Open-access Effect of isopregnanolone on rapid tolerance to the anxiolytic effect of ethanol

Influência da isopregnenolona na tolerância rápida ao efeito ansiolítico do etanol

OBJETIVE: It has been shown that neurosteroids can either block or stimulate the development of chronic and rapid tolerance to the incoordination and hypothermia caused by ethanol consumption. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of isopregnanolone on the development of rapid tolerance to the anxiolytic effect of ethanol in mice. METHOD: Male Swiss mice were pretreated with isopregnanolone (0.05, 0.10 or 0.20 mg/kg) 30 min before administration of ethanol (1.5 g/kg). Twenty-four hours later, all animals we tested using the plus-maze apparatus. The first experiment defined the doses of ethanol that did or did not induce rapid tolerance to the anxiolytic effect of ethanol. In the second, the influence of pretreatment of mice with isopregnanolone (0.05, 0.10 or 0.20 mg/kg) on rapid tolerance to ethanol (1.5 g/kg) was studied. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that pretreatment with isopregnanolone interfered with the development of rapid tolerance to the anxiolytic effect of ethanol.

Ethanol; Drug tolerance; Anti-anxiety agents; Mice; Alcoholism

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