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Evaluation of knowledge of physicians with specialty in medical clinic and surgical clinic about the process of corneas donation



This study aims to evaluate the knowledge of physicians trained in Internal medicine and General surgery specialties about cornea donation process clinic, as well as to assess the confidence by these professionals in this process and, if there is uncertainty, the reasons for this.


The research is based on data collected through a questionnaire with ten multiple choice questions about the process of cornea donation, in which two questions are about confidence in the donation process. The sample consists of 60 physicians of University Hospital HU-UFSC selected for convenience and non-probability.


Respondents had a mean score of 72.2%. Regarding confidence in the donation of corneas, 41 (68.66%) feel confident in the donation process and 19 (31.33%) did not reveal safety for this condition. From the total of respondents who revealed insecurity in cornea donation process, 13 of these indicated as a contributing factor little information on the subject in college. Some relevant themes on the subject are insufficient and 31.66% of the interviewees proved insecure against a situation involving the corneal donation.


This finds suggest the need to improve the level of information transmitted during the undergraduate course about the process of corneal donation in order to raise awareness, improve knowledge and promote confidence when facing a potential donor.

Corneal transplantation; Medical education; Eye banks; Knowledge; Ophthalmology/education; Surveys and questionnaires

Sociedade Brasileira de Oftalmologia Rua São Salvador, 107 , 22231-170 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 3235-9220, Fax: (55 21) 2205-2240 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil