Open-access Phenylephrine 10% mydriatic effect: comparison between self instillation of eye drop in open eyes and spray in closed eyes


Objective:  To compare the effectiveness of phenylephrine 10% applied by a spray onto the eye closed over drop instillation onto an open eye on patients who will perform ophthalmoscopy and assess the level of difficulty and technical adequacy of the administration methods.

Methods:  The study was a clinical trial, controlled, randomized and paired, performed in 2014, involving 100 eyes of 50 patients in the Polyclinic Ronaldo Gazolla - RJ, with no ocular or systemic diseases that compromised the pupillary dilation. Patients underwent 10% phenylephrine eye drop instillation onto one open eye and spray application onto the other eye, which was closed. Pupillary diameter was measured before application and 10, 20, 30 minutes after. The process of instillation or vaporization was observed for its technical correctness by one of the authors. A questionnaire was asked to the patient about the difficulty of both methods after topical administration.

Results:  The average mydriasis difference between the eye groups assessed at a given time was at most 0.3 mm, which was not clinically or statistically significant (ANOVA: F = 1.97 and p = 0.163609). However, over time, the difference between the average pupil diameter before application and after 30 minutes was 1.15 mm to vaporized eyes and to 1.58 mm in eyes instilled with drops (ANOVA: F = 129, 22 and p ≤ 0.0001). Sixty per cent of patients touched the tip of the eye drop bottle onto the eye, while 12% touched the tip of the vaporizer with their fingers (p <0.000001). Seventy two percent (72%) considered the drops instillation easy or very easy, while 62% considered vaporization in a closed eye easy or very easy (p = 0.238).

Conclusion:  The instillation of drops phenylephrine 10% in open eyes and the vaporization onto closed eyes showed similar clinical efficacy. Vaporization was safer and a little more difficult than instillation, despite the patients being experienced for instilling drops and inexperienced to vaporize the medication in a closed eye.

Keywords: Administration, topical; Ophthalmic solutions/administration & dosage; Phenylephrine; Eye/drug effects

Sociedade Brasileira de Oftalmologia Rua São Salvador, 107 , 22231-170 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 3235-9220, Fax: (55 21) 2205-2240 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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