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Isolated Tillaux Fracture in Adults – Literature Review Based on a Rare Case Report


Isolated Tillaux fracture is a rare anterolateral distal tibia fracture frequently misdiagnosed in adults. It typically occurs in adolescents nearing skeletal maturity by avulsion of the anterior-inferior tibiofibular ligament. This case-based literature review study aims to elicit the existing information regarding this fracture in adults, and summarize its injury mechanism, diagnosis, and treatment procedures. According to the literature, this is only the eighth case described: a 46-year-old woman that suffered an isolated Tillaux fracture with 4 mm of displacement, and open reduction and fixation with double cannulated screws were performed. After proper rehabilitation, an excellent functional and radiological outcome was reached. It is important to recognize and appropriately treat these distinct injuries to prevent further instability, degenerative changes, and ankle joint function limitation. Early diagnosis and appropriate osteosynthesis play a significant role in a successful recovery prognosis.

ankle fractures; ankle injuries; bone screws; tibial fractures


A fratura isolada de Tillaux representa uma rara e frequentemente mal diagnosticada fratura de tíbia distal anterolateral em adultos. Normalmente ocorre em adolescentes que se aproximam da maturidade esquelética por avulsão do ligamento tibiofibular anteroinferior. Este estudo de revisão de literatura baseada em caso tem como objetivo lembrar a existência dessa identidade em adultos, resumir seu mecanismo de lesão, diagnóstico e procedimentos de tratamento. De acordo com a literatura, este é apenas o oitavo caso descrito: uma mulher de 46 anos sofreu uma fratura isolada de Tillaux com 4 mm de deslocamento e realizaram-se redução e fixação aberta com parafuso canulado duplo. Após a reabilitação adequada, alcançou-se um excelente desfecho funcional e radiológico. É importante reconhecer e tratar adequadamente essas lesões distintas para evitar maiores instabilidades, alterações degenerativas e limitação da função articular do tornozelo. Um diagnóstico precoce e a osteossíntese apropriada desempenham um papel significativo em um prognóstico de recuperação bem-sucedido.

fraturas da tíbia; fraturas do tornozelo; parafusos ósseos; traumatismos do tornozelo


Tillaux fractures are avulsion fractures of the anterior-inferior tibiofibular ligament (AITFL) from its tibial attachment, which typically occur in adolescents nearing skeletal maturity (12–14-years-old). This fracture pattern has not been commonly seen in an older population, since the ligaments usually fail before the bone.11 Kose O, Yuksel HY, Guler F, Ege T. Isolated Adult Tillaux Fracture Associated With Volkmann Fracture-A Unique Combination of Injuries: Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature. J Foot Ankle Surg 2016;55(05):1057-1062

The incidence of isolated Tillaux fractures in adults has not been quantified in the current data, as it has been more commonly seen in association with other injuries. According to the literature, only 7 case reports have been published regarding this entity.22 Gasparova M, Falougy HE, Kubikova E, Almasi J. Isolated "Tillaux" fracture in adulthood: rarity where the key of success is not to miss it. Bratisl Lek Listy 2020;121(08):533-536

The present case-report-based literature review aims to elicit the existing information regarding isolated Tillaux fractures in adults and provide a summary about its mechanism of injury, diagnosis, and treatment procedures.

Case Report

A 46-year-old woman was admitted to the emergency department after a domestic ankle trauma with external rotation mechanism. Physical examination revealed tenderness and swelling over the anterolateral aspect of the ankle with normal but painful passive range of motion.

The images of x-ray (Fig. 1) and computed tomography (CT) scan (Fig. 2) showed an isolated Tillaux fracture with 4 mm of fragments displacement and anterior disruption of the syndesmosis. Open reduction and fixation were performed with 2 cannulated 4.0 screws, perpendicular to the fracture line by a mini-open anterolateral approach—proximally centered between the tibia and fibula, and distally extended in line with the fourth metatarsal in an intermuscular plane between the peroneus brevis and tertius. The superficial peroneal nerve runs anterior to the fibula and requires identification in the proximal extent of the incision.33 Hickerson LE, Verbeek DO, Klinger CE, Helfet DL. Anterolateral Approach to the Pilon. J Orthop Trauma 2016;30(Suppl 2):S39-S40

Fig. 1
Preoperative X-ray view: (A) anteroposterior and (B) lateral.
Fig. 2
Preoperative CT scan view: (A) coronal and (B) axial.

Fluoroscopic imaging (Fig. 3) was used intraoperatively to confirm fracture reduction, correct positioning of the screws, and syndesmotic stability with the negative external rotation stress test.

Fig. 3
Intraoperative fluoroscopic imaging view: (A) anteroposterior and (B) lateral.

Postoperatively, a short leg cast was prescribed during 4 weeks for fear of patient's lack of compliance with the no weight-bearing discharge instructions. Mobilization started at the 4th week, partial weight-bearing was allowed from the 6th week onwards, and was gradually increased according to clinical and radiological evidence of union up to full weight-bearing and normal walking.

After 4 months of proper rehabilitation, the patient exhibited an excellent clinical and functional outcome, scoring 80 in the Karlsson scale. A postoperative control CT scan (Fig. 4) confirmed a successful bone healing.

Fig. 4
Postoperative control CT scan view: (A) coronal and (B) axial.


Historically, this fracture pattern has been noted in the adolescent population due to the pattern of progression of physeal closure and classified as a Salter-Harris III fracture through the epiphysis.44 Oak NR, Sabb BJ, Kadakia AR, Irwin TA. Isolated adult Tillaux fracture: a report of two cases. J Foot Ankle Surg 2014;53(04):489-492

Ankle syndesmosis is formed by the distal tibia and fibula, and it is stabilized by four ligaments: the anterior, transverse, and posterior tibiofibular ligaments, as well as the interosseous membrane.22 Gasparova M, Falougy HE, Kubikova E, Almasi J. Isolated "Tillaux" fracture in adulthood: rarity where the key of success is not to miss it. Bratisl Lek Listy 2020;121(08):533-536

Supination and external rotation (SER) were identified as the most common mechanism of injury; leading to avulsion of the anterolateral tibia site of attachment of the anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament. This mechanism of injury is typically divided into 4 stages. However, in isolated Tillaux fracture scenarios, the sequence of events ends at stage 1, since no fibula fracture, posterior osseous injury, or medial involvement are present.11 Kose O, Yuksel HY, Guler F, Ege T. Isolated Adult Tillaux Fracture Associated With Volkmann Fracture-A Unique Combination of Injuries: Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature. J Foot Ankle Surg 2016;55(05):1057-1062 Fall from height is also described as a possible injury mechanism.22 Gasparova M, Falougy HE, Kubikova E, Almasi J. Isolated "Tillaux" fracture in adulthood: rarity where the key of success is not to miss it. Bratisl Lek Listy 2020;121(08):533-536

Nondisplaced Tillaux fractures are often almost unrecognizable on standard X-ray projections and may be misdiagnosed as a simple sprain due to its challenging diagnosis. Stress X-ray imaging and oblique projection should be used as supplemental diagnostictools.11 Kose O, Yuksel HY, Guler F, Ege T. Isolated Adult Tillaux Fracture Associated With Volkmann Fracture-A Unique Combination of Injuries: Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature. J Foot Ankle Surg 2016;55(05):1057-1062 Additional CT evaluation is also recommended for determining the distance of displacement, fracture fragments shape, and conditions of the articular surface.44 Oak NR, Sabb BJ, Kadakia AR, Irwin TA. Isolated adult Tillaux fracture: a report of two cases. J Foot Ankle Surg 2014;53(04):489-492

In adult Tillaux fractures the avulsed fragment is generally triangular, while in juvenile Tillaux fractures it is quadrangular.55 Sharma B, Reddy IS, Meanock C. The adult Tillaux fracture: one not to miss. BMJ Case Rep 2013;2013:bcr2013200105

A total of three main types of fractures can be differentiated: (1) extra-articular avulsion fracture of the AITFL, (2) fracture of the anterolateral distal tibia with involvement of the articular surface, and (3) impaction fracture of the anterolateral tibial plafond.66 Rammelt S, Bartoníček J, Neumann AP, Kroker L. [Fractures of the anterolateral tibial rim: The fourth malleolus]. Unfallchirurg 2021;124(03):212-221

Nondisplaced fractures (< 2 mm) with no evidence of syndesmosis instability can be managed conservatively by long leg cast with internally rotated foot. Since the strong anteroinferior ligament is attached to the fibula, it renders the bone displaced and angulated, causing syndesmotic incompetency. Therefore, a displaced fracture (> 2mm) is an indication for close or open reduction and internal fixation.77 Mishra PK, Patidar V, Singh SP. Chaput Tubercle Fracture in an Adult- A Rare Case Report. J Clin Diagn Res 2017;11(03): RD01-RD02

Conservative treatment of dislocated fragments leads to non-union and post-traumatic osteoarthritis. Impaction fractures can lead to secondary avascular necrosis of the anterolateral tibial plafond.66 Rammelt S, Bartoníček J, Neumann AP, Kroker L. [Fractures of the anterolateral tibial rim: The fourth malleolus]. Unfallchirurg 2021;124(03):212-221

The aim of surgical fixation of displaced anterolateral distal tibial fractures is the anatomical stabilization of the anterior syndesmosis and restoration of the tibial incisura for the distal fibula and joint surface. A type 1 fracture may be fixed with an anchor or transosseous suture, type 2 is mostly fixed with screws, and type 3 may need bone grafting of the impaction zone for restoration of the joint surface and buttress plating.66 Rammelt S, Bartoníček J, Neumann AP, Kroker L. [Fractures of the anterolateral tibial rim: The fourth malleolus]. Unfallchirurg 2021;124(03):212-221

It is not yet clear whether the fibula should be temporarily fixed to the tibia but, irrespective of the type of treatment, fixation for six weeks with instructions not to load the injured limb is indicated.22 Gasparova M, Falougy HE, Kubikova E, Almasi J. Isolated "Tillaux" fracture in adulthood: rarity where the key of success is not to miss it. Bratisl Lek Listy 2020;121(08):533-536

Open reduction can be done by anterior or anterolateral approach—it should depend on the extent of the fracture line. Using the anterolateral approach, a second approach to address a medial component is often necessary in more severe injuries. On the other hand, using the anterior approach, the entire anterior portion of the distal tibia is accessible, but the neurovascular bundle is at higher risk both proximally and distally.33 Hickerson LE, Verbeek DO, Klinger CE, Helfet DL. Anterolateral Approach to the Pilon. J Orthop Trauma 2016;30(Suppl 2):S39-S40

Percutaneous fixation techniques have also been described to treat this injury, predominantly among adolescents.88 Feng SM, Sun QQ, Wang AG, Li CK. "All-Inside" Arthroscopic Treatment of Tillaux-Chaput Fractures: Clinical Experience and Outcomes Analysis. J Foot Ankle Surg 2018;57(01):56-59 Arthroscopically assisted fixation technique has been described but no actual literature evidence suggests that this method is overall superior to traditional open reduction.99 Kumar N, Prasad M. Tillaux fracture of the ankle in an adult: a rare injury. J Foot Ankle Surg 2014;53(06):757-758 It represents a more accurate method with treatment possibility of any associated intra-articular pathology and lower risk of infection, bleeding, and biological damage to structures.11 Kose O, Yuksel HY, Guler F, Ege T. Isolated Adult Tillaux Fracture Associated With Volkmann Fracture-A Unique Combination of Injuries: Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature. J Foot Ankle Surg 2016;55(05):1057-1062

As a mainly intra-articular fracture, anatomical reduction, absolute stability, and early mobilization are the most important factors to ensure a better functional outcome.1010 Syed T, Storey P, Rocha R, Kocheta A, Singhai S. Tillaux Fracture in Adult: A Case Report. Ortho J MPC 2020;26(02):95-98. Available from:

Fraturas isoladas de Tillaux em adultos podem ser indicativas de uma lesão sindesmótica no tornozelo. É importante reconhecer e tratar adequadamente essas lesões distintas para evitar maiores instabilidades, alterações degenerativas e limitação da função articular do tornozelo.

Além da rara ocorrência na idade adulta, outra característica dessa fratura é que ela é desafiadora para detectar, sendo facilmente negligenciada. Um diagnóstico precoce e a osteossíntese apropriada desempenham um papel significativo em um prognóstico de recuperação bem-sucedido.

Isolated Tillaux fractures in adults may be indicative of a syndesmotic ankle injury. It is important to recognize and appropriately treat these distinct injuries to prevent further instability, degenerative changes, and ankle joint function limitation.

In addition to the rare occurrence in adulthood, another feature of this fracture is that it is challenging to detect, being easily overlooked. An early diagnosis and appropriate osteosynthesis play a significant role in a successful recovery prognosis.

  • Financial Support
    This study received no financial support from public, commercial or non-profit sources.
  • Study carried out at the Centro Hospitalar do Tâmega e Sousa, Penafiel, Portugal.


  • 1
    Kose O, Yuksel HY, Guler F, Ege T. Isolated Adult Tillaux Fracture Associated With Volkmann Fracture-A Unique Combination of Injuries: Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature. J Foot Ankle Surg 2016;55(05):1057-1062
  • 2
    Gasparova M, Falougy HE, Kubikova E, Almasi J. Isolated "Tillaux" fracture in adulthood: rarity where the key of success is not to miss it. Bratisl Lek Listy 2020;121(08):533-536
  • 3
    Hickerson LE, Verbeek DO, Klinger CE, Helfet DL. Anterolateral Approach to the Pilon. J Orthop Trauma 2016;30(Suppl 2):S39-S40
  • 4
    Oak NR, Sabb BJ, Kadakia AR, Irwin TA. Isolated adult Tillaux fracture: a report of two cases. J Foot Ankle Surg 2014;53(04):489-492
  • 5
    Sharma B, Reddy IS, Meanock C. The adult Tillaux fracture: one not to miss. BMJ Case Rep 2013;2013:bcr2013200105
  • 6
    Rammelt S, Bartoníček J, Neumann AP, Kroker L. [Fractures of the anterolateral tibial rim: The fourth malleolus]. Unfallchirurg 2021;124(03):212-221
  • 7
    Mishra PK, Patidar V, Singh SP. Chaput Tubercle Fracture in an Adult- A Rare Case Report. J Clin Diagn Res 2017;11(03): RD01-RD02
  • 8
    Feng SM, Sun QQ, Wang AG, Li CK. "All-Inside" Arthroscopic Treatment of Tillaux-Chaput Fractures: Clinical Experience and Outcomes Analysis. J Foot Ankle Surg 2018;57(01):56-59
  • 9
    Kumar N, Prasad M. Tillaux fracture of the ankle in an adult: a rare injury. J Foot Ankle Surg 2014;53(06):757-758
  • 10
    Syed T, Storey P, Rocha R, Kocheta A, Singhai S. Tillaux Fracture in Adult: A Case Report. Ortho J MPC 2020;26(02):95-98. Available from:

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    30 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    23 May 2021
  • Accepted
    03 Jan 2022
Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Al. Lorena, 427 14º andar, 01424-000 São Paulo - SP - Brasil, Tel.: 55 11 2137-5400 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil