  • Nutritional, food and health conditions: Body Mass Index (BMI) was assessed, according to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)19 (2002): >28 kg/m2 (with overweight) or ≤28 kg /m2 (without overweight), as it is considered a specific cutoff point for the older population and was derived from studies with populations from Latin America and the Caribbean, including Brazilian older adults in the sample. Furthermore, waist circumference (WC) was analyzed, according to the World Health Organization20(1998): <80cm for women or <94cm for men, as normal; ≥80cm for women or ≥94cm for men, as high. The food consumption variables were collected through the application of the MNA: daily consumption of fruits and vegetables (yes or no), weekly consumption of legumes and eggs (yes or no), and number of meals (<3 or ≥3)18. Furthermore, the quantity of medications used (<3 or ≥3 medications) was investigated.

The characterization of the studied population was carried out through descriptive analysis of the data, with frequency distribution (absolute and relative). In the bivariate analysis, Pearson's chi-square test was used to verify the presence of an association between the categorical variables. Variables with significance lower than 0.20 in the bivariate analysis were included in the multivariate model.

Binomial logistic regression analysis was applied in order to verify the association between FI (exposure) and each NCD (outcomes). At this time, FI was categorized into three levels: FS, mild FI and moderate/severe FI. For each NCD (SAH, DM and dyslipidemia) an analysis was carried out using two models: In model 1, only the insertion of the FI variable was considered; and in model 2, in addition to the FI, the variables age and sex were added, given their scientific relevance, as well as other variables were included according to the result of the bivariate analysis (p-value<0.20). After analysis, the crude and adjusted Odds Ratios (OR) with their respective 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) were obtained as measures of association. The assumptions of absence of multicollinearity, minimum sample size for the number of variables in the model and absence of outliers were met. The quality of the model was evaluated using the Hosmer and Lemeshow test. A significance level of 0.05 was used and all tests were carried out using a statistical program.

The study was analyzed and approved by the Research Ethics Committee (opinion no. 1.447.361/2016), in accordance with the standards set out by the National Health Council of the Ministry of Health. All older adults in the study participated voluntarily and signed or performed the fingerprint on the Free and Informed Consent Form (FICF).


316 older adults were analyzed (11.2% of losses), most of whom were female (61.7%), self-declared black/brown race/color (51.9%), had less than four years of education (72. 8%) and with a mean age of 70.5 years (±7.5) (Table 1). Considering lifestyle, it was observed that 40.5% practiced physical activity. Regarding health conditions, 47.9% used three or more medications and 25.9% were overweight. As for eating habits, 86.1% ate more than three meals. The prevalence of FI was 63.3%, with 37.7% of mild FI and 25.6% of moderate/severe FI. Regarding NCDs, prevalences of 24.1% were observed for DM, 69.9% for hypertension and 30.7% for dyslipidemia (Table 2). The results of each variable by NCD can be consulted in Tables 1 and 2. In the bivariate analysis, considering NCDs, there was no statistically significant association between dyslipidemia and FI (p=0.054), FI and SAH (p=0.465), and FI and diabetes mellitus (p=0.263), as shown in (Table 2).

Table 1
Characterization of the sample according to demographic, social and lifestyle variables (N=316). Barreiras, Bahia, Brazil, 2017-2018.
Table 2
Characterization of the sample according to nutritional and dietary variables and health conditions (N=316). Barreiras, BA, Brazil, 2017-2018.

In the logistic regression analysis, after adjusting for possible confounding variables, there was a statistically significant association only between mild FI and dyslipidemia (OR 2.036; 95% CI=1.072–3.866). There was no association between moderate/severe FI and dyslipidemia. The results showed no association between FI and diabetes, either with mild FI or with moderate/severe FI. Likewise, it was not possible to observe an association between FI and SAH, considering mild FI and moderate/severe FI (Table 3).

Table 3
Binomial logistic regression models between NCDs and food insecurity in older adults (N =316). Barreiras, BA, Brazil, 2017-2018.

When calculating the power of the study (a posteriori), the sample of older adults identified an OR of 1.5; with a prevalence of 34.5% among those exposed and 24.1% among those not exposed, considering a test power of 53.1%, with a significance level of 5%.


The main results of this study indicated that there was a significant association between mild FI and dyslipidemia in households with older adults from the FHS in a municipality in the Brazilian Northeast. On the other hand, it was seen that there was no association between FI and SAH, as well as between FI and DM. In other words, FI may be related to the presence of some NCDs and not others. Evidence that corroborates these results is found in a study of Americans aged 50 to 80 years. The authors pointed out that FI may be related to some negative health outcomes, such as diabetes, chronic pain, kidney disease; but with other health problems this association did not occur, such as cardiovascular diseases, lung disorders, cancer, among others2121 Leung CW, Kullgren JT, Malani PN, Singer DC, Kirch M, Solway E, et al. Food insecurity is associated with multiple chronic conditions and physical health status among older US adults. Prev. Med. Rep 2020;20:101211. Disponível em:

Older adults with FI are more exposed to chronic conditions compared to individuals with FS1010 Pak T, Kim G. Association of food insecurity with allostatic load among older adults in the US. JAMA netw. open. 2021;4(12):p. e2137503-e2137503. Disponível em:
,1111 Fernandes SG, Rodrigues AM, Nunes C, Santos O, Gregório MJ, de Sousa RD, et al. Food Insecurity in Older Adults: Results From the Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases Cohort Study 3. Front. Med. 2018; 12;5. Disponível em:
,2121 Leung CW, Kullgren JT, Malani PN, Singer DC, Kirch M, Solway E, et al. Food insecurity is associated with multiple chronic conditions and physical health status among older US adults. Prev. Med. Rep 2020;20:101211. Disponível em:
. The FI ​​condition affects the health of this population beyond nutritional aspects, when there is a decrease in the quality and quantity of the diet. FI generates moments of physiological stress, with dysregulation of body systems, mainly metabolic and inflammatory. In other words, older adults in FI present an increase in allostatic load1010 Pak T, Kim G. Association of food insecurity with allostatic load among older adults in the US. JAMA netw. open. 2021;4(12):p. e2137503-e2137503. Disponível em:
. A cohort study carried out with older Portuguese adults showed that the chance of having a chronic disease was greater in those people who had some level of FI1111 Fernandes SG, Rodrigues AM, Nunes C, Santos O, Gregório MJ, de Sousa RD, et al. Food Insecurity in Older Adults: Results From the Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases Cohort Study 3. Front. Med. 2018; 12;5. Disponível em:
. Even so, there is still a discussion about the causality of FI in relation to NCDs. A study carried out in the USA indicated that the opposite may occur, where the burden of NCDs may increase the risk of having FI, as these diseases put pressure on the family budgets of the older population, and consequently may compromise access to food1111 Fernandes SG, Rodrigues AM, Nunes C, Santos O, Gregório MJ, de Sousa RD, et al. Food Insecurity in Older Adults: Results From the Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases Cohort Study 3. Front. Med. 2018; 12;5. Disponível em:
,2121 Leung CW, Kullgren JT, Malani PN, Singer DC, Kirch M, Solway E, et al. Food insecurity is associated with multiple chronic conditions and physical health status among older US adults. Prev. Med. Rep 2020;20:101211. Disponível em:
,2222 Jih J, Stijacic-Cenzer I, Seligman HK, Boscardin WJ, Nguyen TT, Ritchie CS. Chronic disease burden predicts food insecurity among older adults. Public Health Nutr. 2018; 21(9):1737–42. Disponível em:

One of the main results of this study pointed out that households with older adults on mild FI were twice as likely to develop dyslipidemia, when compared to those on FS. There is little research on this topic in older adults and some studies did not find an association between these conditions1111 Fernandes SG, Rodrigues AM, Nunes C, Santos O, Gregório MJ, de Sousa RD, et al. Food Insecurity in Older Adults: Results From the Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases Cohort Study 3. Front. Med. 2018; 12;5. Disponível em:
,2121 Leung CW, Kullgren JT, Malani PN, Singer DC, Kirch M, Solway E, et al. Food insecurity is associated with multiple chronic conditions and physical health status among older US adults. Prev. Med. Rep 2020;20:101211. Disponível em:
. This is because the analyzes did not consider the different levels of FI (mild, moderate and severe) and grouped all individuals into a single category, Food Insecurity2323 Tayie FA, Zizza CA. Concerns about the Secondary Data Analysis of the Association between Food Insecurity and Hyperlipidemia in Low-Income NHANES Participants. J Nutr. 2010;140(8):1535–5. Disponível em:
. Individuals with mild FI have a different dietary pattern than those with moderate/severe FI, and this characteristic can establish different levels of risk for NCDs2424 Drewnowski A, Specter S. Poverty and obesity: the role of energy density and energy costs. Am J Clin Nutr [Internet]. 2004;79(1):6–16. Disponível em: ...
,2525 Laraia BA. Food Insecurity and Chronic Disease. Adv. Nutr [Internet]. 2013;4(2):203–12. Disponível em: 10.3945/an.112.003277 10.3945/an.112.003277...
. However, in other life cycles there is already evidence about the presence of FI, accompanied by the risk of biochemical changes linked to lipids2626 Tayie FA, Zizza CA. Food insecurity and dyslipidemia among adults in the United States. Prev. Med. 2009;48(5):480–5. Disponível em:
,2727 Shin JI, Bautista LE, Walsh MC, Malecki KC, Nieto FJ. Food insecurity and dyslipidemia in a representative population-based sample in the US. Prev. Med [Internet]. 2015;77:186–90. Disponível em:
. An association was observed in American adults only between mild FI and abnormal levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C), compared to people with FS2626 Tayie FA, Zizza CA. Food insecurity and dyslipidemia among adults in the United States. Prev. Med. 2009;48(5):480–5. Disponível em:
,2727 Shin JI, Bautista LE, Walsh MC, Malecki KC, Nieto FJ. Food insecurity and dyslipidemia in a representative population-based sample in the US. Prev. Med [Internet]. 2015;77:186–90. Disponível em:

Individuals with mild FI, faced with economic difficulties, may purchase excessively high-calorie foods, with a high amount of fat and a low concentration of nutrients important for the proper functioning of the body2828 Nettle D, Andrews C, Bateson M. Food insecurity as a driver of obesity in humans: The insurance hypothesis. Behav. Brain Sci. 2016;40: p. e105. Disponível em:
. A dietary pattern with reduced nutritional quality in individuals with FI may favor the emergence of dyslipidemia2929 Krasnovsky L, Crowley AP, Naeem F, Wang LS, Wu GD, Chao AM. A Scoping Review of Nutritional Biomarkers Associated with Food Security. Nutrients. 2023;15(16):3576–6. Disponível em: ...
. In some scenarios, a lower consumption of meals at home can also be observed, with an increase in the frequency of consumption of fast food 3030 Larson N, Laska MN, Neumark-Sztainer D. Food Insecurity, Diet Quality, Home Food Availability, and Health Risk Behaviors Among Emerging Adults: Findings From the EAT 2010–2018 Study. Am. J. Public Health. 2020;110(9):1422–8. Disponível em:
. Furthermore, in individuals with FI, there is a reduction in the intake of fresh foods29.

The dietary pattern of older adults with FI is characterized by instability in consumption, depending on the level of FI (mild, moderate or severe), marked by periods of deprivation and underconsumption, alternating with moments of excessive consumption (mainly of processed foods), when food becomes available. This dietary pattern has been identified as a risk factor for the development of obesity, which in turn, appears to be a mediator between the presence of FI and dyslipidemia2525 Laraia BA. Food Insecurity and Chronic Disease. Adv. Nutr [Internet]. 2013;4(2):203–12. Disponível em: 10.3945/an.112.003277 10.3945/an.112.003277...
,2929 Krasnovsky L, Crowley AP, Naeem F, Wang LS, Wu GD, Chao AM. A Scoping Review of Nutritional Biomarkers Associated with Food Security. Nutrients. 2023;15(16):3576–6. Disponível em: ...
. In other words, there may be a relationship between FI, changes in dietary patterns, the emergence of excess weight and obesity, and changes in lipid metabolism in the body2929 Krasnovsky L, Crowley AP, Naeem F, Wang LS, Wu GD, Chao AM. A Scoping Review of Nutritional Biomarkers Associated with Food Security. Nutrients. 2023;15(16):3576–6. Disponível em: ...
,3131 Pereira MHQ, Pereira MLAS, Campos GCC, Molina MCB. Food insecurity and nutritional status among older adults: a systematic review. Nutr. Rev. 2022; 80 (4): 631–644. Disponível em
. In these older adults with obesity, the effects of pro-inflammatory adipokines occur in adipose tissue, which generate a change in the metabolism of lipoproteins, through increased lipolysis and excessive release of free fatty acids into the bloodstream, which causes increased formation of very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) in the liver, as well as a decrease in high-density lipoproteins (HDL) or modifications in relation to their functions2929 Krasnovsky L, Crowley AP, Naeem F, Wang LS, Wu GD, Chao AM. A Scoping Review of Nutritional Biomarkers Associated with Food Security. Nutrients. 2023;15(16):3576–6. Disponível em: ...

Furthermore, older individuals with FI, faced with food shortages, experience more episodes of stress and psychological distress, which can cause changes in the metabolism of cortisol and other metabolic hormones. Along with this, it is worth highlighting that in the FI ​​condition, due to the qualitative reduction in the diet, there is a reduction in the consumption of nutrients with antioxidant function, present in fruits, vegetables, seeds and grains, which would be important in protecting against HDL peroxidation2525 Laraia BA. Food Insecurity and Chronic Disease. Adv. Nutr [Internet]. 2013;4(2):203–12. Disponível em: 10.3945/an.112.003277 10.3945/an.112.003277...
,2929 Krasnovsky L, Crowley AP, Naeem F, Wang LS, Wu GD, Chao AM. A Scoping Review of Nutritional Biomarkers Associated with Food Security. Nutrients. 2023;15(16):3576–6. Disponível em: ...

Another important result of this study was the high prevalence of FI. This scenario appears both in high-income countries and in those with medium and low incomes, pointing to the global growth of this problem among older adults3131 Pereira MHQ, Pereira MLAS, Campos GCC, Molina MCB. Food insecurity and nutritional status among older adults: a systematic review. Nutr. Rev. 2022; 80 (4): 631–644. Disponível em
. Thus, faced with a heterogeneous aging process, being an older adult becomes a risk factor for FI55 Pereira MHQ, Pereira MLAS, Teles BKA, Campos GC de, Molina M del CB. Food insecurity and depressive symptoms among older adults assisted by the Family Health Strategy in the Northeast region of Brazil. Rev. Nutr. 2023;36:e220197. Disponível em:,1010 Pak T, Kim G. Association of food insecurity with allostatic load among older adults in the US. JAMA netw. open. 2021;4(12):p. e2137503-e2137503. Disponível em:
,1111 Fernandes SG, Rodrigues AM, Nunes C, Santos O, Gregório MJ, de Sousa RD, et al. Food Insecurity in Older Adults: Results From the Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases Cohort Study 3. Front. Med. 2018; 12;5. Disponível em:
. This scenario may be related to a reduction in the income of older adults and their families and, at the same time, to the increase in food prices, which made access to food difficult. This is because many countries adopted policies that impacted social security systems, reducing the scope or exclusion of social programs, freezing pension and salary values, increasing taxes and increasing personal spending on health3131 Pereira MHQ, Pereira MLAS, Campos GCC, Molina MCB. Food insecurity and nutritional status among older adults: a systematic review. Nutr. Rev. 2022; 80 (4): 631–644. Disponível em
,3232 Gracia-Arnaiz M. The precarisation of daily life in Spain: Austerity, social policy and food insecurity. Appetite. 2022; 171:105906. Disponível em:
. All of this has an impact on dietary patterns.

Another aspect that deserves to be highlighted is that the data from this study predates the COVID-19 pandemic and shows that the FI ​​situation was already worrying, at least among the older adults studied. However, given the many vulnerabilities that older adults face, the pandemic has had a strong impact on this group, both in the lethality and mortality rate of the coronavirus, and in the repercussions on other aspects, such as health, income, care and access to food3333 Romero DE, Muzy J, Damacena GN, Souza NA, Almeida WS, Szwarcwald CL, et al. Idosos no contexto da pandemia da COVID-19 no Brasil: efeitos nas condições de saúde, renda e trabalho. Cad. Saúde Pública. 2022;1;37(3):p. e00216620. Disponível em:
. Research carried out during and post-pandemic shows that there has been an increase in FI, with important reductions in foods that are essential for maintaining an adequate and healthy diet44 Rede Brasileira de Pesquisa em Soberania e Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional . II Inquérito Nacional sobre Insegurança Alimentar no contexto da pandemia do Covid-19 no Brasil. São Paulo: REDE PENSSAN; 2022. Disponível em:ório-II-VIGISAN-2022.pdf,3333 Romero DE, Muzy J, Damacena GN, Souza NA, Almeida WS, Szwarcwald CL, et al. Idosos no contexto da pandemia da COVID-19 no Brasil: efeitos nas condições de saúde, renda e trabalho. Cad. Saúde Pública. 2022;1;37(3):p. e00216620. Disponível em:

Despite the methodological rigor, the present study has some limitations. Due to its cross-sectional nature, it was not possible to establish a cause-effect relationship between the variables analyzed. The scarcity of longitudinal studies contributes to maintaining the hypothesis as an object of study. Another aspect involves collecting the dependent variable through self-reported medical diagnosis. However, there is reliability in self-reported data3434 Najafi F, Moradinazar M, Hamzeh B, Rezaeian S. The reliability of self-reporting chronic diseases: how reliable is the result of population-based cohort studies. J. prev. med. hyg. 2019;60(4):E349–53. Disponível em:
. Another limitation was the sample size, which may have influenced the study power value, calculated a posteriori (53.1%). The losses may have contributed to this aspect, but it did not affect the representativeness of the sample, considering that the distribution of losses was not concentrated in some strata. In relation to the merits, we can highlight the focus of the study on community-dwelling older adults cared for in Primary Health Care (PHC) and the carrying out of statistical analyzes based on the different levels of FI (mild, moderate/severe). Furthermore, through searches carried out in the main databases, it is believed to be the first study on this topic carried out only with Brazilian older adults.


From this study and considering the Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases analyzed, it can be concluded that there is an association only between mild Food Insecurity and dyslipidemia in older adults living in the community in a municipality located in the Brazilian Northeast. Furthermore, it was not possible to observe an association between Food Insecurity and the other diseases studied (SAH and diabetes). The results obtained warn about the high prevalence of Food Insecurity in this population and the importance of research in the area.

The creation or expansion of public policies aimed at this group (popular restaurants, community kitchens, income transfer programs, Popular Pharmacy, among others) can improve access to healthy food in quantity and quality, an aspect that could help maintain the health, control and treatment of NCDs. Furthermore, the capillarization of professional nutritionists in Primary Health Care, together with Food and Nutritional Education actions, could help improve dietary choices.

  • There was no funding for the execution of this work.

    The entire dataset supporting the results of this study is available upon request from the corresponding author.


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Edited by

Edited by Yan Nogueira Leite de Freitas

Data availability

The entire dataset supporting the results of this study is available upon request from the corresponding author.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    27 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    19 Feb 2024
  • Accepted
    08 July 2024
Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil