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The Influence of High Physical Demand on the Occurrence of Major Muscle and Ligament Injuries in Professional Soccer Athletes: A Systematic Review



The present systematic review aimed to investigate the influence of high physical demand on the increase in muscle and ligament injuries in professional soccer athletes.


We analyzed scientific publications to determine the incidences of the main injuries, their causes and mechanisms, and their association with high physical demand. We compared amateur and professional players and assessed the effectiveness of FIFA11+ as a prevention alternative. Searches occurred on Scielo, Pubmed, and Google Scholar databases. The filters were the topic, publication date (last 5 years), and study relevance. The indexing terms were the following: Overuse, Calendar, Injuries, Muscular, Ligament, Athletes, Soccer, Football. We described the main data obtained to compare and analyze the results. This study complied with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement guidelines.


The query resulted in 24 articles published from 2019 to 2023. The high physical demand increased the risk of injuries. Most injuries occurred in the lower limbs. The most common injuries were strains, sprains, contractures, and ligament ruptures. FIFA11+ presented itself as a viable prevention alternative.


We concluded that high physical demand increases the most frequent muscle and ligament injuries in professional soccer players, that is, strains, sprains, contractures, and ligament rupture, suggesting the FIFA11+ program as a prevention alternative.

athletes; knee injuries; muscle, skeletal; soccer/injuries



Esta é uma revisão sistemática que objetivou investigar a influência da alta demanda física no aumento de lesões musculares e ligamentares em atletas profissionais de futebol.


Tratou-se de buscar, por meio da análise de publicações em meios científicos, as incidências das principais lesões, abordando suas causas e mecanismos bem como sua relação com a alta demanda física. Comparamos jogadores amadores (categorias de base) com jogadores profissionais e avaliamos a eficácia do FIFA11+ como alternativa de prevenção. As buscas foram realizadas nas plataformas Scielo, Pubmed e Google Scholar. Os filtros foram de acordo com o tema, data de publicação (últimos 5 anos) e relevância para o estudo. Foram utilizados os seguintes termos de indexação: Overuse, Calendar, Injuries, Muscular, Ligament, Athletes, Soccer, Football. Os principais dados obtidos foram descritos, objetivando a comparação e análise dos resultados. Foram aderidas as recomendações da declaração de Principais Itens para Relatar Revisões Sistemáticas e Metanálises (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, PRISMA).


A pesquisa resultou em 24 artigos, publicados entre 2019 e 2023. Quanto à influência da alta demanda física, observou-se o aumento do risco de lesões. Em relação à incidência, constatou-se a prevalência de lesões nos membros inferiores. Quanto aos tipos de lesões, nota-se que as mais comuns são estiramento, entorse, contratura e rompimento ligamentar. Quanto ao FIFA11 + , apresentou-se como alternativa viável de prevenção.


Concluiu-se que a alta demanda física aumenta a ocorrência das lesões musculares e ligamentares mais frequentes em futebolistas profissionais, que são estiramento, entorse, contratura e rompimento ligamentar, sugerindo-se o programa FIFA11+ como prevenção.

atletas; futebol/lesões; músculo esquelético; traumatismos do joelho


Soccer is one of the most popular sports worldwide. It is played in several countries by individuals from all age groups and both genders. However, professional soccer players present a high incidence of injuries due to the intense physical demand in training and matches throughout the year.11 Almeida PSM, Scotta AP, Pimentel BM, Batista S Junior, Sampaio YR. Incidência de lesão musculoesquelética em jogadores de futebol. Rev Bras Med Esporte 2013;19(02):112–115,22 Ribeiro RN, Vilaça F, Oliveira HU, Vieira LS, Silva AA. Prevalência de lesões no futebol em atletas jovens: estudo comparativo entre diferentes categorias. Rev Bras Educ Fís Esporte 2007;21(03): 189–194

The incidence of sports injuries and their risk factors is a subject of intense debate. The search for good performance and success in sports causes many players to undergo threshold physical effort or beyond their physiological limits, resulting in overload-related injuries.33 Carvalho DA. Lesões ortopédicas nas categorias de formação de um clube de futebol. Rev Bras Ortop 2013;48(01):41–45 Soccer requires a lot of impact from physical contact, short, fast, and discontinuous movements such as acceleration and deceleration, jumps, and sudden directional changes.11 Almeida PSM, Scotta AP, Pimentel BM, Batista S Junior, Sampaio YR. Incidência de lesão musculoesquelética em jogadores de futebol. Rev Bras Med Esporte 2013;19(02):112–115,44 Pedrinelli A, Cunha Filho GAR, Thiele ES, Kullak OP. Estudo epidemiológico das lesões no futebol profissional a Copa América de 2011, Argentina. Rev Bras Ortop 2013;48(02):131–136

It is estimated that soccer accounts for 50 to 60% of sports injuries affecting different muscle groups, mainly in the lower limbs.22 Ribeiro RN, Vilaça F, Oliveira HU, Vieira LS, Silva AA. Prevalência de lesões no futebol em atletas jovens: estudo comparativo entre diferentes categorias. Rev Bras Educ Fís Esporte 2007;21(03): 189–194 Injuries often negatively impact not only the player's quality of life but the team's performance, resulting in strategic and economic losses to the club due to the absence in training and matches.55 Marques J. Lesões em atletas portuguesas de futebol feminino [dissertação]. Rio Maior, Santarém, Portugal:: Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior; 2021

Taking care of the athlete's health and implementing injury prevention strategies are critical to maximize the team's chance of success and the player's professional growth. Therefore, knowledge of injuries emerges as a strategy for developing plans to prevent or minimize them in sports, reducing the losses and unhappiness resulting from players’ absence.66 Drummond FA, Soares DS, Silva HGR, et al. Incidência de lesões em jogadores de futebol-mappingfoot: um estudo de coorte prospectivo. Rev Bras Med Esporte 2021;27(02):189–194,77 Batista EAS, Costa MJM. Prevalência de lesões musculoesqueléticas entre atletas de futebol na cidade de Teresina-PI. RBFF 2019; 11(46):578–586

The growth of national and international competitions, especially with the increase in the number of official matches, makes it critical to know about the different types of injuries that affect soccer players the most with the goal of prophylaxis as well as taking care of the athlete's health and safety.6 Therefore, this study aimed to investigate and address the influence of high physical demand on the incidence of the main muscle and ligament injuries in professional soccer players.

Materials and Methods

We conducted this study according to the guidelines for systematic reviews, whose goal is to examine and discuss articles published on a determined topic.88 Lima WP, Silva PRD, Cunha Filho JAC. Lesões em atletas de futebol de campo: um estudo teórico. Vita et Sanitas 2022;16 (01):64–76 The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were followed.

The present study is a systematic review. The review had six stages: 1) identification of the topic and selection of the research question; 2) establishment of criteria for literature search and study inclusion and exclusion; 3) definition of the information to be extracted from the selected studies; 4) study categorization; 5) evaluation of studies included in the integrative review and their interpretation; and 6) review presentation.

The first stage used the Patient, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcome (PICO) strategy to define the following research question: "Does high physical demand have an influence in the increase of major muscle and ligament injuries occurrence in professional soccer players?" In this question, P refers to professional soccer players, I is high physical demand, C is regular physical demand, and O refers to increased occurrence.

We searched for articles about the intended outcome to answer this question using the terminologies registered in the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) created by the Virtual Health Library and developed by the Medical Subject Headings of the U.S. National Library of Medicine, allowing the use of common terminology in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. The descriptors included Overuse, Calendar, Injuries, Ligament, Muscular, Athletes, Football, and Soccer. Keyword crossing used the Boolean operators and, or, and not.

The bibliographic survey occurred through electronic searches in the following databases: Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), National Library of Medicine (PubMed), and Google Scholar.

The search took place in September 2023. For inclusion criteria, there was no language limitation, considering articles in English and Portuguese published in the last 5 years (from 2019–2023) about the topic and available electronically in its full format. Articles that did not meet the inclusion criteria were excluded.


We identified a total of 315 studies. The time interval filter (2019–2023) application resulted in 157 articles for further investigation, according to the established exclusion criteria, generating a sample of 54 publications for complete reading. Of these 54 studies, we excluded 30 because they were irrelevant to the present study. The final sample for this review consisted of 24 articles. The flowchart (Fig. 1) demonstrates this paper selection process.

Fig. 1
Study selection flowchart.

We tabulated the selected studies (Table 1)55 Marques J. Lesões em atletas portuguesas de futebol feminino [dissertação]. Rio Maior, Santarém, Portugal:: Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior; 2021,66 Drummond FA, Soares DS, Silva HGR, et al. Incidência de lesões em jogadores de futebol-mappingfoot: um estudo de coorte prospectivo. Rev Bras Med Esporte 2021;27(02):189–194,88 Lima WP, Silva PRD, Cunha Filho JAC. Lesões em atletas de futebol de campo: um estudo teórico. Vita et Sanitas 2022;16 (01):64–76

9 Castelo DKF, Mendes LCS, Deus MBB, et al. Lesões no futebol profissional: uma revisão sistemática. In: Soares WD, Finelli LAC, orgs. Educacão física escolar: múltiplos olhares. Guarujá, SP: Editora Cientifica Digital; 2022:76–87

10 Silva WM, Bernaldino ES, Fileni CHP, et al. Incidência de lesões musculoesqueléticas em jogadores de futebol profissional no Brasil. Rev Centro Pesq Avanç Qual Vida 2019;11(03):1–13

11 Teixeira LS, Araújo GSS, Sobrinho HMR. Análise epidemiológica de lesões em atletas profissionais de futebol em dois clubes de futebol de Goiânia-GO. RBFF 2021;13(52):31–38

12 Allah OMRD. Fisioterapia nas lesões de entorse de tornozelo em jogadores de futebol: uma revisão de literatura [TCC]. Tubarão: Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina;; 2022

13 Ribeiro LAO, Penaforte CL, Costa CRC. A abordagem fisioterapêutica na entorse lateral de tornozelo: uma revisão de literatura. Buritis: Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte; 2022

14 Meneses DNFF. Lesões desportivas em atletas de futsal: uma revisão sistemática da literatura [disstertação]. Portugal: Universidade Beira Interior; 2021

15 Feitoza Neto JT, Simiema GC, Souza THS, et al. Injuries to the knee structures in soccer. Res Soc Develop 2021;10(14):1–11

16 Farias MC. Aplicabilidade dos exercícios de força na prevenção e reabilitação das lesões musculares grau I e II em jogadores de futebol de elite [monografia]. Paripiranga: Centro Universitário AGES; 2021

17 Zhang Yu, Wang Bo. Sports injuries in professional soccer players. Rev Bras Med Esporte 2023;29(01):1–4

18 Silva TSL, Silveira TS, Fortino E. Atuação do fisioterapeuta com jogadores que tiveram lesões no ligamento cruzado anterior. Rev Pesperctiva Ciênc Saúde (Porto Alegre) 2020;5(03):96–104

19 Borba JCM. Critérios de retorno ao futebol após a cirurgia de reconstrução do ligamento anterior: uma revisão de literatura [monografia]. Belo Horizonte: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; 2021

20 Sousa JVP. Pliometria na prevenção de lesão de ligamento cruzado anterior em atletas de futebol: uma revisão integrativa de literatura {TCC]. João Pessoa: Centro Universitário de João Pessoa;; 2021

21 Choriyev DI. Planning And Organizing Training of Football Players. Am J Soc Sci Educ Innovat 2021;3(07):9–14

22 Jones S, Almousa S, Gibb A, et al. Injury incidence, prevalence and severity in high-level male youth football: a systematic review. Sports Med 2019;49(12):1879–1899

23 Pfirrmann D, Herbst M, Ingelfinger P, Simon P, Tug S. Analysis of Injury Incidences in Male Professional Adult and Elite Youth Soccer Players: A Systematic Review. J Athl Train 2016;51(05): 410–424

24 Cezarino LG, Grüninger BLDS, Scattone Silva R. Injury Profile in a Brazilian First-Division Youth Soccer Team: A Prospective Study. J Athl Train 2020;55(03):295–302

25 Yang J, Wang Y, Chen J, et al. Effects of the "FIFA11 + Kids" Program on Injury Prevention in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022;19(19): 12044

26 Al Attar WSA, Bizzini M, Alzahrani H, et al. The FIFA 11 + Kids Injury Prevention Program Reduces Injury Rates Among Male Children Soccer Players: A Clustered Randomized Controlled Trial. Sports Health 2023;15(03):397–409

27 Pinto J, Direito-Santos B, Lobo R, Gustavo D, Carvalho P. FIFA 11 + para a Prevenção de Lesões em Jogadores de Futebol: Revisão sistemática. Rev Med Desp Informa 2021;12(02):22–25. Disponível em:

28 Materne O, Chamari K, Farooq A, et al. Injury incidence and burden in a youth elite football academy: a four-season prospective study of 551 players aged from under 9 to under 19 years. Br J Sports Med 2021;55(09):493–500
-2929 Aiello F, Impellizzeri FM, Brown SJ, Serner A, McCall A. Injury-Inciting Activities in Male and Female Football Players: A Systematic Review. Sports Med 2023;53(01):151–176 including authors’ names and year of publication, type of article, title, study objective, and main findings.

Table 1
Articles included in the systematic review

Of the 24 articles selected, 16 were systematic reviews, 3 were field research, 3 were prospective studies, 1 was a systematic review and meta-analysis, and 1 was a clinical trial. However, they all address the main theme: the occurrence of sports injuries in soccer players. The authors’ main objectives included investigating the prevalence of different types of injuries (looking for the most common ones), the different incidences of injuries in amateur (base categories) and professional players, the effectiveness of the FIFA11+ program as a preventive alternative and understanding the influence of risk factors and mechanisms for the occurrence of certain types of injury.


Influence of High Physical Demand

Functional Capacity

The functional capacity of the player is paramount because of the significant difference between professional and amateur athletes. Each age group requires different training strategies, with distinct loads, intensity of physical activity, exercise duration, and appropriate selection for each category.

The stratification of the sport modality and the variables from each athlete provide indications, such as ball techniques and game tactics, for players aged 8 to 11 years old, and individual preparation with an emphasis on movement speed, resistance, agility, and flexibility for players aged 12 to 17. This stratification highlights the role of grading intensity as age advances to preserve the athlete's physical health up to the professional level. Otherwise, the lack of planning, with exaggerated demands, may expose these players to greater chances of injuries.2121 Choriyev DI. Planning And Organizing Training of Football Players. Am J Soc Sci Educ Innovat 2021;3(07):9–14

Comparison of Amateur and Professional Players

Analyzing the incidence rate of injuries in high-level youth soccer, we noted an influence of advancing age, as older athletes have higher incidence rates. Among these injuries, 20% are severe, and result in absence for at least 28 days.2222 Jones S, Almousa S, Gibb A, et al. Injury incidence, prevalence and severity in high-level male youth football: a systematic review. Sports Med 2019;49(12):1879–1899

This analysis is consistent with the fact that professional match calendars are more competitive and require greater physical demand compared with base (amateur) athletes. The higher frequency of short breaks between official matches, training intensity, time zone variation affecting rest, and the distinct climates from different locations, among other details, generate a set of factors contributing to higher physical wear and tear in professional players.

Younger athletes from base categories have a less intense calendar, with greater chances of preventing overload-related muscle and ligament injuries, partially explaining the different injury incidences. However, when comparing younger players from sub-9 and sub-19 categories, the latter presented high injury incidence rates due to the increasing training intensity and frequency of championship matches. Therefore, we infer that the higher intensity and match frequency, with no proper physical preparation, are risk factors for injuries even in young athletes.2828 Materne O, Chamari K, Farooq A, et al. Injury incidence and burden in a youth elite football academy: a four-season prospective study of 551 players aged from under 9 to under 19 years. Br J Sports Med 2021;55(09):493–500

Furthermore, this data demonstrates that the transition from amateur (base categories) to professional category, following the same notion of advancing age, could be a risk factor for the higher incidence rate in these athletes.

Training and Matches

The high physical demand for high-performance athletes increases the chance of injuries, more so in matches than in training sessions. Meanwhile, younger (amateur) players presented a higher incidence of injuries in training than in official matches.2323 Pfirrmann D, Herbst M, Ingelfinger P, Simon P, Tug S. Analysis of Injury Incidences in Male Professional Adult and Elite Youth Soccer Players: A Systematic Review. J Athl Train 2016;51(05): 410–424 Moreover, groups with an age range closer to the professional category suffered more injuries than the others. For instance, a sub-20 player group had injury rates similar to professional players, especially in matches than in training, while the sub-17 group had a higher injury rate during training.2424 Cezarino LG, Grüninger BLDS, Scattone Silva R. Injury Profile in a Brazilian First-Division Youth Soccer Team: A Prospective Study. J Athl Train 2020;55(03):295–302 This relationship is justified by the higher number of matches in the calendars of older age groups, which also happens in the transition from youth categories to professional soccer.

This information demonstrates that the load evolution during the athlete's progress to the professional category, if not balanced, has a strong relationship with the occurrence of injuries caused by the high physical demand in their training routine and matches.

Main Injuries

Injuries in soccer players, whether amateurs or professionals, mainly occur in the lower limbs. A study with male athletes competing in a regional soccer tournament investigated the incidence and prevalence of injuries and found that the lower limbs are more affected than other parts of the body, representing 86.9% of injuries.66 Drummond FA, Soares DS, Silva HGR, et al. Incidência de lesões em jogadores de futebol-mappingfoot: um estudo de coorte prospectivo. Rev Bras Med Esporte 2021;27(02):189–194 Another author had consistent results, noting that 85.5% of the identified injuries affected the same anatomical region.55 Marques J. Lesões em atletas portuguesas de futebol feminino [dissertação]. Rio Maior, Santarém, Portugal:: Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior; 2021 The lower limbs are the most required in soccer, explaining the higher frequency of injuries in this area.88 Lima WP, Silva PRD, Cunha Filho JAC. Lesões em atletas de futebol de campo: um estudo teórico. Vita et Sanitas 2022;16 (01):64–76

The most common injury type includes muscular strains, mostly affecting the semitendinosus, biceps femoris, and gastrocnemius.66 Drummond FA, Soares DS, Silva HGR, et al. Incidência de lesões em jogadores de futebol-mappingfoot: um estudo de coorte prospectivo. Rev Bras Med Esporte 2021;27(02):189–194,99 Castelo DKF, Mendes LCS, Deus MBB, et al. Lesões no futebol profissional: uma revisão sistemática. In: Soares WD, Finelli LAC, orgs. Educacão física escolar: múltiplos olhares. Guarujá, SP: Editora Cientifica Digital; 2022:76–87

10 Silva WM, Bernaldino ES, Fileni CHP, et al. Incidência de lesões musculoesqueléticas em jogadores de futebol profissional no Brasil. Rev Centro Pesq Avanç Qual Vida 2019;11(03):1–13
-1111 Teixeira LS, Araújo GSS, Sobrinho HMR. Análise epidemiológica de lesões em atletas profissionais de futebol em dois clubes de futebol de Goiânia-GO. RBFF 2021;13(52):31–38 Strain results from fiber stretching beyond the physiological limits. It occurs during extravagant muscle contractions, such as rapid acceleration and deceleration, predisposing the player to an increased injury rate, with excess muscle tone as a major risk factor.1010 Silva WM, Bernaldino ES, Fileni CHP, et al. Incidência de lesões musculoesqueléticas em jogadores de futebol profissional no Brasil. Rev Centro Pesq Avanç Qual Vida 2019;11(03):1–13

Although with a lower incidence, studies also mentioned other injuries, including sprains, contractures, and ligament ruptures. A sprain is a traumatic ligament injury affecting joint ligaments, particularly the ankle. In this injury, the main ligaments involved include the deltoid, anterior talofibular, and posterior talofibular. This type of trauma results from sudden movements, as small, repetitive injuries due to excessive activity can increase ligament fragility. The mechanism of this injury mainly results from plantar flexion during foot inversion, leading to a complete or partial rupture of the lateral ligaments.1212 Allah OMRD. Fisioterapia nas lesões de entorse de tornozelo em jogadores de futebol: uma revisão de literatura [TCC]. Tubarão: Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina;; 2022,1313 Ribeiro LAO, Penaforte CL, Costa CRC. A abordagem fisioterapêutica na entorse lateral de tornozelo: uma revisão de literatura. Buritis: Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte; 2022 Knee sprains are also common in soccer due to valgus torsion, that is, when the knee is directed sharply to the inside and the foot remains fixed. In this case, in addition to ligament lesions, meniscus injuries may occur.1414 Meneses DNFF. Lesões desportivas em atletas de futsal: uma revisão sistemática da literatura [disstertação]. Portugal: Universidade Beira Interior; 2021,1515 Feitoza Neto JT, Simiema GC, Souza THS, et al. Injuries to the knee structures in soccer. Res Soc Develop 2021;10(14):1–11

Contracture results from an incorrect muscle contraction with no return to its regular relaxation state. Contractures occur due to lactic acid accumulation from anaerobic respiration after excessive overload.1616 Farias MC. Aplicabilidade dos exercícios de força na prevenção e reabilitação das lesões musculares grau I e II em jogadores de futebol de elite [monografia]. Paripiranga: Centro Universitário AGES; 2021 Muscles damaged by this injury include the semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris. Soccer players are more susceptible to contractures, especially in the quadriceps, posterior thigh, gastrocnemius, and soleus, mainly from fatigue.99 Castelo DKF, Mendes LCS, Deus MBB, et al. Lesões no futebol profissional: uma revisão sistemática. In: Soares WD, Finelli LAC, orgs. Educacão física escolar: múltiplos olhares. Guarujá, SP: Editora Cientifica Digital; 2022:76–87,1616 Farias MC. Aplicabilidade dos exercícios de força na prevenção e reabilitação das lesões musculares grau I e II em jogadores de futebol de elite [monografia]. Paripiranga: Centro Universitário AGES; 2021,1717 Zhang Yu, Wang Bo. Sports injuries in professional soccer players. Rev Bras Med Esporte 2023;29(01):1–4,2929 Aiello F, Impellizzeri FM, Brown SJ, Serner A, McCall A. Injury-Inciting Activities in Male and Female Football Players: A Systematic Review. Sports Med 2023;53(01):151–176

Ligament tears depend on the performed movement and mainly affect the anterior and posterior cruciate ligament. Anterior cruciate ligament injury, for instance, is common in athletes due to knee rotation with a fixed foot (facilitated by shoe cleats) and valgus stress in a deceleration movement, abrupt directional change, or both.1818 Silva TSL, Silveira TS, Fortino E. Atuação do fisioterapeuta com jogadores que tiveram lesões no ligamento cruzado anterior. Rev Pesperctiva Ciênc Saúde (Porto Alegre) 2020;5(03):96–104,1919 Borba JCM. Critérios de retorno ao futebol após a cirurgia de reconstrução do ligamento anterior: uma revisão de literatura [monografia]. Belo Horizonte: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; 2021 This injury can disrupt knee integrity and functionality in the long term and be irreversible; therefore, it accounts for many early retirements of soccer players.2020 Sousa JVP. Pliometria na prevenção de lesão de ligamento cruzado anterior em atletas de futebol: uma revisão integrativa de literatura {TCC]. João Pessoa: Centro Universitário de João Pessoa;; 2021 The anterior talofibular ligament suffers injuries by excessive lateralization when walking on uneven surfaces.

FIFA11+ Prevention Program

The FIFA11+ prevention program had significantly better outcomes than the regular warm-up. As functional capacity influences the risk of injuries, athletes under 15 years old are more susceptible to them because of their lower physical development; as a result, a high physical demand can overload these players.2525 Yang J, Wang Y, Chen J, et al. Effects of the "FIFA11 + Kids" Program on Injury Prevention in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022;19(19): 12044

FIFA11+ considerably reduced injuries in commonly affected areas, including the knee, leg, and ankle. A special reduction occurred in contact, non-contact, and excessive use injuries.2626 Al Attar WSA, Bizzini M, Alzahrani H, et al. The FIFA 11 + Kids Injury Prevention Program Reduces Injury Rates Among Male Children Soccer Players: A Clustered Randomized Controlled Trial. Sports Health 2023;15(03):397–409

As for professional players, FIFA11+ led to less impressive outcomes due to the competition calendar, short breaks between matches, and the highly physically demanding routine. However, it improved variables critical for good performance, such as the athlete's dynamic postural control.2727 Pinto J, Direito-Santos B, Lobo R, Gustavo D, Carvalho P. FIFA 11 + para a Prevenção de Lesões em Jogadores de Futebol: Revisão sistemática. Rev Med Desp Informa 2021;12(02):22–25. Disponível em:

Final Considerations

The high physical demand influences an increase in the occurrence of muscle and ligament injuries in professional soccer players. Considering functional capacity, the increased intensity in the transition between base and professional categories, and the amount of training and competition calendars of official matches in professional soccer are relevant factors. The lower limbs are the most affected, and the most prevalent injuries include strains, sprains, contractures, and ligament ruptures.

Given the propensity for soccer injuries, it is critical to implement preventive interventions to care for the athletes’ health. In this sense, we recommend FIFA 11+ or another customized method developed by the medical department of each club, taking into account individual features. These programs may reduce collective performance losses and health expenses.

Further studies are required to address the effects of the exacerbated routine of professional athletes and improve the performance and physical health of each player to increase the success in preventing injuries.

  • Financial Support

    The authors declare that the present study did not receive financial support from public, commercial, or not-forprofit sources.
  • Work carried out at the Centro Universitário de Patos de Minas (UNIPAM), Patos de Minas, MG, Brazil


  • 1
    Almeida PSM, Scotta AP, Pimentel BM, Batista S Junior, Sampaio YR. Incidência de lesão musculoesquelética em jogadores de futebol. Rev Bras Med Esporte 2013;19(02):112–115
  • 2
    Ribeiro RN, Vilaça F, Oliveira HU, Vieira LS, Silva AA. Prevalência de lesões no futebol em atletas jovens: estudo comparativo entre diferentes categorias. Rev Bras Educ Fís Esporte 2007;21(03): 189–194
  • 3
    Carvalho DA. Lesões ortopédicas nas categorias de formação de um clube de futebol. Rev Bras Ortop 2013;48(01):41–45
  • 4
    Pedrinelli A, Cunha Filho GAR, Thiele ES, Kullak OP. Estudo epidemiológico das lesões no futebol profissional a Copa América de 2011, Argentina. Rev Bras Ortop 2013;48(02):131–136
  • 5
    Marques J. Lesões em atletas portuguesas de futebol feminino [dissertação]. Rio Maior, Santarém, Portugal:: Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior; 2021
  • 6
    Drummond FA, Soares DS, Silva HGR, et al. Incidência de lesões em jogadores de futebol-mappingfoot: um estudo de coorte prospectivo. Rev Bras Med Esporte 2021;27(02):189–194
  • 7
    Batista EAS, Costa MJM. Prevalência de lesões musculoesqueléticas entre atletas de futebol na cidade de Teresina-PI. RBFF 2019; 11(46):578–586
  • 8
    Lima WP, Silva PRD, Cunha Filho JAC. Lesões em atletas de futebol de campo: um estudo teórico. Vita et Sanitas 2022;16 (01):64–76
  • 9
    Castelo DKF, Mendes LCS, Deus MBB, et al. Lesões no futebol profissional: uma revisão sistemática. In: Soares WD, Finelli LAC, orgs. Educacão física escolar: múltiplos olhares. Guarujá, SP: Editora Cientifica Digital; 2022:76–87
  • 10
    Silva WM, Bernaldino ES, Fileni CHP, et al. Incidência de lesões musculoesqueléticas em jogadores de futebol profissional no Brasil. Rev Centro Pesq Avanç Qual Vida 2019;11(03):1–13
  • 11
    Teixeira LS, Araújo GSS, Sobrinho HMR. Análise epidemiológica de lesões em atletas profissionais de futebol em dois clubes de futebol de Goiânia-GO. RBFF 2021;13(52):31–38
  • 12
    Allah OMRD. Fisioterapia nas lesões de entorse de tornozelo em jogadores de futebol: uma revisão de literatura [TCC]. Tubarão: Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina;; 2022
  • 13
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    23 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    31 July 2023
  • Accepted
    06 Nov 2024
  • Published
    13 May 2024
Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Al. Lorena, 427 14º andar, 01424-000 São Paulo - SP - Brasil, Tel.: 55 11 2137-5400 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil