Open-access Proposal of a New Uterine Height Growth Curve for Pregnancies between 20 and 42 Weeks

Purpose: to create a uterine height growth curve, according to gestational age, to verify differences among the existing curves and to evaluate the influence of color, parity and maternal weight on the variation of uterine height. Methods: during the period from July 1997 to July 1999, 100 normal pregnant women were submitted to uterine height measurements between the 20th and 42nd week of gestation. All the pregnant women had ultrasonically confirmed gestational age. A total of 726 measurements of uterine height were carried out by the same examiner, using a metric tape from the upper border of the symphysis pubis to the fundus uteri. Results: curves and tables of uterine height according to gestational age were obtained. The average uterine height growth was 0.7 cm/week. The study revealed different average uterine height values in relation to other uterine height growth curves. No statistically significant variations were found between the distributions of uterine heights according to color, parity and weight. Conclusion: the construction of a methodologically accepted uterine height growth curve aimed to detect, as a clinical method, the fetal growth disturbances. This should be analyzed in a posterior study.

Normal pregnancy; Fetal development; Gestational age; Prenatal diagnosis

Federação Brasileira das Sociedades de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia Av. Brigadeiro Luís Antônio, 3421, sala 903 - Jardim Paulista, 01401-001 São Paulo SP - Brasil, Tel. (55 11) 5573-4919 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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