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From the sertão to the south of Bahia: sociability, circularity and performance of the intellectual negro Deoclecio Silva (1889-1927)


This work aims to present aspects of the trajectory of the intellectual Deoclecio Ramiro Alves da Silva (1889-1927). The time frame begins in 1880, in the capital of Bahia, and extends to 1927, in Ilhéus. The starting point of the study was the news of his entry into the Escola Normal de Homens, located in Salvador. Appointed as a professor in 1913 to work in the cacao region, he was also a copywriter in Ilhéus during the First Republic. This text, theoretically, finds itself at the intersection between the History of Education, and the Social History that includes the Trajectories of Black Intellectuals, therefore, it is responsible for making visible the protagonism of this intellectual. For this, it uses the analysis of photographs and newspapers published in Bahia. We resorted to the understanding of intellectuals as postulates Silva (2019) Sirinelli (2003), Barros (2021) and the treatment of Historical Sources proposed by Ginzburg (1989, 2006) with the Evidential Method of the nominative linking of sources in the qualitative analysis of data a from clues. The central hypothesis is that the History of Education in Ilhéus can be examined from the trajectory of black teachers who are made invisible in terms of their contributions. Among the results, it is noteworthy that Deoclecio was part of a group of intellectuals in the first Republic in the capital and in Ilhéus, representing a group that coexisted alongside the colonels, icons of the economic and political elite, and in parallel constituted itself as an elite cultural that exercised teaching as an agency that enhances their political ideologies.

black students; emancipation; intellectuals; black diaspora; student fight

Sociedade Brasileira de História da Educação Universidade Estadual de Maringá - Av. Colombo, 5790 - Zona 07 - Bloco 40, CEP: 87020-900, Maringá, PR, Brasil, Telefone: (44) 3011-4103 - Maringá - PR - Brazil