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Iron deficiency anemia in pregnant adolescents: comparison between laboratory tests

PURPOSE: to evaluate, in pregnant adolescents, the incidence of iron deficiency, using the following blood tests: hemoglobin, ferritin, serum iron, transferrin saturation rate and serum transferrin receptor, and their relationships. METHODS: a total of 56 adolescents were included at the first prenatal evaluation between the 12th and the 20th week of gestation. The normal values for each test were: above 11 mg/dL for hemoglobin, 12 µg/dL for ferritin, 50 mg/L for serum iron, 16% for transferrin saturation rate and below 28.1 nmol/L for serum transferrin receptor. Each result was evaluated using percentages and the McNemar test was used to compare the results. RESULTS: incidence of anemia using the hemoglobin concentration test was 21.4%. All pregnant women presented mild anemia. In the present study, 21.4% of the patients had iron deficiency with a ferritin concentration <12 mug/dL. Serum iron concentration was reduced in 3.6% of the adolescents and transferrin saturation rate in 26.8% of the sample. The value obtained by the transferrin receptor test was unclear, due to the lack of international standardization regarding measure unit. Comparing the hemoglobin concentration test to the other iron deficiency tests, it was found that the latter do not show a better evaluation than the hemoglobin concentration test in patients with hypoferremia. CONCLUSIONS: the hemoglobin concentration test in patients with mild anemia was effective to identify iron deficiency.

Anemia; Iron deficiency; Adolescent; Normal pregnancy

Federação Brasileira das Sociedades de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia Av. Brigadeiro Luís Antônio, 3421, sala 903 - Jardim Paulista, 01401-001 São Paulo SP - Brasil, Tel. (55 11) 5573-4919 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil