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tatiana nascimento, amefrican thought in the ongoing present


This article proposes a discussion, based on tatiana nascimento's thinking, of the pain/resistance/denunciation motif as a model solution for our scientific community in the scientific treatment of Amefrican literary texts. Examining the problem requires a dialogue between the essay by tatiana nascimento and a corpus of Amefrican literary works, with an emphasis on the short story “El espíritu Africano en Parque Capurro”, by Mónica dos Santos. Finally, the article outlines silencing as a category of analysis for literary works. As one of its hypotheses, it is highlighted how much interpretations from the aforementioned motif take the risk of implying a gesture of epistemic violence, in the midst of our doing-science, when we read Amefrican literatures [perhaps naturally] as literatures of our Others.

amefrican literatures; tatiana nascimento: essay; amefricanity; epistemic violence

Associação Brasileira de Literatura Comparada Rua Barão de Jeremoabo, 147, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Instituto de Letras, Salvador, BA, Brasil, CEP: 40170-115, Telefones: (+55 71) 3283-6207; (+55 71) 3283-6256, E-mail: - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil