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“Into the night” and “the baby in pink Tarlatan”, by João do Rio: gothic and fantastic elements in translation


This article carries out analysis regarding the translation of João do Rio’s short stories “Into the night” and “The baby in pink tarlatan” to the English language, with a focus on the transposition of gothic and fantastic elements in these short decadentist fictional narratives. The configurations of thematic webs concerning space, fear as well as gothic and fantastic elements are analyzed in the translations, with particular emphasis on the networks of semantic fields as compared between the source text and its translation. The theoretical bases of Translation Studies and Compared Literature are consulted in the works by Lanzetti et. al. (2009), Antoine Berman (2007), Baker (1992), Venuti (2002) and Brunel et. al. (2019). The theoretical-critical studies concerning João do Rio’s aesthetics and literatry work written by Levin (1996), Tardin (2021), Todorov (2017), Ceserani (2006) and França (2015) supply the framework for discussion around the aesthetics and their elements observed within the translations. The translated texts seem to transfer the thematic and lexical networks connected to those semantic fields and aesthetics, resulting in a foreignizing target text, to a great extent, and bearer of Paulo Barreto’s literary marks to the English language.

João do Rio; gothic and fantastic fiction; literary translation.

Associação Brasileira de Literatura Comparada Rua Barão de Jeremoabo, 147, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Instituto de Letras, Salvador, BA, Brasil, CEP: 40170-115, Telefones: (+55 71) 3283-6207; (+55 71) 3283-6256, E-mail: - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil