Objective: Cataract is the leading cause of reversible blindness in the world and its treatment is based on surgery, facectomy. The evolution of the procedure has been based on several pillars, but it is in the development of new types of intraocular lenses that has been showing considerable innovations. Current lenses are capable, in addition to treating cataracts, of correcting refractive errors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of life and post-facectomy vision, comparing multifocal lenses (Restor), toric, spherical monofocals (SN60AT) and aspheric monofocals.
Methods: The study included 54 patients undergoing a facectomy with implantation of one of the lenses for at least 3 months. The patients answered questionnaire quality of life Cataract TyPE Specification on vision satisfaction, glasses dependence for various daily activities and presence of dysphothetic phenomena. For the analysis of the data, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests were used, regarding normality and ANOVA with Tukey’s test, how much parametric. In non-parametric comparisons, the Mann-Whitney test was used. In all analyzes, the same level of significance was used (p <0.05).
Results: On a scale of 0 to 10, the research showed that single-spherical spherical SN60AT lenses were the ones that obtained the lowest level of satisfaction among the four lenses, obtaining an average of 8.7 (SD = 1.30, CI ± 0.655), followed (mean = 8.9 - SD = 1.42, CI ± 0.721) and the toric (mean = 8.3 - SD = 1.83, CI ± 0.927), multifocal spherical (Restor) 9.1 - SD = 1.67, CI ± 0.844) as the highest level of satisfaction. Regarding the dependence of the glasses, the Restor lens showed the best performance, with less dependence on the glasses. Dysphasic phenomena were more frequent in patients who had implanted the SN60AT lens followed by Restor lens.
Conclusion: It is concluded that the SN60AT lenses were the lenses that caused less satisfaction, and the dysphothetic phenomena were one of the main complaints, associated with the postoperative glasses dependence. Patients who had restored Restor lenses, despite the more present dysphoric symptoms than spherical monofocal and single-focal lenses, have the same level of satisfaction, and still provide greater independence of the glasses.
Keywords: Intraocular lenses; Cataract extraction; Quality of life; Spherical lens; Aspheric lens; Multifocal lens; Toric lens