PURPOSE: To describe the clinical, histopathological and immunoistochemical findings of ocular leishmaniasis in five patients presenting positive Montenegro reaction. METHODS: Retrospective study in four years of the clinical charts, histopathologic and immunoistochemic study of the material obtained by biopsy of ocular lesions in five patients with positive Montenegro reaction. RESULTS: The most frequent clinical findings was conjunctival hyperemia (2/5), followed by crusting lid lesion (1/5), conjunctival leukoplakia (1/5) and ocular itching (1/5). The histopathological study disclosed chronic inflammation (3/5) and pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia (2/5). The all patients that presented pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia in the biopsy material also presented immunohistochemical positivity for polyclonal antibody anti-leishmania. CONCLUSION: The immunoistochemical study was contribuitory for the diagnosis of ocular leishmaniasis in the five patients of this study.
Leishmaniasis; Eye infections, parasitic; Eye diseases; Immunohistochemistry; Case reports