Open-access Ocular allergy therapy perspectives: Review on the main therapeutic targets


Ocular allergies encompass a number of inflammatory diseases in the ocular surface which have different hypersensitivity mechanisms and occur in 20% of population. They can be classified as being type I hypersensitivity mediated (PAC, SAC), type I and IV (VKC, AKC) and type IV (BKC, GPC). The most prevalent forms are PAC and SAC. The chronic presentations are mostly related to visual impairment due to remodeling in the ocular surface caused by chronic inflammation. Dry eye disease and keratoconus are comorbidities observed in severe cases. The management is based on accurate diagnosis, avoidance of etiological factors and the rational use of drugs that control the inflammatory events caused by Th2 driven. The advances in knowledge on activation and traffic of immune cells are providing new drugs and many perspectives on different approaches.

Keywords: Conjunctivitis, allergic/physiopathology; Conjunctivitis, allergic/drug therapy; keratoconjunctivitis; Drug hypersensitivity; Hypersensitivity, immediate; Immunoglobulin E

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