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Use of Three-dimensional Printing for Tibial Pilon Fracture Diagnosis and Treatment



To evaluate whether three-dimensional (3D) printing increases agreement in the classification of tibial pilon fractures.


Orthopedists and traumatologists reviewed radiographs, computed tomography scans with 3D reconstruction, and prototyping 3D printing, and classified the fractures based on the Rüedi-Allgöwer and Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen (AO, Association for the Study of Internal Fixation) Foundation/Orthopedic Trauma Association (AO/OTA) classification systems. Next, data evaluation used Kappa agreement coefficients.


The use of the 3D model did not improve agreement for tibial pilon fractures regarding the treatment proposed by the groups. Regarding the classification systems, the agreement only improved concerning the AO/OTA classification when the 3D model was used in the assessment by the foot and ankle specialists.


Although 3D printing is statistically relevant for surgeons specializing in foot and ankle, its values remain lower than optimal.

fractures, bone; printing, three-dimensional; tibial fractures



Avaliar se a impressão tridimensional (3D) aumenta a concordância na classificação de fraturas do pilão tibial.


Foram selecionadas radiografias, tomografias com reconstrução 3D e impressão de prototipagem em impressora 3D. Os exames foram apresentados a profissionais da área de Ortopedia e Traumatologia que classificaram as fraturas com base nas classificações da Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen (AO, Associação para o Estudo da Fixação Interna) Foundation/Orthopedic Trauma Association (AO/OTA) e de Rüedi-Allgöwer. Posteriormente, os dados foram avaliados pelos coeficientes de concordância de Kappa.


O uso do modelo 3D não melhorou a concordância na fratura do pilão tibial quanto ao tratamento proposto pelos grupos. Em relação aos sistemas de classificação, somente a concordância na classificação AO/OTA melhorou quando foi utilizado o modelo 3D na avaliação pelos especialistas em pé e tornozelo.


Apesar de o uso da impressão 3D ter relevância estatística para os cirurgiões especialistas em pé e tornozelo, ainda apresenta valores menores do que os ideais.

fraturas da tíbia; fraturas ósseas; impressão tridimensional


Pilon fractures represent 1% of lower limb fractures and approximately 5% to 10% of tibial fractures.11 Yaradilmis YU, Okkaoglu MC, Kılıç A, Haberal B, Demirkale İ, Altay M. The mid-term effects on quality of life and foot functions following pilon fracture. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2020;26 (05):798–804 Furthermore, 20% to 40% of these fractures are open.22 Rushdi I, Che-Ahmad A, Abdul-Ghani K, Mohd-Rus R. Surgical management of distal tibia fracture: Towards an outcome-based treatment algorithm. Malays Orthop J 2020;14(03):57–65 Pilon fractures are more common in the fourth decade of life and in male subjects33 Biçici V, Bingöl İ Do different surgical techniques in tibia pilon fractures change the results of the midterm? Turk J Med Sci 2020; 50(06):1559–1565They often result from high-energy trauma with axial load and shear force,44 Silluzio N, De Santis V, Marzetti E, Piccioli A, Rosa MA, Maccauro G. Clinical and radiographic outcomes in patients operated for complex open tibial pilon fractures. Injury 2019;50(Suppl 2): S24–S28 such as in falls and traffic accidents.55 Lai TC, Fleming JJ. Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis for distal tibia fractures. Clin Podiatr Med Surg 2018;35(02):223–232 These fractures can also occur due to rotational trauma, such as in injuries due to sporting activities.66 Bastias C, Lagos L. New principles in pilon fracture management: revisiting rüedi and allgöwer concepts. Foot Ankle Clin 2020;25 (04):505–521 In this case, the fracture results from low-energy trauma and consequently causes less damage to soft tissues and less comminution. Foot position at impact, as well as the direction and amplitude of the force account for the several fracture patterns and degrees of comminution.77 Bear J, Rollick N, Helfet D. Evolution in Management of Tibial Pilon Fractures. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med 2018;11(04):537–545

Classification systems are helpful in the clinical practice to assess injury severity, guide surgical treatment, and facilitate communication and comparison for academic purposes. The most commonly used classifications for tibial pilon fractures include the Rüedi-Allgöwer and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen (AO, Association for the Study of Internal Fixation) Foundation/Orthopedic Trauma Association (AO/OTA) classifications. The AO/OTA classification considers the extent of joint involvement and comminution,88 Qiu XS, Li XG, Qi XY, Wang Z, Chen YX. What Is the Most Reliable Classification System to Assess Tibial Pilon Fractures? J Foot Ankle Surg 2020;59(01):48–52 dividing pilon fractures into 3 groups: 43-A (extra-articular fracture), 43-B (partial articular fracture), and 43-C (complete joint fracture)99 Tomás-Hernández J. High-energy pilon fractures management: State of the art. EFORT Open Rev 2017;1(10):354–361 These groups are divided into three subgroups each, with increasing complexity and progressively worse prognosis.66 Bastias C, Lagos L. New principles in pilon fracture management: revisiting rüedi and allgöwer concepts. Foot Ankle Clin 2020;25 (04):505–521 The Rüedi-Allgöwer classification divides fractures into three types per comminution degree and joint displacement. Type I is a simple articular fracture with no displacement, type II is a simple articular fracture with displacement of the articular surface but no comminution, and type III is a comminuted articular fracture with displacement.1010 Saad BN, Yingling JM, Liporace FA, Yoon RS. Pilon Fractures: Challenges and Solutions. Orthop Res Rev 2019;11:149–157

The surgical indication for the fixation of pilon fractures includes open fractures with 2 mm of joint displacement, talar subluxation, or misalignment greater than 5°.1010 Saad BN, Yingling JM, Liporace FA, Yoon RS. Pilon Fractures: Challenges and Solutions. Orthop Res Rev 2019;11:149–157 The main therapeutic goals are to protect the soft tissues, ensure adequate alignment, restore the joint surface,33 Biçici V, Bingöl İ Do different surgical techniques in tibia pilon fractures change the results of the midterm? Turk J Med Sci 2020; 50(06):1559–1565 and enable early rehabilitation and mobilization.1010 Saad BN, Yingling JM, Liporace FA, Yoon RS. Pilon Fractures: Challenges and Solutions. Orthop Res Rev 2019;11:149–157

The conduct and surgical time depend on the patient's general health status, the condition of adjacent soft tissues, fracture comminution, and the surgeon's experience.1111 Carter TH, Duckworth AD, Oliver WM, Molyneux SG, Amin AK, White TO. Open reduction and internal fixation of distal tibial pilon fractures. JBJS Essential Surg Tech 2019;9(03):e29 The literature reports several treatment options for tibial pilon fractures, including open reduction and internal fixation, external fixation, and several combinations and modifications of these techniques.1212 Malik-Tabassum K, Pillai K, Hussain Y, et al. Post-operative outcomes of open reduction and internal fixation versus circular external fixation in treatment of tibial plafond fractures: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Injury 2020;51(07): 1448–1456 External fixation often occurs first to improve adjacent soft tissue damage,1313 Hebert-Davies J, Kleweno CP, Nork SE. contemporary strategies in pilon fixation. J Orthop Trauma 2020;34(Suppl 1):S14–S20 reducing the rates of infection, dehiscence, and osteomyelitis.1212 Malik-Tabassum K, Pillai K, Hussain Y, et al. Post-operative outcomes of open reduction and internal fixation versus circular external fixation in treatment of tibial plafond fractures: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Injury 2020;51(07): 1448–1456 This two-stage procedure is popular worldwide to treat tibial pilon fractures.1414 Chen H, Cui X, Ma B, Rui Y, Li H. Staged procedure protocol based on the four-column concept in the treatment of AO/OTA type 43-C3.3 pilon fractures. J Int Med Res 2019;47(05):2045–2055 On the other hand, when the soft tissue is in good condition, open reduction and internal fixation are initially performed.1515 Lee KB, Jeong SY, Kim SH, Shim DG. Complete reduction for pilon fracture can make complete failure. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 2018; 108(03):257–261 The general sequence to treat tibial pilon fractures includes length and alignment reestablishment, articular surface restoration, metaphyseal defect filling, and reconnection to the diaphysis.1010 Saad BN, Yingling JM, Liporace FA, Yoon RS. Pilon Fractures: Challenges and Solutions. Orthop Res Rev 2019;11:149–157

Three-dimensional (3D) printing is a rapid prototyping technology that uses a 3D digital model to build an object. It has developed quickly and gained good visibility in orthopedics because the printed model enables fracture visualization and the creation of a precise, customized plan for patients. In addition, the model enables procedural simulation due to preoperative visualization of fracture anatomy and improves the communication between doctor and patient.1616 Zheng W, Chen C, Zhang C, Tao Z, Cai L. The feasibility of 3D printing technology on the treatment of pilon fracture and its effect on doctor-patient communication. BioMed Res Int 2018; 2018:8054698

The present study aims to evaluate the agreement of tibial pilon fracture classification and proposed treatment based on imaging exams and comparison with 3D printing.

Materials and Methods

The Ethics Committee approved the current study, which was registered on Plataforma Brasil under CAAE number 52795321.0.0000.5225.

The present observational, cross-sectional, retrospective study included 16 professionals in the field of Orthopedics and Traumatology, namely 8 resident physicians, 4 orthopedist, and 4 orthopedist specializing in the foot and ankle.

The study was conducted in the Orthopedics and Traumatology Sector of a specialized hospital in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.

Through a retrospective analysis, we collected imaging tests from six patients diagnosed with tibial pilon fracture, including radiographs in the anteroposterior (AP) and lateral (L) views, computed tomography (CT) scans of the ankle, and 3D computed tomography reconstructions. No data regarding the patient or trauma was provided.

Supplementary tests for each patient included 4 groups: radiographs, CT scans, 3D reconstruction, and prototyping (3D printing). All 24 tests were randomized and numbered to avoid bias. Only the researchers knew which tests corresponded to the same patient.

The participants answered a questionnaire with images to classify the fractures according to the Rüedi-Allgöwer and AO/OTA systems and propose a treatment.

The interview occurred a single time after the participant signed an informed consent form, and there was no time limit for answering.

Initially, we assessed the interobserver agreement in each group (residents, orthopedists, and foot specialists) considering the four types of images (radiographs, CT, 3D CT, and 3D Model). Then, also for each medical group, we evaluated the agreement between the results of the four images. To assess the level of agreement among evaluators and image types, we estimated the Kappa agreement coefficients and their confi-dence intervals. Furthermore, we tested the significance of each Kappa coefficient and presented the p-values. The evaluation of the internal consistency of the questionnaire was carried out by estimating Cronbach alpha coefficients considering each group of evaluators and each image type. The bootstrap method (400 replications) was used to calculate 95% confidence intervals (95%CIs) for these coefficients. For the statistical tests, p-values < 0.05 were deemed significant, and for the intervals presented, we considered a 95% confi-dence level. Data were organized in an Excel (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, United States) spreadsheet and analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, United States) software.


We analyzed the answers to the questionnaires about fracture classification and the proposed treatment considering radiographs, CT, 3D CT, and 3D models. We estimated Kappa agreement coefficients to assess the agreement level among residents, orthopedists, and foot specialists for each image (radiographs, CT, 3D CT, and 3D model). The tables present the percentages of agreement, the Kappa agreement coefficients (with 95% confidence intervals), and the p-values corresponding to the significance of the coefficients.

The agreement coefficient analysis used Landis and Koch interpretation of Kappa values. Kappa values above 0.8 indicate excellent agreement, while those ranging from 0.60 to 0.79 show substantial agreement, 0.40 to 0.59, moderate agreement, 0.20 to 0.39, low agreement, 0 to 0.19, poor agreement, and negative values indicate disagreement.

Interobserver agreement in the AO/OTA classification was low (k = 0.245) for radiographs but improved to moderate (k = 0.450) for the 3D model.

Interobserver agreement in the Rüedi-Allgöwer classifi-cation was moderate (k = 0.415) for radiographs but low for the 3D model (k = 0.329) (Table 1).

Table 1
Agreement among residents, orthopedists, and specialists regarding imaging exams and 3D-printed models according to the AO/OTA classification

Interobserver agreement in the Rüedi-Allgöwer classifi-cation was moderate (k = 0.415) for radiographs but low for the 3D model (k = 0.329) (Table 2).

Table 2
Agreement among residents, orthopedists, and specialists regarding imaging exams and 3D-printedmodels according to the Rüedi-Allgöwer classification

Interobserver agreement regarding management was poor (k = 0.168) for the 3D model and low for radiographs (k = 0.311) (Table 3).

Table 3
Agreement among residents, orthopedists, and specialists regarding imaging exams and 3D-printed models according to the treatment proposed

A surprising finding was that CT images did not increase agreement for both classifications compared to plain radio-graphs. In the AO/OTA classification, residents presented a low agreement for radiographs (k = 0.340) and a poor agreement for CT (k = 0.049). Using the Rüedi-Allgöwer classification, foot specialists presented moderate agreement for radiographs (k = 0.556) but poor agreement for CT (k = 0.385), and low agreement for 3D CT reconstruction (k = 0.127).


A fracture classification system must be reliable, reproducible, logical, and clinically useful; its purpose is to help in clinical decision-making, facilitate communication among professionals, and enable comparisons in research.1717 Swiontkowski MF, Sands AK, Agel J, Diab M, Schwappach JR, Kreder HJ. Interobserver variation in the AO/OTA fracture classi-fication system for pilon fractures: is there a problem? J Orthop Trauma 1997;11(07):467–470,1818 Bernstein J, Adler LM, Blank JE, Dalsey RM, Williams GR, Iannotti JP. Evaluation of the Neer system of classification of proximal humeral fractures with computerized tomographic scans and plain radio-graphs. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1996;78(09):1371–1375

In the present study, the Rüedi-Allgöwer and AO/OTA classification systems showed low to moderate agreement when using the 3D model. In the AO/OTA classification, agreement improved to moderate when experts evaluated the 3D model. Our hypothesis was corroborated with an increase in agreement only when 3D printing was evaluated by specialists in foot surgery using the AO/OTA classification. The other groups did not show statistical improvement. Byun et al.1919 Byun SE, Choi W, Choi Y, et al. Impact of two- and three-dimensional computed tomography use on intraobserver and interobserver reliabilities of pilon fracture classification and treatment recommendation. Orthop Traumatol Surg Res 2019; 105(07):1407–1412 evaluated the use of 3D CT regarding the same classifications, and they did not show an improved agreement between specialists and residents.

Computed tomography reportedly enables a better interpretation of the characteristics of each fracture and its joint fragments when compared with radiography.1717 Swiontkowski MF, Sands AK, Agel J, Diab M, Schwappach JR, Kreder HJ. Interobserver variation in the AO/OTA fracture classi-fication system for pilon fractures: is there a problem? J Orthop Trauma 1997;11(07):467–470,2020 Martin JS, Marsh JL, Bonar SK, DeCoster TA, Found EM, Brandser EA. Assessment of the AO/ASIF fracture classification for the distal tibia. J Orthop Trauma 1997;11(07):477–483,2121 Dirschl DR, Adams GL. A critical assessment of factors influencing reliability in the classification of fractures, using fractures of the tibial plafond as a model. J Orthop Trauma 1997;11(07):471–476 However, the agreement with CT scans was not better than the one with radiographs in this study, which is consistent with similar studies, such as those by Ramappa et al.,2222 Ramappa M, Bajwa A, Singh A, Mackenney P, Hui A, Port A. Interobserver and intraobserver variations in tibial pilon fracture classification systems. Foot 2010;20(2-3):61–63 Keiler et al.,2323 Keiler A, Riechelmann F, Thöni M, Brunner A, Ulmar B. Three-dimensional computed tomography reconstruction improves the reliability of tibial pilon fracture classification and preoperative surgical planning. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 2020;140(02): 187–195 and Martin et al.2020 Martin JS, Marsh JL, Bonar SK, DeCoster TA, Found EM, Brandser EA. Assessment of the AO/ASIF fracture classification for the distal tibia. J Orthop Trauma 1997;11(07):477–483

The 3D model did not improve agreement regarding treatment recommendations, which is consistent with the study by Byun et al.,1919 Byun SE, Choi W, Choi Y, et al. Impact of two- and three-dimensional computed tomography use on intraobserver and interobserver reliabilities of pilon fracture classification and treatment recommendation. Orthop Traumatol Surg Res 2019; 105(07):1407–1412 in which 3D CT did not improve agreement regarding treatment.

Keiler et al.2323 Keiler A, Riechelmann F, Thöni M, Brunner A, Ulmar B. Three-dimensional computed tomography reconstruction improves the reliability of tibial pilon fracture classification and preoperative surgical planning. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 2020;140(02): 187–195 used the surgical procedure as a reference and evaluated the observers on the approach and implant positioning through 3D CT. These authors observed that the correlation improved significantly, especially in observers with less experience, suggesting that the 3D visualization of the injury may more beneficial for less-experienced surgeons.


Tibial pilon fractures are complex joint injuries, usually secondary to high-energy trauma. The correct interpretation of the injury and subsequent management is essential to avoid sequelae for the patient. Imaging exams are critical for the surgeon's decision-making. Therefore, articles like the present have great value in maintaining scientific growth and improving orthopedic protocols.

In the current study, the use of the 3D model did not improve agreement regarding the treatment proposed by the groups for tibial pilon fractures. Concerning the classification systems, it only improved agreement in the AO/OTA classifi-cation when compared with the foot and ankle specialist group.

We also emphasize that the results obtained in the present study did not demonstrate a higher agreement with the use of CT scans compared with simple tibial pilon radiographs.

However, we should not rule out the potential use of 3D printing to interpret tibial pilon fractures. Further studies with larger sample sizes are required.

  • Financial Support
    Dr. Leonardo Wustro reported support for the present manuscript from Complexo Hospitalar do Trabalhador and Complexo Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR).
  • Work developed at the Hospital da Santa Casa de Curitiba, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.


  • 1
    Yaradilmis YU, Okkaoglu MC, Kılıç A, Haberal B, Demirkale İ, Altay M. The mid-term effects on quality of life and foot functions following pilon fracture. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2020;26 (05):798–804
  • 2
    Rushdi I, Che-Ahmad A, Abdul-Ghani K, Mohd-Rus R. Surgical management of distal tibia fracture: Towards an outcome-based treatment algorithm. Malays Orthop J 2020;14(03):57–65
  • 3
    Biçici V, Bingöl İ Do different surgical techniques in tibia pilon fractures change the results of the midterm? Turk J Med Sci 2020; 50(06):1559–1565
  • 4
    Silluzio N, De Santis V, Marzetti E, Piccioli A, Rosa MA, Maccauro G. Clinical and radiographic outcomes in patients operated for complex open tibial pilon fractures. Injury 2019;50(Suppl 2): S24–S28
  • 5
    Lai TC, Fleming JJ. Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis for distal tibia fractures. Clin Podiatr Med Surg 2018;35(02):223–232
  • 6
    Bastias C, Lagos L. New principles in pilon fracture management: revisiting rüedi and allgöwer concepts. Foot Ankle Clin 2020;25 (04):505–521
  • 7
    Bear J, Rollick N, Helfet D. Evolution in Management of Tibial Pilon Fractures. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med 2018;11(04):537–545
  • 8
    Qiu XS, Li XG, Qi XY, Wang Z, Chen YX. What Is the Most Reliable Classification System to Assess Tibial Pilon Fractures? J Foot Ankle Surg 2020;59(01):48–52
  • 9
    Tomás-Hernández J. High-energy pilon fractures management: State of the art. EFORT Open Rev 2017;1(10):354–361
  • 10
    Saad BN, Yingling JM, Liporace FA, Yoon RS. Pilon Fractures: Challenges and Solutions. Orthop Res Rev 2019;11:149–157
  • 11
    Carter TH, Duckworth AD, Oliver WM, Molyneux SG, Amin AK, White TO. Open reduction and internal fixation of distal tibial pilon fractures. JBJS Essential Surg Tech 2019;9(03):e29
  • 12
    Malik-Tabassum K, Pillai K, Hussain Y, et al. Post-operative outcomes of open reduction and internal fixation versus circular external fixation in treatment of tibial plafond fractures: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Injury 2020;51(07): 1448–1456
  • 13
    Hebert-Davies J, Kleweno CP, Nork SE. contemporary strategies in pilon fixation. J Orthop Trauma 2020;34(Suppl 1):S14–S20
  • 14
    Chen H, Cui X, Ma B, Rui Y, Li H. Staged procedure protocol based on the four-column concept in the treatment of AO/OTA type 43-C3.3 pilon fractures. J Int Med Res 2019;47(05):2045–2055
  • 15
    Lee KB, Jeong SY, Kim SH, Shim DG. Complete reduction for pilon fracture can make complete failure. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 2018; 108(03):257–261
  • 16
    Zheng W, Chen C, Zhang C, Tao Z, Cai L. The feasibility of 3D printing technology on the treatment of pilon fracture and its effect on doctor-patient communication. BioMed Res Int 2018; 2018:8054698
  • 17
    Swiontkowski MF, Sands AK, Agel J, Diab M, Schwappach JR, Kreder HJ. Interobserver variation in the AO/OTA fracture classi-fication system for pilon fractures: is there a problem? J Orthop Trauma 1997;11(07):467–470
  • 18
    Bernstein J, Adler LM, Blank JE, Dalsey RM, Williams GR, Iannotti JP. Evaluation of the Neer system of classification of proximal humeral fractures with computerized tomographic scans and plain radio-graphs. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1996;78(09):1371–1375
  • 19
    Byun SE, Choi W, Choi Y, et al. Impact of two- and three-dimensional computed tomography use on intraobserver and interobserver reliabilities of pilon fracture classification and treatment recommendation. Orthop Traumatol Surg Res 2019; 105(07):1407–1412
  • 20
    Martin JS, Marsh JL, Bonar SK, DeCoster TA, Found EM, Brandser EA. Assessment of the AO/ASIF fracture classification for the distal tibia. J Orthop Trauma 1997;11(07):477–483
  • 21
    Dirschl DR, Adams GL. A critical assessment of factors influencing reliability in the classification of fractures, using fractures of the tibial plafond as a model. J Orthop Trauma 1997;11(07):471–476
  • 22
    Ramappa M, Bajwa A, Singh A, Mackenney P, Hui A, Port A. Interobserver and intraobserver variations in tibial pilon fracture classification systems. Foot 2010;20(2-3):61–63
  • 23
    Keiler A, Riechelmann F, Thöni M, Brunner A, Ulmar B. Three-dimensional computed tomography reconstruction improves the reliability of tibial pilon fracture classification and preoperative surgical planning. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 2020;140(02): 187–195

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    26 Aug 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    08 Aug 2023
  • Accepted
    06 Nov 2023
Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Al. Lorena, 427 14º andar, 01424-000 São Paulo - SP - Brasil, Tel.: 55 11 2137-5400 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil