Purpose: To determine the prevalence of predisposing factors of low visual acuity among the students of the Geraldo Reis University College in Niterói-RJ.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional observational study during which the visual acuity of the volunteer students who adhered to the assent term was measured. Those students whose visual acuity did not exceed 0.8 in at least one eye or who presented a difference between the eyes of two lines or more in the Snellen table were selected for the next stage of the study and were referred for complete ophthalmologic evaluation in the Service of Ophthalmology of the Antônio Pedro University Hospital / Fluminense Federal University.
Results: Of the total of 325 students enrolled, 134 (41.2%) participated in the first stage of the study and of these, only 39 (29%) presented visual impairment. Of the 39 students selected for the second phase of the study, only 14 (36%) volunteered to proceed for a complete ophthalmologic evaluation, with ametropias (57.14%), amblyopia (21.42%) and strabismus (14, 28%) as the main causes of visual impairment identified.
Conclusion: The prevalence of visual impairment for this community was 29% and the main causes identified were ametropias, amblyopia and strabismus. Awareness campaigns and problems of adherence to screening programs should be considered in new studies.
Keywords: Visual acuity; Kid; Prevalence; Refraction; Eye health