Immobilization is a frequently used procedure in clinical practice and common in pain diseases and fractures. This study examined the influence of immobilization in a muscle-related respiratory system, the diaphragm. This experiment was conducted with twelve male rats divided into two groups, control and immobilized with an alternative method of restraining by tape, kept for two weeks. We analyzed the morphometry of the diaphragm muscle fibers with hematoxylin/eosin staining. Statistical difference was found (p < 0.0001) when the average diameter of the diaphragm muscle fibers of immobilized animals (47.15μm ± 0.329μm) was compared to the ones in the control group (54.67μm ± 0.396μm). Considering the results, it can be concluded that the immobilization of the animal paw in the used model was able to produce hypotrophy of respiratory musculature, as well as a general framework for reducing the mass of the animal.
hypokinesia; diaphragm; histology